Classes | Namespaces | Files
Module rtslam

Detailed Description

Joan Solà, jsola@laas.fr
Cyril Roussillon, croussil@laas.fr
Aurélien Gonzalez, agonzale@laas.fr
Nicolas Mansard, nmansard@laas.fr
Jean-Marie Codol, jmcodol@laas.fr


This module implements real-time single-map EKF-SLAM based on an active-search architecture.

It supports the coexistence of multiple robots, multiple sensors, and multiple landmark types.

It is initially conceived for vision sensors (cameras), although this is not a constraint.

Developers guide



Jafar modules: kernel image jmath correl (qdisplay gdhe)

Libs: boost opencv (qt4 viam MTI)

Tcl and Ruby interface

The interface of the module is generated by swig from the following files:

Reference manual


class  jafar::rtslam::ActiveSearchGrid
 Active search tesselation grid. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ActiveSegmentSearchGrid
 Active search tesselation grid for segments. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::AppearanceImagePoint
 Appearence for matching rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::DataManagerAbstract
class  jafar::rtslam::DataManagerOnePointRansac< RawSpec, SensorSpec, FeatureSpec, RoiSpec, FeatureManagerSpec, DetectorSpec, MatcherSpec >
 This class implements the one-point-Ransac ActiveSearch strategy. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::DisplayDataAbstract
 ************************************************************************** This is the base class for objects that will store display data for a viewer More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::WorldDisplay
 ************************************************************************** More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::MapDisplay
 ************************************************************************** More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::RobotDisplay
 ************************************************************************** This is the base class for robot objects that will store display data for a viewer. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::SensorDisplay
 ************************************************************************** This is the base class for sensor objects that will store display data for a viewer. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::LandmarkDisplay
 ************************************************************************** This is the base class for landmark objects that will store display data for a viewer. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::display::ObservationDisplay
 ************************************************************************** This is the base class for observation objects that will store display data for a viewer. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::Expectation
 Base class for all Gaussian expectations defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::FeatureAbstract
 Base class for all landmark appearances defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::FeatureImagePoint
 Base class for all landmark appearances defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::Gaussian
 Class for Gaussians having LOCAL or REMOTE storage. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::hardware::HardwareSensorAbstract< T >
 Generic implementation of hardware sensor based on ring buffer. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::Innovation
 Base class for all Gaussian innovations defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ExtendedKalmanFilterIndirect
 Base class for Kalman filters. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::LandmarkAbstract
 Base class for all landmarks defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPoint
 Class for anchored homogeneous 3D points. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine
 Class for Anchored homogeneous points lines. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::LandmarkEuclideanPoint
 Class for Euclidean 3D points. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::MapAbstract
 Base class for all map types defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::MapObject
 Class for generic mappable objects. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::Measurement
 Base class for all Gaussian measurements defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ObjectAbstract
 Class for generic objects in rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract
 Base class for all observations defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPoint
 Class for Pin-Hole observations of Anchored Homogeneous 3D points. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine
 Class for Pin-Hole observations of Lines based on Anchored Homogeneous 3D points. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::ObservationPinHoleEuclideanPoint
 Class for Pin-Hole observations of Euclidean 3D points. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::Perturbation
 Base class for all Gaussian perturbation vectors defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::QuickHarrisDetector
 Quick Harris detector class. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RawImage
 Class for image. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RobotAbstract
 Base class for all robots defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RobotCenteredConstantVelocity
 RobotCentric Constant velocity model robot class. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RobotConstantMotionModel< LIN_ORDER, ANG_ORDER >
 Constant velocity model robot class. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RobotConstantVelocity
 Constant velocity model robot class. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RobotOdometry
 Odometry motion model robot class. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::RtslamException
 Base class for all exceptions defined in the module rtslam. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorAbsloc
 Class for absolute localization sensors (gps, motion capture...) For now we assume that we have at least one reading before images and that is is very precise. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorAbstract
 Base class for all types of sensors. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorProprioAbstract
 Base class for proprioceptive sensors (that directly observe the state of the robot) (IMU, odometry, GPS, movement models ...) More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorProprioPredictorAbstract
 Base class for proprioceptive sensors that can be used for filter prediction step. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorExteroAbstract
 Base class for exteroceptive sensors (that need to map the environment) (cameras, lasers, ...) More...
struct  jafar::rtslam::SensorImageParameters
 Structure containing all non-extrinsic parameters of a camera. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorManagerAbstract
 Base class for sensors managers, that decide which data of which sensor should be integrated in the filter next. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorManagerOffline
 This sensors manager is made for offline processing. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorManagerOnline
 This sensor managers tries to integrate several sensors according to their policy (all or latest) More...
class  jafar::rtslam::SensorPinhole
 Class for pin-hole cameras. More...
class  jafar::rtslam::WorldAbstract
 Base class for all world types defined in the module rtslam. More...


namespace  jafar::rtslam::lmkAHPL

Namespace for operations on Anchored Homogeneous Points Lines.

namespace  jafar::rtslam::lmkAHP

Namespace for operations on Anchored Homogeneous Points.

namespace  jafar::rtslam

Namespace rtslam for real-time slam module.

namespace  jafar::rtslam::pinhole

Namespace for operations related to the pin-hole model of a camera.

namespace  jafar::rtslam::quaternion

Namespace for quaternion algebra functions.


file  activeSearch.hpp

Active search detection and matching for points.

file  activeSegmentSearch.hpp

Active search detection and matching for segments.

file  ahplTools.hpp
file  ahpTools.hpp
file  appearanceAbstract.hpp
file  appearanceImage.hpp
file  dataManagerAbstract.hpp
file  dataManagerActiveSearch.hpp
file  dataManagerActiveSearch.impl.hpp
file  dataManagerOnePointRansac.hpp
file  dataManagerOnePointRansac.impl.hpp
file  descriptorAbstract.hpp
file  descriptorImagePoint.hpp
file  display_example.hpp
file  display_gdhe.hpp
file  display_qt.hpp
file  expectation.hpp
file  exporterAbstract.hpp

Header file for exporting state.

file  exporterAbstract.hpp

Header file for exporting state.

file  featureAbstract.hpp

File defining the abstract feature.

file  featurePoint.hpp
file  featureSegment.hpp

File defining the segment feature.

file  gaussian.hpp
file  hardwareEstimatorAbstract.hpp

Header file for hardware robots.

file  hardwareEstimatorOdo.hpp

Header file for hardware odometry robots.

file  hardwareSensorAbstract.hpp

Header file for hardware sensors.

file  hardwareSensorAdhocSimulator.hpp

Interface between the slam and the ad-hoc simulator.

file  hardwareSensorCameraFirewire.hpp

Header file for getting data from a firewire camera.

file  hardwareSensorCameraFirewire.hpp

Header file for getting data from a firewire camera.

file  hardwareSensorExternalLoc.hpp

Header file for getting external localization from another agent.

file  hardwareSensorGpsGenom.hpp

Header file for getting data from the genom gps module.

file  hardwareSensorInertialAdhocSimulator.hpp

Header file inertial simulation : WIP.

file  hardwareSensorGpsGenom.hpp

Header file for getting data from the genom gps module.

file  hardwareSensorMti.hpp

Header file for hardware robots.

file  hardwareSensorOdomRmp400Genom.hpp

Header file for getting odometry data from the rmp400 module.

file  historyManager.hpp
file  imageTools.hpp
file  innovation.hpp
file  kalmanTools.hpp
file  landmarkAbstract.hpp
file  landmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPoint.hpp
file  landmarkEuclideanPoint.hpp
file  landmarkFactory.hpp
file  mapAbstract.hpp
file  mapObject.hpp
file  measurement.hpp
file  objectAbstract.hpp

Header file for abstract objects.

file  observationAbstract.hpp

File defining the abstract observation class.

file  observationFactory.hpp

Header file for observation factories.

file  observationMakers.hpp

Header file for observation makers (atoms of the obs factory).

file  observationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneous.hpp

Header file for observations of Anchored Homogeneous Points (AHP) from pin-hole cameras.

file  observationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine.hpp

Header file for observations of Anchored Homogeneous Points Lines (AHPL) from pin-hole cameras.

file  observationPinHoleEuclideanPoint.hpp
file  parents.hpp
file  perturbation.hpp

## Add brief description here ##

file  pinholeTools.hpp
file  quatTools.hpp

File defining geometric operations with quaternions.

file  quickHarrisDetector.hpp
file  rawAbstract.hpp

File defining the abstract raw-data class.

file  rawImage.hpp
file  rawProcessors.hpp

Some wrappers to raw processors to be used generically.

file  rawProcessors.hpp

Some wrappers to raw processors to be used generically.

file  robotAbstract.hpp
file  robotCenteredConstantVelocity.hpp

Header file for the robot with robot centered constant velocity motion model.

file  robotConstantVelocity.hpp

Header file for the robot with constant velocity motion model.

file  robotInertial.hpp
file  robotOdometry.hpp

Header file for robot with odometry motion model.

file  rtSlam.hpp

This file defines general typedefs and material for the whole rtslam project.

file  sensorAbsloc.hpp

Header file for absolute localisation sensors (gps, motion capture...)

file  sensorAbstract.hpp

Header file for the abstract sensor.

file  sensorImageParameters.hpp
file  sensorManager.hpp

Header file for the sensor managers, that decide which data of which sensor should be integrated in the filter in which order.

file  sensorPinhole.hpp

Header file for pin-hole sensor.

file  simuData.hpp

All the data objects that will be used by real slam when doing simulation.

file  simulator.hpp

Simulator This is part of the ad-hoc simulator.

file  simulatorObjects.hpp

All the objects to simulate a real physical object (robot, sensor...) They contain the true state.

file  simuRawProcessors.hpp

Raw processors for simulation.

file  spaceGrid.hpp

Header file.

file  visibilityMap.hpp
file  worldAbstract.hpp
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

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