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pinholeTools.hpp File Reference

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namespace  jafar

Transport info from GDAL Datasets to Bands' internal data.

namespace  jafar::rtslam

Namespace rtslam for real-time slam module.

namespace  jafar::rtslam::pinhole

Namespace for operations related to the pin-hole model of a camera.


template<class V >
vec2 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPointToNormalizedPlane (const V &v)
 Pin-hole canonical projection.
template<class V , class P >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPointToNormalizedPlane (const V &v, P &up, double &dist)
 Pin-hole canonical projection.
template<class V , class U , class MU_v >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPointToNormalizedPlane (const V &v, U &up, MU_v &UP_v)
 Pin-hole canonical projection, with jacobian.
template<class V , class U , class MU_v >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPointToNormalizedPlane (const V &v, U &up, double &dist, MU_v &UP_v)
 Pin-hole canonical projection, distance and with jacobian.
template<class U >
vec3 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::backprojectPointFromNormalizedPlane (const U &u, double depth=1)
 Canonical back-projection.
template<class U , class P , class MP_u , class MP_depth >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::backprojectPointFromNormalizedPlane (const U &u, const double depth, P &p, MP_u &P_u, MP_depth &P_depth)
 Canonical back-projection.
template<class VD >
double jafar::rtslam::pinhole::distortFactor (const VD &d, double r2)
 Distortion factor for the model s = 1 + d_0 * r^2 + d_1 * r^4 + d_2 * r^6 + ...
template<class VD , class VU >
jblas::vec2 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::distortPoint (const VD &d, const VU &up, double r2max)
 Radial distortion: ud = (1 + d_0 * r^2 + d_1 * r^4 + d_2 * r^6 + etc) * u.
template<class VD , class VUp , class VUd , class MUD_up >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::distortPoint (const VD &d, const VUp &up, VUd &ud, double r2max, MUD_up &UD_up)
 Radial distortion: ud = (1 + d_0 * r^2 + d_1 * r^4 + d_2 * r^6 + etc) * u, with jacobians.
template<class VC , class VU >
jblas::vec2 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::undistortPoint (const VC &c, const VU &ud)
template<class VC , class VUd , class VUp , class MUP_ud >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::undistortPoint (const VC &c, const VUd &ud, VUp &up, MUP_ud &UP_ud)
template<class VK , class VU >
jblas::vec2 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::pixellizePoint (const VK &k, const VU &ud)
 Pixellization from k = [u_0, v_0, a_u, a_v].
template<class VK , class VUd , class VU , class MU_ud >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::pixellizePoint (const VK &k, const VUd &ud, VU &u, MU_ud &U_ud)
 Pixellization from k = [u_0, v_0, a_u, a_v] with jacobians.
template<class VK , class VU >
jblas::vec2 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::depixellizePoint (const VK &k, const VU &u)
 Depixellization from k = [u_0, v_0, a_u, a_v].
template<class VK , class VUd , class VU , class MUD_u >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::depixellizePoint (const VK &k, const VU &u, VUd &ud, MUD_u &UD_u)
 Depixellization from k = [u_0, v_0, a_u, a_v], with Jacobians.
template<class VK , class VD , class V >
vec2 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPoint (const VK &k, const VD &d, const V &v, double r2max)
 Project a point into a pin-hole camera with radial distortion.
template<class VK , class VD , class V , class U >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPoint (const VK &k, const VD &d, const V &v, U &u, double r2max, double &dist)
 Project a point into a pin-hole camera with radial distortion.
template<class VK , class VD , class V , class VU , class MU_v >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPoint (const VK &k, const VD &d, const V &v, VU &u, double r2max, MU_v &U_v)
 Project a point into a pin-hole camera with radial distortion.
template<class VK , class VD , class V , class VU , class MU_v >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::projectPoint (const VK &k, const VD &d, const V &v, VU &u, double r2max, double &dist, MU_v &U_v)
 Project a point into a pin-hole camera with radial distortion.
template<class VK , class VC , class U >
vec3 jafar::rtslam::pinhole::backprojectPoint (const VK &k, const VC &c, const U &u, const double depth=1.0)
 Back-Project a point from a pin-hole camera with radial distortion.
template<class VK , class VC , class U , class P , class MP_u , class MP_depth >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::backProjectPoint (const VK &k, const VC &c, const U &u, double depth, P &p, MP_u &P_u, MP_depth &P_depth)
 Back-Project a point from a pin-hole camera with radial distortion; give Jacobians.
template<class VPix >
bool jafar::rtslam::pinhole::isInRoi (const VPix &pix, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height)
 Determine if a pixel is inside the region of interest.
template<class VPix >
bool jafar::rtslam::pinhole::isInImage (const VPix &pix, const int &width, const int &height)
 Determine if a pixel is inside the image.
template<class Vk , class Vd , class Vc >
void jafar::rtslam::pinhole::computeCorrectionModel (const int width, const int height, const Vk &k, const Vd &d, Vc &c, double &r_max)
 Compute distortion correction parameters.
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