jafar Namespace Reference

Transport info from GDAL Datasets to Bands' internal data. More...

Detailed Description

Transport info from GDAL Datasets to Bands' internal data.

General namespace for Jafar environment.

structure de vecteurs 2D et 3D

shortcut for ublas namespace


-----------/// NO MORE NEED of THESE or SHould move elsewhere Transport info from Bands' internal data to GDAL Datasets Returns the decomposition type of this band Returns the decomposition type of this band Add a new information band to the dataset

TODO: dynamic array of bands to extend is needed

For now prints if ading a new GDT_Float64 band is possible Merge potential with entropy to construct navigation utility Sets the goal reaching potential from (x1_, y1_) to (x2_, y2_)

Data is interpolated and stored in the corresponding map for all points between (x1_, y1) and (x2_, y2_)

v1_goal reaching potential value of closest-to-the-goal node
x1_x coord of node with potential v1_
y1_y coord of node with potential v1_
v2_goal reaching potential value of previous node in potential path
x2_x coord of node with potential v2_
y2_y coord of node with potential v2_ Load the visibility Data from a file pointed by _visibilityFileName
_dsfilenameFile Path to open ; it has to be a visibility map return true if homogeneous value at given band in rastercell Getting mean entropy in a sensor foot print Calculate bands homogeneity percentage

It is the rate of pixel with differing direct-neighborhood to the total number of considered pixels (image borders are ignored). Tell if the land is traversable by the line of vision

See also:
simulationProbaVisionLimit----------/// NO MORE NEED of THESE UP HERE


namespace  ddf

Decentralized Data Fusion.

namespace  ddfsimu

Simulation Framework for ddf.

namespace  delaunay

namespace for module delaunay

namespace  image

namespace for module image

namespace  model3d

namespace for module model3d

namespace  rtslam

Namespace rtslam for real-time slam module.

namespace  stereo

namespace of module stereo

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Generated on Wed Oct 15 2014 00:37:32 for Jafar by doxygen