Namespace rtslam for real-time slam module. More...
Namespace rtslam for real-time slam module.
Namespaces | |
namespace | lmkAHP |
Namespace for operations on Anchored Homogeneous Points. | |
namespace | lmkAHPL |
Namespace for operations on Anchored Homogeneous Points Lines. | |
namespace | pinhole |
Namespace for operations related to the pin-hole model of a camera. | |
namespace | quaternion |
Namespace for quaternion algebra functions. | |
Classes | |
class | ActiveSearchGrid |
Active search tesselation grid. More... | |
class | ActiveSegmentSearchGrid |
Active search tesselation grid for segments. More... | |
class | AppearanceAbstract |
class | AppearanceImagePoint |
Appearence for matching rtslam. More... | |
class | DataManagerAbstract |
class | LoggableMatchings |
struct | RansacSet |
class | DataManagerOnePointRansac |
This class implements the one-point-Ransac ActiveSearch strategy. More... | |
class | DescriptorAbstract |
class | DescriptorFactoryAbstract |
class | FeatureView |
A feature view, storing the feature appearance and the conditions that correspond to this appearance. More... | |
class | DescriptorImagePointFirstView |
This descriptor for image points only keeps the appearance of the feature the first time it was viewed. More... | |
class | DescriptorImagePointFirstViewFactory |
class | DescriptorImagePointMultiView |
This descriptor for image points stores appearances of the feature from different points of view. More... | |
class | DescriptorImagePointMultiViewFactory |
class | SegFeatureView |
A feature view, storing the feature appearance and the conditions that correspond to this appearance. More... | |
class | DescriptorSegFirstView |
This descriptor for image points only keeps the appearance of the feature the first time it was viewed. More... | |
class | DescriptorSegFirstViewFactory |
class | Expectation |
Base class for all Gaussian expectations defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | ExporterAbstract |
class | ExporterPoster |
class | ExporterSocket |
class | FeatureAbstract |
Base class for all landmark appearances defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | FeatureImagePoint |
Base class for all landmark appearances defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | Gaussian |
Class for Gaussians having LOCAL or REMOTE storage. More... | |
struct | RawInfo |
struct | RawInfos |
struct | RawVec |
class | LoggableClose |
class | HistoryManagerAbstract |
class | HistoryManagerSparse |
This class will manage a sparse history. More... | |
class | Innovation |
Base class for all Gaussian innovations defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | ExtendedKalmanFilterIndirect |
Base class for Kalman filters. More... | |
class | LandmarkAbstract |
Base class for all landmarks defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPoint |
Class for anchored homogeneous 3D points. More... | |
class | LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine |
Class for Anchored homogeneous points lines. More... | |
class | LandmarkEuclideanPoint |
Class for Euclidean 3D points. More... | |
class | LandmarkFactoryAbstract |
class | LandmarkFactory |
class | MapAbstract |
Base class for all map types defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | MapManagerAbstract |
This class is the abstract class for map managers, that manages the life of landmarks at the map level (creation, reparametrization, deletion, etc). More... | |
class | MapManager |
This class is a default implementation of MapManagerAbstract, that only reparametrize and kill landmarks with a too large search area. More... | |
class | MapManagerGrid |
Map manager with visible landmarks grid management. More... | |
class | MapManagerOdometry |
Map manager with a very short memory policy. More... | |
class | MapManagerGlobal |
Map manager made for doing slam as long as possible while optimizing the use of the map. More... | |
class | MapManagerLocal |
Map manager made for managing a spatially local map in a hierarchical multimap framework. More... | |
class | MapObject |
Class for generic mappable objects. More... | |
class | Measurement |
Base class for all Gaussian measurements defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | ObjectAbstract |
Class for generic objects in rtslam. More... | |
class | ObservationModelAbstract |
An observation model only contains pseudo-static functions A reference to the sensor is kepts because it has a lot of parameters that cannot easily be abstracted, and to avoid to cast an abstract sensor object every time. More... | |
class | ObservationAbstract |
Base class for all observations defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | ObservationMakerAbstract |
class | ObservationFactory |
class | ImagePointObservationMaker |
class | ObservationModelPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPoint |
class | ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPoint |
Class for Pin-Hole observations of Anchored Homogeneous 3D points. More... | |
class | ObservationModelPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine |
class | ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine |
Class for Pin-Hole observations of Lines based on Anchored Homogeneous 3D points. More... | |
class | ObservationModelPinHoleEuclideanPoint |
class | ObservationPinHoleEuclideanPoint |
Class for Pin-Hole observations of Euclidean 3D points. More... | |
class | ParentOf |
class | ChildOf |
class | SpecificChildOf |
class | WeakParentOf |
class | Perturbation |
Base class for all Gaussian perturbation vectors defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | QuickHarrisDetector |
Quick Harris detector class. More... | |
class | RawAbstract |
class | RawImage |
Class for image. More... | |
class | ImagePointZnccMatcher |
class | ImagePointHarrisDetector |
class | RobotQuantity |
class | RobotAbstract |
Base class for all robots defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | RobotCenteredConstantVelocity |
RobotCentric Constant velocity model robot class. More... | |
class | RobotConstantMotionModel |
Constant velocity model robot class. More... | |
class | RobotConstantVelocity |
Constant velocity model robot class. More... | |
class | RobotInertial |
Inertial measurements unit - robot motion model. More... | |
class | RobotOdometry |
Odometry motion model robot class. More... | |
class | RtslamException |
Base class for all exceptions defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
class | SensorAbsloc |
Class for absolute localization sensors (gps, motion capture...) For now we assume that we have at least one reading before images and that is is very precise. More... | |
class | SensorAbstract |
Base class for all types of sensors. More... | |
class | SensorProprioAbstract |
Base class for proprioceptive sensors (that directly observe the state of the robot) (IMU, odometry, GPS, movement models ...) More... | |
class | SensorProprioPredictorAbstract |
Base class for proprioceptive sensors that can be used for filter prediction step. More... | |
class | SensorExteroAbstract |
Base class for exteroceptive sensors (that need to map the environment) (cameras, lasers, ...) More... | |
struct | SensorImageParameters |
Structure containing all non-extrinsic parameters of a camera. More... | |
class | SensorManagerAbstract |
Base class for sensors managers, that decide which data of which sensor should be integrated in the filter next. More... | |
class | SensorManagerOffline |
This sensors manager is made for offline processing. More... | |
class | SensorManagerOnline |
This sensor managers tries to integrate several sensors according to their policy (all or latest) More... | |
class | SensorPinhole |
Class for pin-hole cameras. More... | |
class | SphericalGrid |
A grid in spherical coordinates theta,phi,r with dynamic slicing of theta according to phi so that all (theta,phi) cells have approximately the same area (typically only one at the poles). More... | |
class | VisibilityMap |
This class is a map that keeps records of places frome where a landmark was or was not visible, in order to avoid to repeatedly search a landmark from a place it cannot be seen. More... | |
class | WorldAbstract |
Base class for all world types defined in the module rtslam. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < AppearanceImagePoint > | app_img_pnt_ptr_t |
typedef std::vector < observation_ptr_t > | ObsList |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RansacSet > | ransac_set_ptr_t |
typedef std::list < ransac_set_ptr_t > | RansacSetList |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < DescriptorImagePointFirstView > | desc_img_pnt_fv_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < DescriptorImagePointMultiView > | desc_img_pnt_mv_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < DescriptorSegFirstView > | desc_seg_fv_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < DescriptorSegMultiView > | desc_seg_mv_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < tcp::socket > | socket_ptr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < FeatureImagePoint > | feat_img_pnt_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPoint > | ahp_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine > | ahpl_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < LandmarkEuclideanPoint > | eucp_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ObservationMakerAbstract > | observation_maker_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPoint > | obs_ph_ahp_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPointsLine > | obs_ph_ahpl_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ObservationPinHoleEuclideanPoint > | obs_ph_euc_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RawImage > | rawimage_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < image::Image > | jafarImage_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RobotCenteredConstantVelocity > | robcenteredconstvel_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RobotConstantVelocity > | robconstvel_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RobotInertial > | robinertial_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RobotOdometry > | robodo_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < WorldAbstract > | world_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < MapAbstract > | map_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RobotAbstract > | robot_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < SensorAbstract > | sensor_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < SensorExteroAbstract > | sensorext_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < SensorProprioAbstract > | sensorprop_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < DataManagerAbstract > | data_manager_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < LandmarkAbstract > | landmark_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < LandmarkFactoryAbstract > | landmark_factory_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ObservationModelAbstract > | observation_model_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ObservationAbstract > | observation_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < MapManagerAbstract > | map_manager_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < RawAbstract > | raw_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < AppearanceAbstract > | appearance_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < FeatureAbstract > | feature_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < DescriptorAbstract > | descriptor_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < Gaussian > | gaussian_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < ExtendedKalmanFilterIndirect > | ekfInd_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < SensorManagerAbstract > | sensor_manager_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < HistoryManagerAbstract > | history_manager_ptr_t |
typedef kernel::IdFactory < unsigned int, kernel::IdCollectorNone > | IdFactory |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < SensorAbsloc > | absloc_ptr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < SensorPinhole > | pinhole_ptr_t |
Enumerations | |
enum | ErrorType { eNoError = 0, eParam, eConfig, eDependency, eNotSupported, eNoSensorData, eLargeUncertainty, eCrashed } |
Functions | |
bool | compare_lmk_uncertainty (landmark_ptr_t const &lmkPtr1, landmark_ptr_t const &lmkPtr2) |
bool | compare_obs_uncertainty (observation_ptr_t const &obsPtr1, observation_ptr_t const &obsPtr2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, DescriptorAbstract const &desc) |
image::oimstream & | operator<< (image::oimstream &s, DescriptorAbstract const &desc) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, FeatureView const &fv) |
image::oimstream & | operator<< (image::oimstream &s, FeatureView const &fv) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, SegFeatureView const &fv) |
image::oimstream & | operator<< (image::oimstream &s, SegFeatureView const &fv) |
void | srand (unsigned int seed) |
int | rand () |
Variables | |
unsigned int | rand_state |
Generated on Wed Oct 15 2014 00:37:44 for Jafar by doxygen |
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