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jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract Class Reference

Base class for all observations defined in the module rtslam. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for all observations defined in the module rtslam.


In this class, the Jacobians are sparse. The states that contribute to the observation are available through an indirect array

where we use the subindex *_rsl to mean that it corresponds to robot, sensor and landmark map states.

With this we have, for example:

Definition at line 123 of file observationAbstract.hpp.

#include <observationAbstract.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


struct  Counters
 Counters. More...
struct  Events
 Events. More...
struct  Hypothesis
struct  Tasks
 Tasks. More...

Public Types

enum  type_enum { PNT_PH_EUC, PNT_PH_AH, PNT_PH_AHPL }

Public Member Functions

 ObservationAbstract (const sensor_ptr_t &_senPtr, const landmark_ptr_t &_lmkPtr, const size_t _size, const size_t size_nonobs=0)
 Size constructor.
 ObservationAbstract (const sensor_ptr_t &_senPtr, const landmark_ptr_t &_lmkPtr, const size_t _size_meas, const size_t _size_exp, const size_t _size_inn, const size_t _size_nonobs=0)
 Sizes constructor.
void setPrior (const Gaussian &_prior)
bool findBounds (jblas::vec &lmk, unsigned iid, jblas::vec7 const &sg, jblas::vec &ids)
 Find the bounds on the non obs variables so that the landmark remains visible.
bool checkExtremities (jblas::vec &lmk, unsigned iid, double id_sig, Expectation const &hypexp, jblas::vec &id_bounds, jblas::vec &ids, jblas::vec7 const &sg, jblas::vec &exp, jblas::sym_mat &expP, jblas::vec &nobs, double k)
 Check that the extremities of the non obs uncertainty are compatible with the projection.
void projectHypothesis (Hypothesis &hyp, jblas::vec &lmk, unsigned iid, jblas::vec7 const &sg, jblas::vec &exp, jblas::vec &nobs)
void linearizeUncertainty ()
 Create multiple hypotheses when the search ellipse covers a non linear area.
void markUpdated ()
void setId ()
virtual std::string typeName () const
std::string categoryName () const
void project (bool multi_hyp=true)
 Project and get expectation covariances.
void projectMean ()
 Only project (without covariances)
virtual bool isVisible ()
 Is visible.
void backProject ()
virtual void computeInnovation ()
 Compute innovation from measurement and expectation.
virtual void computeInnovationMean (vec &inn, const vec &meas, const vec &exp) const
virtual double computeRelevance ()
virtual void predictInfoGain ()
 Predict information gain.
virtual bool compatibilityTest (const double mahaDist)
 Individual compatibility test.
void clearFlags ()
 Clear all event flags.
void clearCounters ()
virtual bool predictVisibility ()
 Predict visibility.
virtual bool predictAppearance (bool force=false)
 Predict appearance.
virtual bool updateDescriptor ()
virtual void updateVisibilityMap ()
virtual bool isDescriptorValid ()
virtual bool predictAppearance_func ()=0
double getMatchScore ()
void update (bool correct_P=true)
virtual double computeLinearityScore ()=0
 return a linearity score for the associated converged type. 0 means fully linear. <0 means already converged.
virtual void transferInfoObs (observation_ptr_t &obs)
virtual void desc_image (image::oimstream &os) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool compatibilityTest (Measurement const &meas, Expectation const &exp, double mahaDist)

Public Attributes

< ObservationModelAbstract
bool use_hypotheses
jblas::mat hyp_EXP_rsl
jblas::sym_mat hyp_rslP
std::vector< Hypothesishypotheses
bool clear_hypotheses
Expectation expectation
Measurement measurement
Innovation innovation
Gaussian prior
appearance_ptr_t predictedAppearance
appearance_ptr_t observedAppearance
jblas::sym_mat noiseCovariance
ind_array ia_rsl
 Ind. array of mapped indices of robot, sensor and landmark (ie, sensor might or might not be there).
mat SG_rs
 Jacobian of global sensor pose wrt. robot and sensor mapped states.
mat EXP_sg
 Jacobian of expectation wrt. global sensor pose.
mat EXP_l
 Jacobian of expectation wrt. landmark state.
mat EXP_rsl
 Jacobian of the expectation wrt. the mapped states of robot, sensor and landmark.
mat INN_meas
 Jacobian of the innovation wrt. the measurement.
mat INN_exp
 Jacobian of the innovation wrt. the expectation.
mat INN_rsl
 Jacobian of the innovation wrt. the mapped states of robot, sensor and landmark.
mat LMK_sg
 Jacobian of the landmark wrt. the global sensor pose.
mat LMK_meas
 Jacobian of the landmark wrt. the measurement.
mat LMK_prior
 Jacobian of the landmark wrt. the prior.
mat LMK_rs
 Jacobian of the landmark wrt. the robot and sensor mapped states.
bool updatable
 last time it was measured, was it updated
int searchSize
type_enum type

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned max_hypotheses

Private Member Functions

void linkToSensor (sensor_ptr_t ptr)
sensor_ptr_t sensorPtr (void)
const sensor_ptr_t sensorPtr (void) const
void linkToSensorSpecific (sensor_ptr_t ptr)


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, ObservationAbstract const &obs)
image::oimstreamoperator<< (image::oimstream &s, ObservationAbstract const &obs)

Member Enumeration Documentation


Pin hole Euclidean point.


Pin hole Anchored homogeneous point.


Pin hole Anchored homogeneous points line.

Definition at line 153 of file observationAbstract.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract::ObservationAbstract ( const sensor_ptr_t &  _senPtr,
const landmark_ptr_t &  _lmkPtr,
const size_t  _size,
const size_t  size_nonobs = 0 

Size constructor.

_sizesize of measurement space (used for measurement, expectation and innovation).

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract::compatibilityTest ( const double  mahaDist) [virtual]

Individual compatibility test.

This is the trivial individual compatibility test based on the Mahalanobis distance.

MahaDistSquarethe Mahalanobis distance square to test against.

Use the chi-square table below to choose a value of MahaDistSquare:

 PROB:   0.995     0.975      0.20    0.10    0.05    0.025   0.02    0.01    0.005   0.002   0.001
 DOF: +--------------------- CHI SQUARE VALUES -- OR -- MAHADISTSQUARE VALUES ---------------------
  1   |  0.0000393 0.000982   1.642   2.706   3.841   5.024   5.412   6.635   7.879   9.550  10.828
  2   |  0.0100    0.0506     3.219   4.605   5.991   7.378   7.824   9.210  10.597  12.429  13.816
  3   |  0.0717    0.216      4.642   6.251   7.815   9.348   9.837  11.345  12.838  14.796  16.266
  4   |  0.207     0.484      5.989   7.779   9.488  11.143  11.668  13.277  14.860  16.924  18.467
  5   |  0.412     0.831      7.289   9.236  11.070  12.833  13.388  15.086  16.750  18.907  20.515
  6   |  0.676     1.237      8.558  10.645  12.592  14.449  15.033  16.812  18.548  20.791  22.458
  7   |  0.989     1.690      9.803  12.017  14.067  16.013  16.622  18.475  20.278  22.601  24.322
  8   |  1.344     2.180     11.030  13.362  15.507  17.535  18.168  20.090  21.955  24.352  26.124
  9   |  1.735     2.700     12.242  14.684  16.919  19.023  19.679  21.666  23.589  26.056  27.877
 10   |  2.156     3.247     13.442  15.987  18.307  20.483  21.161  23.209  25.188  27.722  29.588
 11   |  2.603     3.816     14.631  17.275  19.675  21.920  22.618  24.725  26.757  29.354  31.264
 12   |  3.074     4.404     15.812  18.549  21.026  23.337  24.054  26.217  28.300  30.957  32.909
 13   |  3.565     5.009     16.985  19.812  22.362  24.736  25.472  27.688  29.819  32.535  34.528
 14   |  4.075     5.629     18.151  21.064  23.685  26.119  26.873  29.141  31.319  34.091  36.123
 15   |  4.601     6.262     19.311  22.307  24.996  27.488  28.259  30.578  32.801  35.628  37.697
 16   |  5.142     6.908     20.465  23.542  26.296  28.845  29.633  32.000  34.267  37.146  39.252
 17   |  5.697     7.564     21.615  24.769  27.587  30.191  30.995  33.409  35.718  38.648  40.790
 18   |  6.265     8.231     22.760  25.989  28.869  31.526  32.346  34.805  37.156  40.136  42.312
 19   |  6.844     8.907     23.900  27.204  30.144  32.852  33.687  36.191  38.582  41.610  43.820
 20   |  7.434     9.591     25.038  28.412  31.410  34.170  35.020  37.566  39.997  43.072  45.315

Compute innovation from measurement and expectation.

This is the trivial innovation function inn = meas - exp. Derive the class and overload this method to use other, non-trivial innovation functions.

virtual bool jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract::isVisible ( ) [inline, virtual]

Is visible.

true if visible

Definition at line 294 of file observationAbstract.hpp.

Predict information gain.

This is the trivial information gain computed with det(expectation.P()). Derive this class and overload this method to implement other formulas.

virtual bool jafar::rtslam::ObservationAbstract::predictVisibility ( ) [inline, virtual]

Predict visibility.

Implement this in the derived class.

Visibility can only be established after project_func() has been called.

true if landmark is predicted visible.

Definition at line 374 of file observationAbstract.hpp.

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