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jafar::rtslam::VisibilityMap Class Reference

This class is a map that keeps records of places frome where a landmark was or was not visible, in order to avoid to repeatedly search a landmark from a place it cannot be seen. More...

Detailed Description

This class is a map that keeps records of places frome where a landmark was or was not visible, in order to avoid to repeatedly search a landmark from a place it cannot be seen.

Definition at line 28 of file visibilityMap.hpp.

#include <visibilityMap.hpp>

List of all members.


struct  Cell

Public Member Functions

 VisibilityMap (double angularRes, double distInit, double distFactor, int nDist, int nCertainty)
void addObservation (const observation_ptr_t obsPtr)
 add an observation to the map
void estimateVisibility (const observation_ptr_t obsPtr, double &visibility, double &certainty)
 return the score of visibility and its certainty (both beween 0 and 1)

Protected Member Functions

CellgetCell (const observation_ptr_t obsPtr, bool create=false)

Protected Attributes

SphericalGrid< Cellgrid
double nCertainty
double lastVis
double lastVisUncert


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, Cell const &cell)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, VisibilityMap const &vismap)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

jafar::rtslam::VisibilityMap::VisibilityMap ( double  angularRes,
double  distInit,
double  distFactor,
int  nDist,
int  nCertainty 


angularResthe angular resolution of the map (yaw and pitch)
distInit,distFactor,nDistborders between the depth cells are distInit,distInit*distFactor,...,distInit*distFactor^(nDist-2) -> nDist depth cells
nCertaintya visibility score is supposed to be completely certain if at least nCertainty observations were used to compute it

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