Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Module ride

Detailed Description


foRmation flIght moDulE -- Module with tools for formation flight of autonomous UAVs


Tcl interface (generated by swig)

The interface of the module is generated from the following files:


class  jafar::ride::Alloc
 a group of threat to be treated by a jammer More...
struct  jafar::ride::rangeAlloc
 a list of Alloc with bounds on the trajectory More...
class  jafar::ride::GlobalAlloc
 a list of all Alloc on the trajectory More...
struct  jafar::ride::unprotectedSlot
 return status for defensive jamming (unprotected slots) More...
class  jafar::ride::TimeLine
 set of constraints structured with the trajectory More...
struct  jafar::ride::configState
 config state data More...
class  jafar::ride::Config
 full Configuration of the formation, computes the next Slots config at each step More...
class  jafar::ride::Constraint
 generic constraint More...
class  jafar::ride::ConstraintDmin
 minimum distance constraint More...
class  jafar::ride::ConstraintDmax
 maximum distance constraint More...
class  jafar::ride::ConstraintCorridor
 corridor width constraint More...
class  jafar::ride::ConstraintFormation
 formation configuration constraint impose a geometric configuration with tags on the slots More...
class  jafar::ride::ConstraintDefence
 defence constraint tells if a threat should be taken into account More...
class  jafar::ride::ConstraintSplit
 split constraint for split and join maneuvers More...
struct  jafar::ride::formParam
 parameters distributed control More...
struct  jafar::ride::formCmd
 formation command More...
struct  jafar::ride::formExtraState
 extra aircraft state for UAVs not in the formation More...
class  jafar::ride::Slot
 Slot object. More...
struct  jafar::ride::tagSlot
 tag for slot allocation More...
class  jafar::ride::State
 the state of an UAV in the formation More...
class  jafar::ride::FormationCommand
 FormationCommand only contains information for formation control. More...
class  jafar::ride::Formation
 list of UAVs state and formation parameters More...
class  jafar::ride::AreaBase
 basic geometric sphere More...
class  jafar::ride::VoronoiBase
 basic voronoi cell More...
class  jafar::ride::Area
 store the valid area to place UAVs in the formation More...
class  jafar::ride::GC
 global constant definition for default values More...
class  jafar::ride::SplitGroup
 define group parameters and constraints for split More...
class  jafar::ride::Interval
 Interval between two waypoints, contains local constraints. More...
class  jafar::ride::Vect
 generic vector with operators for math operations More...
class  jafar::ride::SingleTrajectory
 SingleTrajectory class. More...
class  jafar::ride::MultiTrajectory
 MultiTrajectory Object. More...
class  jafar::ride::RideException
 Base class for all exceptions defined in the module ride. More...
class  jafar::ride::Threat
 Threat. More...
class  jafar::ride::GlobalThreat
 list of threats More...
class  jafar::ride::Waypoint
 Waypoint. More...
class  jafar::ride::TrajElt
 Trajectory Element, line or circle's arc. More...
struct  jafar::ride::posTraj
 struct with position, direction of the trajectory and current waypoint if not on the traj, return last waypoint More...
class  jafar::ride::Trajectory
 Trajectory object. More...


typedef std::list< SplitGroup > jafar::ride::SplitParam
 a list of group for split


enum  jafar::ride::ConstraintType {
 Contraint types.
enum  jafar::ride::UAVType { FIGHTER, BOMBER, JAMMER, RECO }
 UAV types.
enum  jafar::ride::areaType { AREA_MIN, AREA_MAX }
 type of AreaBase (sphere) More...
enum  jafar::ride::THREAT_PRIORITY { HIGH, NORMAL, LOW }
 priority level for threats
enum  jafar::ride::ThreatType { EW, TF }
 Threat types. More...
enum  jafar::ride::wpType { FLYBY, FLYOVER, FLYOVER_WITH_ROUTE }
 Waypoint types.
enum  jafar::ride::trajType { LINE, CIRCLE }
 Trajectory Element type.


GlobalAlloc jafar::ride::computeAlloc (Formation const &form, Trajectory const &traj, GlobalThreat &threats)
 compute global allocation based on the formation, the trajectory and the EW threats
std::pair< std::list< Slot >
, std::list< Alloc > > 
jafar::ride::getJamEWSlotList (posTraj const &pos, Formation const &form, GlobalAlloc const &alloc, Interval const &inter, GlobalThreat &threats)
 create a list of direction for the jammers positions
std::list< unprotectedSlot > jafar::ride::setDefensiveJamming (posTraj const &pos, Formation &form, std::list< Threat > const &threats, Interval const &inter)
 compute the local allocation for defensive jamming based on current formation and TF threats
formCmd jafar::ride::computeDistCtrl (int uavId, Formation const &formation, formParam const &param, std::list< formExtraState > const &others)
 compute distributed Control for Formation Flight
Vect jafar::ride::operator* (const double m, const Vect &_v)
 product with a scalar number
double jafar::ride::norm (const Vect &v)
 euclidian norm
Vect jafar::ride::normVect (const Vect &a, const Vect &b)
 unitary vector a-b
double jafar::ride::angleVect (const Vect &a, const Vect &b)
 angle between 2D vectors
Vect jafar::ride::eltWiseProduct (const Vect &a, const Vect &b)
 element wise product
Vect jafar::ride::rotateVect (const Vect &a, const double angle)
 rotate 2D vector
MultiTrajectory jafar::ride::computeMultiTraj (std::pair< std::vector< Slot >, std::vector< bool > > init, std::vector< Slot > goal, double step, double Dmin, double Dmax, double corridor, bool enable3D)
 MultiPathPlanner function.
MultiTrajectory jafar::ride::computeMultiTrajForm (Formation const &init, Formation const &goal, Interval const &inter)
 MultiPath planning based on Formation object.
MultiTrajectory jafar::ride::smoothMultiTraj (MultiTrajectory const &multiTraj, Interval const &inter, int currentStep)
 Smoothing function smooth the reconfiguration trajectories.
std::vector< tagSlot > jafar::ride::optimizeSlotAllocation (Formation const &formation, std::vector< tagSlot > const &slots)
 Optimize slot allocation.
std::vector< tagSlot > jafar::ride::optimizeSplitAllocation (Formation const &formation, SplitParam const &splitParam, std::vector< tagSlot > const &slots, std::list< int > &splitGroupId)
 Optimize split allocation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

type of AreaBase (sphere)

AREA_MINthe interior of the sphere is not valid
AREA_MAXthe exterior of the sphere is not valid

Definition at line 22 of file geom.hpp.

Threat types.

EWEarly Warning
TFTrack & Fire

Definition at line 24 of file threat.hpp.

Function Documentation

MultiTrajectory jafar::ride::computeMultiTraj ( std::pair< std::vector< Slot >, std::vector< bool > >  init,
std::vector< Slot >  goal,
double  step,
double  Dmin,
double  Dmax,
double  corridor,
bool  enable3D 

MultiPathPlanner function.

init vector gives the initial slot positions and if the UAV is an active jammer (higher priority)

MultiTrajectory jafar::ride::smoothMultiTraj ( MultiTrajectory const &  multiTraj,
Interval const &  inter,
int  currentStep 

Smoothing function smooth the reconfiguration trajectories.

multiTrajthe actuel reconfiguration trajectories
interthe current interval in timeline
currentStepthe current step in reconfiguration trajectories
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