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jafar::slam::SlamEkf Class Reference

This class solves SLAM problem using the EKF-based academic solution. More...

Detailed Description

This class solves SLAM problem using the EKF-based academic solution.

The pose of the robot is represented using Euler angle in a vector $ [x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll] $.


add robot model, also with constraints (for attitude quaternion for instance)

free space management in the state vector ! (when the removeLandmark function is used)

Definition at line 44 of file slamEkf.hpp.

#include <slamEkf.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jafar::slam::SlamEkf:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


class  Stats

Public Types

enum  MergeMapNumber { MAP_1, MAP_2 }
 Merge two maps, and creates a new one. More...
typedef std::map< unsigned int,
BaseFeature * > 
typedef std::map< unsigned int,
PoseCopy * > 
typedef std::map< unsigned int,
BaseRobot * > 

Public Member Functions

 SlamEkf (std::size_t sizeMax_, std::size_t sizeRobotState_, std::size_t sizeRobotPose_)
virtual ~SlamEkf ()
virtual void init (boost::posix_time::time_duration const &curTime)
 clear the map and the robot pose
std::size_t sizeRobotPose () const
 Return robot's pose size.
std::size_t sizeRobotState () const
 Returns robot's state size.
jblas::vec_range const & refPose (int _robotId=0) const
 Return robot pose.
jblas::sym_mat_range const & refPoseCov (int _robotId=0) const
 Return robot pose covariances matrix.
void enableAutoLogFeatures (jafar::kernel::DataLogger &masterLogger)
jafar::filter::BlockExtendedKalmanFiltergetFilter ()
 get the SLAM filter
const & 
getFilter () const
 get the SLAM filter
FeaturesMapType const & getMap () const
 Return the map of features.
jafar::geom::T3D const & refToRobot () const
jafar::geom::T3D const & robotToRef () const
void setRefToRobot (jafar::geom::T3DEuler const &refToRobot_)
void setRobotPose (jblas::vec const &robotPose, int _robotId=0)
void setRobotPoseCov (jblas::vec const &robotPose, jblas::sym_mat const &robotPoseCov, int _robotId=0)
FeatureObserveModelgetFeatureObserveModel (unsigned int sensorId=0) const
unsigned int getCurrentFrameIndex () const
unsigned int getPrevFrameIndex () const
void setMapManager (AbstractMapManager *mapManager_)
void setDeleteSensors (bool)
 Set wether the SlamEkf can delete FeatureObserveModel pass as argument of setSensor .
void setSensor (FeatureObserveModel *model, int sensorId=0)
 Add a sensor with its feature model.
void setRobotZ (double z, double zStdDev, int _robotId=0)
void setRobotPitch (double pitch, double pitchStdDev, int _robotId=0)
void setRobotRoll (double roll, double rollStdDev, int _robotId=0)
virtual void setRobotToSensor (jblas::vec const &robotToSensor, int sensorId=0)
 Set the robotToSensor transformation of sensor sensorId.
const jblas::vecrobotToSensor (int sensorId=0) const
virtual void setRobotToSensor (jblas::vec const &robotToSensor, jblas::vec const &robotToSensorStdDev, int sensorId=0)
 Set the robotToSensor transformation along with its uncertainty of sensor sensorId.
virtual void addEventListener (SlamEventListener &listener)
virtual void removeEventListener (SlamEventListener &listener)
bool hasFeature (unsigned int id, unsigned int _robotId=0) const
virtual bool isFeatureKnown (unsigned int id) const
BaseFeaturegetFeature (unsigned int id)
BaseFeature const & getFeature (unsigned int id) const
virtual void removeFeature (unsigned int id)
PoseCopy const & copyCurrentRefPoseToMap (unsigned int id)
 This method copy the current reference pose to the map, along with the appropriate correlations.
PoseCopy const & getPoseCopy (unsigned int id) const
 Return the current estimate of the poseCopy id.
void removePoseCopy (unsigned int id)
 Remove poseCopy id.
void writePoseCopyToFile (unsigned int id, std::string const &dir)
 Write poseCopy id in a t3d file.
void writeAllPoseCopyToFile (std::string const &dir)
double getRobotPoseUncertaintyLevel (unsigned int robotId_=0) const
void getRobotPose (jafar::geom::T3DEuler &pose, unsigned int _robotId=0) const
void transform (const geom::T3DEuler &_transform)
 This function will transform the position of the landmarks, and of the robot with the given transformation.
std::size_t sizeMap () const
double getMapUncertaintyLevel () const
void beginBrowseFeatures ()
bool hasNextFeature ()
BaseFeaturenextFeature ()
BaseFeaturefeature (unsigned int id)
virtual void predict (unsigned int _robotId, jblas::vec const &u)
 Compute the prediction for the movement of a robot.
BaseRobotrobot (unsigned int _id)
const BaseRobotrobot (unsigned int) const
virtual void addRobot (BaseRobot *)
 Add a new BaseRobot in the map.
virtual void addRobot (BaseRobot *, const jblas::vec &_robotState, const jblas::sym_mat &_robotStateCov)
virtual void processObservations (unsigned int frameIndex_, std::list< Observation * > const &knownObs, std::list< Observation * > const &newObs, unsigned int robotId_=0, int events_=SlamEventListener::ALL)
virtual void processObservations (unsigned int frameIndex_, std::vector< Observation * > const &knownObs, std::vector< Observation * > const &newObs, unsigned int robotId_=0, int events_=SlamEventListener::ALL)
template<class SequenceType >
void processObservations (unsigned int frameIndex_, SequenceType const &allObs, unsigned int robotId_=0, int events_=SlamEventListener::ALL)
template<class segmentFeatureObserveModel >
void computeExtObs (int robotId_, SegmentFeature &segmentFeature_, segmentFeatureObserveModel &obsModel, jblas::vec &zPredExt1, jblas::sym_mat &zPredExt1Cov, jblas::vec &zPredExt2, jblas::sym_mat &zPredExt2Cov)
 Compute Extremites Observation /.
template<class segmentFeatureObserveModel >
void computeExtObs (int robotId_, SegmentIDFeature &segmentFeature_, segmentFeatureObserveModel &obsModel, jblas::vec &zPredExt1, jblas::sym_mat &zPredExt1Cov, jblas::vec &zPredExt2, jblas::sym_mat &zPredExt2Cov)
template<class segmentFeatureObserveModel >
void computeExtObs (int robotId_, SegmentAnchorFeature &segmentFeature_, segmentFeatureObserveModel &obsModel, jblas::vec &zPredExt1, jblas::sym_mat &zPredExt1Cov, jblas::vec &zPredExt2, jblas::sym_mat &zPredExt2Cov)

Static Public Member Functions

static SlamEkfmergeMap (const SlamEkf *map1, const SlamEkf *map2, const jblas::vec &map1ToMap2, const jblas::mat &map1ToMap2Cov, const std::map< unsigned int, MergeMapNumber > &_chooseRobotPose)

Public Attributes

FeaturesMapType featuresMap
 Current map of features.
PoseCopyContType poseCopyCont
 estimated local frames
RobotsMapType robotsMap
 List of robots inside the map.
FeaturesMapType::iterator browseFeaturesIt

Protected Types

typedef std::list
< SlamEventListener * > 
typedef std::map< unsigned int,
FeatureObserveModel * > 

Protected Member Functions

virtual void observeNewFeature (Observation *obs_)
 This method adds a new feature to the map.
virtual void observeKnownFeature (Observation *obs_)
 This method performs observation update to a feature in the map.
void observeKnownFeature (Observation const &obs, BaseFeature &feature, BaseFeatureObserveModel &model)
 This method performs observation update to a feature in the map.
void applyConstraints (BaseFeature &feature)
 apply constraints of feature
void fixFeature (BaseFeature &feature)
 Make feature satisfy a constraint.
void copyCurrentPoseAt (std::size_t index, int _robotId=0)
 Copy current robot pose at given map location and size.
void writePoseCopyToFile (PoseCopy const &pc, std::string const &dir)
virtual void writeLogHeader (jafar::kernel::DataLogger &log) const
 Implements this method calling repeatidly log methods.
virtual void writeLogData (jafar::kernel::DataLogger &log) const
 Implements this method calling repeatidly log methods.
virtual void writeLogStats (jafar::kernel::DataLogger &log) const
 write stats at the end of the log
void logFeature (BaseFeature &f)

Static Protected Member Functions

static BaseFeaturefeatureFactory (unsigned int id, BaseFeatureObserveModel &model)
static BaseFeaturefeatureFactory (unsigned int id, FeatureModel &model, std::size_t sizeObs, Observation::ObservationType typeObs)

Protected Attributes

bool m_deleteSensors
unsigned int currentFrameIndex
unsigned int prevFrameIndex
jafar::filter::BlockExtendedKalmanFilter filter
double mahalanobisDistanceToRemoveLandmark
std::size_t m_sizeRobotState
std::size_t m_sizeRobotPose
SlamEventListenersList slamEventListeners
bool enableInitCoordinateFrame
 FIXME not implemented yet.
FeatureObserveModelsContType featureObserveModels
 Observe models for simple features.
class jafar::slam::SlamEkf::Stats stats
 relation between the robot frame and the slam (ref) frame
unsigned short int nbInconsistentUpdates
unsigned short int nbNewLandmarks
unsigned short int nbObservedLandmarks
long updateElapsedTime

Private Member Functions

void initFeatureState (BaseFeature &feature, FeatureObserveModel &observeModel, Observation const &obs)
 init value of feature state, covariance and cross covariance.
 SlamEkf (const SlamEkf &)
SlamEkfoperator= (const SlamEkf &)
template<class SequenceType1 , class SequenceType2 >
void processObservationsImpl (unsigned int frameIndex_, SequenceType1 const &knownObs, SequenceType2 const &newObs, unsigned int robotId_, int events_)


class DefaultMapManager
class LocalMapManager
class GlobalMapManager
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SlamEkf &slam_)

Member Enumeration Documentation

Merge two maps, and creates a new one.

the Mahalanobis for this observation (already matched)
the Mahalanobis distance between feature_ and obs_

Definition at line 636 of file slamEkf.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::addRobot ( BaseRobot ) [virtual]

Add a new BaseRobot in the map.

The function will initialize the state of the robot in the filter.

Implements jafar::slam::BaseSlam.

Reimplemented in jafar::slam::BearingOnlySlam.

template<class segmentFeatureObserveModel >
void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::computeExtObs ( int  robotId_,
SegmentFeature segmentFeature_,
segmentFeatureObserveModel &  obsModel,
jblas::vec zPredExt1,
jblas::sym_mat zPredExt1Cov,
jblas::vec zPredExt2,
jblas::sym_mat zPredExt2Cov 
) [inline]

Compute Extremites Observation /.

_robotIdRobot Identifier /
segmentFeature_Segment Landmark. CAUTION this function it is only needed in the case of segments. /
zPredExt2Extremities Observation /
zPredExt2CovExtremities Observation Covariances

Definition at line 477 of file slamEkf.hpp.

the feature of the given id , or 0, if there is no feature id
static SlamEkf* jafar::slam::SlamEkf::mergeMap ( const SlamEkf map1,
const SlamEkf map2,
const jblas::vec map1ToMap2,
const jblas::mat map1ToMap2Cov,
const std::map< unsigned int, MergeMapNumber > &  _chooseRobotPose 
) [static]
_chooseRobotPosea map that indicates the merge which map should be used to select the robot pose
virtual void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::observeNewFeature ( Observation obs_) [protected, virtual]

This method adds a new feature to the map.

A new feature can be initialized only with an observation with the same dimension as the state of the feature.

Reimplemented in jafar::slam::BearingOnlySlam.

virtual void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::predict ( unsigned int  _robotId,
jblas::vec const &  u 
) [virtual]

Compute the prediction for the movement of a robot.

_robotIdid of the robot

Implements jafar::slam::BaseSlam.

Reimplemented in jafar::slam::BearingOnlySlam.

virtual void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::removeFeature ( unsigned int  id) [virtual]
Implement with a BaseFeature& in parameter

Implements jafar::slam::BaseSlam.

Reimplemented in jafar::slam::BearingOnlySlam.

BaseRobot* jafar::slam::SlamEkf::robot ( unsigned int  _id)
the robot corresponding to the id.
const BaseRobot* jafar::slam::SlamEkf::robot ( unsigned  int) const
the robot corresponding to the id.
void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::setSensor ( FeatureObserveModel model,
int  sensorId = 0 

Add a sensor with its feature model.

Enable to deal with multiple sensors.

std::size_t jafar::slam::SlamEkf::sizeMap ( ) const [inline]
number of features in the map.

Definition at line 354 of file slamEkf.hpp.

References featuresMap.

virtual void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::writeLogData ( jafar::kernel::DataLogger log) const [protected, virtual]

Implements this method calling repeatidly log methods.

You should use writeData() or writeDataVector().

Implements jafar::kernel::DataLoggable.

Reimplemented in jafar::slam::BearingOnlySlam.

virtual void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::writeLogHeader ( jafar::kernel::DataLogger log) const [protected, virtual]

Implements this method calling repeatidly log methods.

You should use writeComment(), writeLegend() or writeLegendTokens().

Implements jafar::kernel::DataLoggable.

Reimplemented in jafar::slam::BearingOnlySlam.

void jafar::slam::SlamEkf::writePoseCopyToFile ( unsigned int  id,
std::string const &  dir 

Write poseCopy id in a t3d file.

write in dir/prefix_id.t3d

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