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00001 /* $Id$ */
00003 #ifndef _MULTI_MAPS_MANAGER_HPP_
00004 #define _MULTI_MAPS_MANAGER_HPP_
00006 #include <kernel/dataLog.hpp>
00007 #include <geom/t3dEuler.hpp>
00008 #include <slam/slamEkf.hpp>
00009 #include <slam/robot.hpp>
00010 #include <slam/baseSlam.hpp>
00011 #include <slam/MapManagerFactory.hpp>
00013 #include "slammm/StartNewMapStrategy.hpp"
00014 #include "slammm/MergeMapsStrategy.hpp"
00016 namespace jafar {
00017   namespace slammm {
00018     class StartNewMapStrategy;
00019     class MultiMapsSlam;
00020     class MapsPoseManager;
00021     class MultiMapEventListener;
00026     class MultiMapsSlam : public slam::BaseSlam, public kernel::DataLoggable  {
00027       typedef std::map<unsigned int, slam::FeatureObserveModel*> FeatureObserveModelsContType;
00028       public:
00032         MultiMapsSlam(std::size_t sizeMax_, MapsPoseManager* _mapsPoseManager, StartNewMapStrategy* _startNewMapStrategy, MergeMapsStrategy* _mergeMapsStrategy, slam::MapManagerFactory* mapManagerFactory = 0, int firstMapId = 0 );
00033         ~MultiMapsSlam();
00034       private:
00038         template<class SequenceType1, class SequenceType2>
00039         void processObservationsImpl(unsigned int frameIndex_,
00040               SequenceType1 const& knownObs,
00041               SequenceType2 const& newObs, unsigned int _robotId, int events_  );
00042       public:
00046         void mergeMap( unsigned int _map1Id, unsigned int _map2Id, const geom::T3DEuler& transfo );
00050         slam::SlamEkf* getCurrentMap( unsigned int _robotId = 0 );
00051         const slam::SlamEkf* getCurrentMap( unsigned int _robotId = 0 ) const;
00055         slam::SlamEkf* getMap( unsigned int _mapId, unsigned int _robotId = 0 );
00060         unsigned int mapId( slam::SlamEkf* ) const;
00065         void getWorldRobotPose(jafar::geom::T3DEuler& pose, unsigned int _robotId = 0 ) const;
00066         jafar::geom::T3DEuler getWorldRobotPose( unsigned int _robotId = 0 ) const;
00071         void getWorldFeatureState(jblas::vec& _result , unsigned int _featureId, unsigned int _currentMapId ) const;
00075         void getWorldFeatureState(jblas::vec& _result, jblas::sym_mat& _resultCov, unsigned int _featureId, unsigned int _currentMapId ) const;
00079         jafar::geom::T3DEuler getWorldToCurrentMapTransformation( unsigned int _robotId = 0 ) const;
00084         jafar::geom::T3DEuler getWorldToMapTransformation( unsigned int _mapId ) const;
00086         void beginBrowseMaps();
00087         bool hasNextMap();
00088         slam::SlamEkf* nextMap();
00090         const std::map< unsigned int, slam::SlamEkf*> getMaps() const;
00096         slam::SlamEkf* getGlobalMap( ) const;
00097         void addRobot( slam::BaseRobot* );
00098         void addRobot( slam::BaseRobot*, const jblas::vec& _robotState, const jblas::sym_mat& _robotStateCov );
00099         void setSensor(slam::FeatureObserveModel* model, unsigned int sensorId, unsigned int _robotId );
00100         void setRobotToSensor(jblas::vec const& robotToSensor, int sensorId, unsigned int _robotId );
00101         // Implementation of BaseSlam functions
00102         virtual void predict(unsigned int _robotId, jblas::vec const& u);
00103         virtual bool hasFeature(unsigned int id, unsigned int _robotId = 0) const;
00104         virtual void getRobotPose(jafar::geom::T3DEuler& pose, unsigned int _robotId = 0) const;
00105         virtual void removeFeature(unsigned int id);
00106         virtual void addEventListener(slam::SlamEventListener& listener);
00107         virtual void removeEventListener(slam::SlamEventListener& listener);
00108         virtual void processObservations(unsigned int frameIndex_,
00109              std::list<slam::Observation*> const& knownObs,
00110              std::list<slam::Observation*> const& newObs, unsigned int robotId_ = 0, int events_ = slam::SlamEventListener::ALL );
00111         virtual void processObservations(unsigned int frameIndex_,
00112              std::vector<slam::Observation*> const& knownObs,
00113              std::vector<slam::Observation*> const& newObs, unsigned int robotId_ = 0, int events_ = slam::SlamEventListener::ALL );
00114         template<typename SequenceType>
00115         void processObservations(unsigned int frameIndex_,
00116                                  SequenceType const& allObs, unsigned int robotId_ = 0, int events_ = slam::SlamEventListener::ALL );
00117       public:
00118         // Functions related to events
00125         void rendezVous( unsigned int _firstRobotId, unsigned int _secondRobotId, const geom::T3DEuler& firstToSecond );
00131         void gpsFix( const std::map<unsigned int, geom::T3DEuler>& worldToRobots );
00137         void gpsFix( unsigned int _robotId, const geom::T3DEuler& worldToRobot );
00141         void closeLoop( unsigned int _firstMapId, unsigned int _secondMapId, const geom::T3DEuler& firstToSecond );
00142         bool canCloseLoop( unsigned int _firstMapId, unsigned int _secondMapId) const;
00143       public:
00144         virtual void writeLogHeader(kernel::DataLogger& log) const;
00145         virtual void writeLogData(kernel::DataLogger& log) const;
00146         virtual void addMembersToLog(kernel::DataLogger& log) const;
00150         void setEventsDataLogger( kernel::DataLogger* log );
00151       public:
00152         void addEventListener( MultiMapEventListener* listener );
00153         void removeEventListener( MultiMapEventListener* listener );
00154       public:
00158         void printInfo();
00159       private: // Fucntion related to map management
00160         struct RobotMaps;
00161         void initNewMap( unsigned int _robotId);
00162         void startNewMap( RobotMaps& );
00163       public:
00167         void startNewMap( unsigned int _robotId);
00168       private:
00172         void updateCacheWorldToCurrentMap();
00173       private:
00174         struct RobotMaps {
00175           RobotMaps( ) : currentMapId(-1), currentMap(0), baseRobot(0)
00176           {
00177           }
00178           unsigned int currentMapId;
00179           slam::SlamEkf* currentMap;
00180           std::map< unsigned int, slam::SlamEkf*> maps;
00181           jafar::geom::T3DEuler worldToCurrentMap;
00182           slam::BaseRobot* baseRobot;
00184           FeatureObserveModelsContType featureObserveModels;
00185           std::map<int, jblas::vec> robotToSensors;
00186         };
00187         int nextMapId;
00189         struct SlamEkfInfo {
00190           slam::SlamEkf* slamEkf;
00195           std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > robotPositionAge;
00196         };
00197         std::map< unsigned int, SlamEkfInfo> m_maps;
00198         std::map<unsigned int, RobotMaps> m_robotMaps;
00199         MapsPoseManager* m_mapsPoseManager;
00200         StartNewMapStrategy* m_startNewMapStrategy;
00201         MergeMapsStrategy* m_mergeMapsStrategy;
00202         slam::MapManagerFactory* m_mapManagerFactory;
00203         std::size_t m_sizeMax;
00204         std::list<unsigned int > m_sensorsIds; 
00205         std::list<slam::SlamEventListener*> m_listeners;
00206         std::map< unsigned int, SlamEkfInfo>::iterator browseFeaturesIt;
00207         kernel::DataLogger* m_eventsLogger;
00208         unsigned int m_frameIndex;
00209         std::list<MultiMapEventListener*> m_eventListners;
00210     };
00211     template<class SequenceType1, class SequenceType2>
00212     void MultiMapsSlam::processObservationsImpl(unsigned int frameIndex_,
00213           SequenceType1 const& knownObs,
00214           SequenceType2 const& newObs, unsigned int _robotId, int events_ )
00215     {
00216       // Get the robot
00217       std::map<unsigned int, RobotMaps>::iterator it = m_robotMaps.find( _robotId );
00218       JFR_ASSERT( it != m_robotMaps.end(), "No robot " << _robotId );
00219       bool newmap = m_startNewMapStrategy->startNewMap( *it->second.currentMap, _robotId, newObs.size() );
00220       if(newmap)
00221       {
00222         m_mergeMapsStrategy->decideMergeMap( it->second.currentMapId, it->second.currentMap );
00223         startNewMap( it->second );
00224         SequenceType2 obses;
00225         for(typename SequenceType1::const_iterator it2 = knownObs.begin(); it2 != knownObs.end(); ++it2)
00226         {
00227           obses.push_back(*it2);
00228         }
00229         for(typename SequenceType2::const_iterator it2 = newObs.begin(); it2 != newObs.end(); ++it2)
00230         {
00231           obses.push_back(*it2);
00232         }
00233         it->second.currentMap->processObservations( frameIndex_, SequenceType1(), obses, _robotId, events_ );
00234       } else {
00235         // Process observation
00236         it->second.currentMap->processObservations( frameIndex_, knownObs, newObs, _robotId, events_ );
00237       }
00238       // Decide wether to start a new map
00239       JFR_DEBUG( "================================== Nb of features = " << it->second.currentMap->featuresMap.size() << " new obs = " << newObs.size());
00240     }
00242     template<class SequenceType>
00243     void MultiMapsSlam::processObservations(unsigned int frameIndex_, SequenceType const& allObs, unsigned int _robotId, int events_ ) 
00244     {
00245       m_frameIndex = frameIndex_;
00246       // Get the robot
00247       std::map<unsigned int, RobotMaps>::iterator itRobot = m_robotMaps.find( _robotId );
00248       JFR_ASSERT( itRobot != m_robotMaps.end(), "No robot " << _robotId );
00250       SequenceType knownObs;
00251       SequenceType newObs;
00253       for (typename SequenceType::const_iterator it = allObs.begin() ; it != allObs.end() ; ++it) {
00254         if ( itRobot->second.currentMap->isFeatureKnown((**it).id) )
00255           knownObs.push_back(*it);
00256         else
00257           newObs.push_back(*it);
00258       }
00260       processObservations(frameIndex_, knownObs, newObs, _robotId, events_);
00262     }
00263   }
00264 }
00266 #endif
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