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jafar::lgl::NavGraph Class Reference

NavGraph build and manages the graph over a raster. More...

Detailed Description

NavGraph build and manages the graph over a raster.

Definition at line 59 of file NavGraph.hpp.

#include <NavGraph.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jafar::lgl::NavGraph:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  verbose_tag {
typedef NavGraphT< NavGEdge,
 The navigation graph container with edge, node and cost definitions.
typedef NavAStar
< NavGraphContainer::GraphContainer,
 A* star search path planner definition.
typedef std::pair
< NavGraphContainer::Vertex,
double > 
 Frontier element.

Public Member Functions

 NavGraph ()
 Default Constructor.
 NavGraph (GeoData *_geodata, Quadtree< double, GeoData > *_quadtree=NULL, bool _doNavGraphPruning=PRUNING_DISABLED, double _pruningThreshold=DEFAULT_PRUNING_THRESHOLD, PositionManager *_posManager=NULL, CostManager *_costManager=NULL, boost::function< void(const NavGNode &, int)> displayHook=NULL)
 ~NavGraph ()
NavGraphContainergetGraph ()
 Return the pointer on the graph container usable in boost macros.
Quadtree< double, GeoData > * getQuadtree ()
 Return the quadtree pointer.
bool rebuildGraph ()
 Simply clears the graph and recalls buildGraph.
bool findPath (const NavLocation &locstart, const NavLocation &locend, NavPath &navpath)
 Calculates path with AStar according to the Edge::weight.
bool fastFindPath (const NavLocation &locstart, const NavLocation &locend, NavPath &navpath)
 Fast find path without any other calculus.
bool findPath (const NavLocation &locstart, const NavLocation &locend, NavPath &navpath, double &pCost)
 Calculates path with AStar according to the Edge::weight and returns path cost.
bool fastFindPath (const NavLocation &locstart, const NavLocation &locend, NavPath &navpath, double &pCost)
 Fast find path without any other calculus.
bool findPathOnUtility (const NavLocation &start, const NavLocation &end, NavPath &navpath, double authDist=0.0)
 Calculates path with AStar according to the Edge::gru.
double navCostAtNode (const NavLocation &_loc)
 Selects corresponding node at location and returns navigation cost.
double navCostAtNode (const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &vn)
 Caculates navigation cost.
double getPathCost ()
 Get the nominal path overall cost.
double getCoopPathCost ()
 Get the cooperative path overall cost.
int getNumberOfVertices ()
 Get the number of vertices in the graph.
int getNumberOfEdges ()
 Get the number of edges in the graph.
void getNavGNodeFromNavLocation (NavGNode &nnode, const NavLocation &v)
 Get a copy of the corresponding node at the given navigation location.
void getOffClusterFromVertex (const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &A, DecompCluster **dcluster, int &i, int &j)
 Returns the decomposition cluster that has the greatest information entropy in the direct neighborhood around vertex A It also gives a pointer to the cluster in order to retreive its attribute and gives its position (i,j) in term of raster cell index.
NavLocation getNavLocFromVertex (const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &A)
 Few lines to get the navigation location from a graph vertex.
bool areClose (const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &a, const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &b)
 Return true of vertex a and b are spatially close according to "closeDistance" object variable.
double euclideanDistance (const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &a, const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &b)
 Returns the euclidean distance between two vertices.
bool saveAnyField (const std::string &outfile, attributeKey _at)
 Output binary ppm showing the beautiful path alternative field.
bool resetGoalReachingPotential ()
 Reset all graph nodes potential (Goal Reaching Potential)
bool updateNavigationUtility ()
 Calculates navigation utility from entropy and GRP.
double * getPotential ()
 Return the sparsly interpolated grid of path alternative potential.
void calculateNavigationUtility (bool bsetter)
 Set the parameter to enable the navigation utility calculation.
void calculateGoalReachingPotential (bool bsetter)
 Set the parameter to enable GRP calculation.
void setGeodataPotential (bool bsetter)
 Dis/Enable GRP to be transported to the Geodata.
void setGeodataUtility (bool bsetter)
 Dis/Enable GRU to be transported to the Geodata.
void calculateTerrainFactor ()
 Function to precalculate terrain classes cost factors*.
void addNode (const NavLocation &atThisLoc, NavGraphContainer::Vertex &vloc)
 Add a node to the graph.
bool isOnFrontier (NavGraphContainer::Vertex &vloc)
 Check if this node is on the frontier between known and unknown environment.
bool extendFrontiers (NavGraphContainer::Vertex &vfrontier, double vcost)
 Sort-Insert a new vertex in the frontier point list.
void setNavGraphPruningOption (bool _doNavGraphPruning)
 Enable or disabled the pruning of obstacle vertices and edges in the navigation graph.
bool getNavGraphPruningOption ()
 Tell if the pruning option is enabled or not.
void setPathPruningOption (bool _doPathPruning)
 Enable or disabled the pruning of paths on pruned zones.
bool getPathPruningOption ()
 Tell if the path pruning option is enabled or not.
void setPruningThreshold (double _pruningThreshold)
 Change the threshold value for the obstacle pruning option.
double getPruningThreshold ()
 Give the current pruningThreshold value.
PositionManagergetPositionManager ()
 Returns the point to the position manager so it can be used outside.
std::list< frontierPointgetFrontiers ()
 Returns the current list of frontier points.
double getNSP (const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &v)
 Return the navigation success potential NSP of the corresponding vertex.
bool isCalculateGRP ()
 Return calculate_grp.
bool isSetGeodataPotential ()
 Return set_geodata_grp.

Public Attributes

verbose_tag verbose
 Tell the nav graph what to print out.

Protected Member Functions

void setDisplayHookFunction (boost::function< void(const NavGNode &, int)>_displayHook)

Protected Attributes

Quadtree< double, GeoData > * quadtree
 Quadtree associated to the geodata.
bool doNavGraphPruning
 If true, the navigation graph will prune the obstacle edges and vertices.
double pruningThreshold
 Threshold while pruning obstacles in the navigation graph a DEFAULT_PRUNING_THRESHOLD value is fixed (0.5) NB : between 0 and 1 ; a high value means less tolerance.
bool doPathPruning
 Tells the path finder to cut path search to the closest position while looking for path between undisconnected positions (when start or goal is in a pruned zone).
 Associated position manager.
 Associated cost manager.
 THe graph containing all edges and vertices built upon the quadtree decomposition of the geodata.
 Planner to find path in the graph thanx to A Star.
boost::function< void(const
NavGNode &, int)> 
 Outside viewer which some functions are used to display what's happening in boost astar.

Private Types

typedef double COST_TYPE
 Cost type definition.

Private Member Functions

bool buildGraph ()
 Build graph over the terrain using the quadtree/decomp information.

Private Attributes

bool m_quadtree_madeinhere
 Tag to tell if quadtree is auto produced.
bool m_costmanager_madeinhere
 Tag to tell if cost manager has been auto produced.
bool m_posmanager_madeinhere
 Tag to tell if the position manager has been auto produced.
double m_closeDistance
 Distance to determine that a point is close or not from the goal.
bool set_geodata_gru
 If True NavGraph will update geodata internal maps with the goal reaching utility.
bool set_geodata_grp
 If True NavGraph will update geodata internal maps using the goal reaching potential value.
bool calculate_navutil
 If True the Path utilitywill be calculated after each path planning.
bool calculate_grp
 If True the Goal Reaching Potential will be calculated after each path planning.
double terrainFactor [((T_OBSTACLE-T_FREE)+1)]
 Terrain classes weight for navigation cost calculation RElation between speeds of operations.
double pathCost
 Resulting path cost.
double coopPathCost
 Resultingi cooperation path cost.
std::list< frontierPointfrontiers
 Odered list of frontier points and their associated cost.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

jafar::lgl::NavGraph::NavGraph ( GeoData _geodata,
Quadtree< double, GeoData > *  _quadtree = NULL,
bool  _doNavGraphPruning = PRUNING_DISABLED,
double  _pruningThreshold = DEFAULT_PRUNING_THRESHOLD,
PositionManager _posManager = NULL,
CostManager _costManager = NULL,
boost::function< void(const NavGNode &, int)>  displayHook = NULL 


_posManagerThe position manager only depends on the geo data and the quad tree so they are not mandatory.
_costManagerThe cost manager only depends on the geo data and the quad tree so they are not mandatory.
_quadtreeThe quadtree is not a mandatory parameter as it only depends on the geodata

Member Function Documentation

void jafar::lgl::NavGraph::addNode ( const NavLocation atThisLoc,
NavGraphContainer::Vertex &  vloc 

Add a node to the graph.

The connexion is assured within its cluster (or clusters if on a cluster's border) by the creation of all edges to its neighbor nodes.

  • Does not check if there is already a node at this location.
  • Equal weights are set on both edge-directions.
atThisLocNavigation location at which the node will be added
vlocwill be set as the corresponding graph vertex

Build graph over the terrain using the quadtree/decomp information.

Set the parameter to enable GRP calculation.

See also:

Set the parameter to enable the navigation utility calculation.

See also:

Function to precalculate terrain classes cost factors*.

These costs are vehicule-dependant as they represent the rate differences between motion speed of a robot on different types of terrain.

bool jafar::lgl::NavGraph::extendFrontiers ( NavGraphContainer::Vertex &  vfrontier,
double  vcost 

Sort-Insert a new vertex in the frontier point list.

vfrontierVertex to add
vcostits associated navigation cost (after path planning)
false if vcost is the highest meaning vfrontier has been added at the end of the list.
bool jafar::lgl::NavGraph::fastFindPath ( const NavLocation locstart,
const NavLocation locend,
NavPath navpath 

Fast find path without any other calculus.

See also:
bool jafar::lgl::NavGraph::fastFindPath ( const NavLocation locstart,
const NavLocation locend,
NavPath navpath,
double &  pCost 

Fast find path without any other calculus.

And set the path cost.

See also:
bool jafar::lgl::NavGraph::findPath ( const NavLocation locstart,
const NavLocation locend,
NavPath navpath 

Calculates path with AStar according to the Edge::weight.

locstartStart location
locendGoal location
navpathResulting navigation path
bool jafar::lgl::NavGraph::findPathOnUtility ( const NavLocation start,
const NavLocation end,
NavPath navpath,
double  authDist = 0.0 

Calculates path with AStar according to the Edge::gru.

startStarting location
endGoal location
navpathResulting path object.
authDistAdviced distance for the wanted path. Usually used as the authorized distance before a meeting point. It sets a limit in time according to the space-time meeting and the motion capabilities of the vehicule requiring the path.

Returns the current list of frontier points.

A frontier point is defined as a graph node at the interface between well-known and poorly-known lands.

Get a copy of the corresponding node at the given navigation location.

This method should not be used if your goal is to modify the graph contents. Rather than this you should use: vertex = graph->getVertex(NavLocation) and use the vertex (index) directly with the graph container: (*(graph->getGCtn()))[vertex]

Tell if the pruning option is enabled or not.

Tell if the obstacle pruning option while building the navigation graph is enabled (true) or not (false).

double jafar::lgl::NavGraph::getNSP ( const NavGraphContainer::Vertex &  v)

Return the navigation success potential NSP of the corresponding vertex.

vVertex on which we want the NSP
the NSP of vertex v

Tell if the path pruning option is enabled or not.

True if enabled.

bool jafar::lgl::NavGraph::isOnFrontier ( NavGraphContainer::Vertex &  vloc)

Check if this node is on the frontier between known and unknown environment.

The frontier nodes should have at least one high entropy connexion.

Simply clears the graph and recalls buildGraph.

See also:

Dis/Enable GRP to be transported to the Geodata.

it costs time but it is very useful for visualisation

See also:

Dis/Enable GRU to be transported to the Geodata.

it costs time but it is very useful for visualisation

See also:
void jafar::lgl::NavGraph::setNavGraphPruningOption ( bool  _doNavGraphPruning)

Enable or disabled the pruning of obstacle vertices and edges in the navigation graph.

void jafar::lgl::NavGraph::setPathPruningOption ( bool  _doPathPruning)

Enable or disabled the pruning of paths on pruned zones.

_doPathPruningtrue of false
void jafar::lgl::NavGraph::setPruningThreshold ( double  _pruningThreshold)

Change the threshold value for the obstacle pruning option.


Member Data Documentation

If True the Goal Reaching Potential will be calculated after each path planning.

Definition at line 422 of file NavGraph.hpp.

If True the Path utilitywill be calculated after each path planning.

Definition at line 419 of file NavGraph.hpp.

If true, the navigation graph will prune the obstacle edges and vertices.


Definition at line 350 of file NavGraph.hpp.

Tells the path finder to cut path search to the closest position while looking for path between undisconnected positions (when start or goal is in a pruned zone).

By default it is set as the same as doNavGraphPruning. If false the path won't be calculated at all if one of the position is in a pruned zone.

See also:

Definition at line 368 of file NavGraph.hpp.

Odered list of frontier points and their associated cost.

Lowest costs on the front() and highest cost on the back().

Definition at line 439 of file NavGraph.hpp.

Planner to find path in the graph thanx to A Star.

Definition at line 380 of file NavGraph.hpp.

If True NavGraph will update geodata internal maps using the goal reaching potential value.

See also:

Definition at line 416 of file NavGraph.hpp.

If True NavGraph will update geodata internal maps with the goal reaching utility.

See also:

Definition at line 410 of file NavGraph.hpp.

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