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jafar::rtslam::hardware::HardwareSensorProprioAbstract Class Reference

Detailed Description

Definition at line 300 of file hardwareSensorAbstract.hpp.

Inheritance diagram for jafar::rtslam::hardware::HardwareSensorProprioAbstract:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Quantity {
  qPos, qOriQuat, qOriEuler, qVel,
  qAbsVel, qNormVel, qAngVel, qAbsAngVel,
  qAcc, qAbsAcc, qBundleobs, qMag,
 enumerates the different quantities that a proprioceptive sensor can provide More...
enum  CovType { ctNone, ctVar, ctFull }

Public Member Functions

 HardwareSensorProprioAbstract (kernel::VariableCondition< int > *condition, Mode mode, unsigned bufferSize, CovType covType)
size_t dataSize ()
size_t obsSize ()
 number of measure variables provided (without timestamp and variance)
size_t readingSize ()
 number of observation variables among measure variables (that can be predicted from the robot state and the rest of the measure variables)
size_t getQuantity (Quantity quantity)
 the size of a reading vector that stores everything
CovType covType ()
 get index of quantity, -1 if not measured
jblas::sym_mat extractDataCovBlock (size_t pos, size_t size)
 does this hardware sensor return full covariance matrices with data?
void initData ()
virtual jblas::ind_array instantValues ()=0
 This function must return the indices of values returned by acquireReadings that represent the instant value of a physical quantity (speed, acceleration, ...) (except first column which is time) These values will typically be integrated.
virtual jblas::ind_array incrementValues ()=0
 This function must return the indices of values returned by acquireReadings that represent the increment of a physical quantity since last reading (odometry, ...)

Static Public Attributes

static const int QuantityDataSizes [qNQuantity]
static const int QuantityObsSizes [qNQuantity]

Protected Member Functions

void addQuantity (Quantity quantity)
void addDataQuantities (int n)
void clearQuantities ()

Protected Attributes

RawVec reading
ProprioLog log

Private Attributes

int quantities [qNQuantity]
size_t data_size
size_t obs_size
CovType cov_type

Member Enumeration Documentation

enumerates the different quantities that a proprioceptive sensor can provide

qPosposition (x y z)
qOriQuatorientation as a quaternion (qx qy qz qw)
qOriEulerorientation as euler angles (ex ey ez)
qVellinear velocity in the sensor's frame (vx vy vz)
qAbsVellinear velocity in the world's frame (vx vy vz)
qNormVelnorm of linear velocity (v)
qAngVelangular velocity in the sensor's frame (wx wy wz)
qAbsAngVelangular velocity in the world's frame (wx wy wz)
qAccacceleration in the sensor's frame (ax ay az)
qAbsAccacceleration in the world's frame (ax ay az)
qBundleobsobservation of the direction between the robot and some known position (landmark, other robot, ...) (x y z ux uy uz). Note that the observation can be made by the robot itself or by something else and sent to the robot, but the convention is that in any case (ux,uy,uz) must be oriented from the robot to the other known position.

Definition at line 319 of file hardwareSensorAbstract.hpp.

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