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jafar::bundler::ViewsManager Class Reference

Class ViewsManager, used to handle views. More...

Detailed Description

Class ViewsManager, used to handle views.

Especially it can create new Views from datas corresponding to

Definition at line 26 of file viewsManager.hpp.

#include <viewsManager.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ViewsManager (const std::string &camCalibFile, const jafar::camera::CameraType &camType=jafar::camera::MONO)
 ViewsManager (const std::string &camCalibFile, const jafar::camera::CameraType &camType, const std::map< int, geom::T3D * > &toOriginReferences)
void setCamera (const camera::CameraType &camType, const std::string &camCalibFile)
 set camera type
void setToOrigineReferences (const std::map< int, geom::T3D * > &toOriginReferences)
std::string camCalibFile () const
 get camera configuration file
< jafar::bundler::View * > 
viewsList ()
 get views list
void loadViews (std::list< jblas::vec2 > _pixelList, std::list< int > _indexList)
 methode to load views given a list of pixels _pixelList and a list of indexes _pixelList
void printViews ()
 prints views list
void clearViews ()
 clears views list
void insertNewView (const int &_imgIndex, const jblas::vec2 &_pixel, const jblas::vec3 &_position=jblas::zero_vec(3), const jblas::vec3 &_direction=jblas::zero_vec(3), const jblas::vec2 &_size=jblas::zero_vec(2))
 methode to insert a new view in views given some data.
void solve ()
 Methode to solve the system by means of LinearLeastSquares.
jblas::vec3 solution () const
 returns the computed solution of the system
void insertToOriginReference (const int &index, geom::T3D *sensorToOrigin)
 creates new T3D sensorToOrigin from _index and puts it in _toOriginReferences
std::map< int, geom::T3D * > toOriginReferences () const
 get the references map sensor/world
geom::T3DrefByIndex (const int &index) const
 rturns reference to the origin given its index
double selectRay ()
 returns the maximum between the region width or heigth among all the views list
void computeReprojectionError ()
 computes the mean reprojection error
double reprojectionError ()
 returns the mean reprojection error

Protected Member Functions

ViewviewFromImage (const int &_imgIndex, const jblas::vec2 &_pixel)
 methode to create a view from an image
ViewviewFromData (const int &_imgIndex, const jblas::vec2 &_pixel, const jblas::vec3 &_position, const jblas::vec3 &_direction)
 methode to create a view from data

Private Member Functions

void setCameraModel ()
 sets right camera handler

Private Attributes

std::string m_camCalibFile
 camera calibration file
jafar::camera::CameraType m_camType
 camera type
jafar::camera::CameraContainer m_camContainer
 camera container
int startImageIndex
 index of the starting image
std::map< int, geom::T3D * > m_toOriginReferences
 map of the references sensor/world
< jafar::bundler::View * > 
 list of views per object
jblas::mat pixMatrix
 pixels matrix
jblas::mat posMatrix
 positions matrix
jblas::mat dirMatrix
 directions matrix
jblas::mat a
 A matrix of the linear system.
jblas::vec b
 b vector of the linear system
jmath::LinearLeastSquares lls
 Linear Least Square solver class.
jblas::vec3 center
 computed center (solution of the system)
double error
 mean reprojection error of the computed soltion
int first
 sequence processing parameters
int last
int step

Member Function Documentation

void jafar::bundler::ViewsManager::insertNewView ( const int &  _imgIndex,
const jblas::vec2 _pixel,
const jblas::vec3 _position = jblas::zero_vec(3),
const jblas::vec3 _direction = jblas::zero_vec(3),
const jblas::vec2 _size = jblas::zero_vec(2) 

methode to insert a new view in views given some data.

_imgIndex and _pixel are required, others can be omitted.

void jafar::bundler::ViewsManager::insertToOriginReference ( const int &  index,
geom::T3D sensorToOrigin 

creates new T3D sensorToOrigin from _index and puts it in _toOriginReferences

inserts a T3D sensorToOrigin with key index in toOriginReferences

Methode to solve the system by means of LinearLeastSquares.

The system is formed by

  • the coordinates of the observed pixels in the origin reference
  • the directions of the observed pixels in the origin reference

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