This module is a port in jafar of Tsai algorithms' previously implemented in calife.
Tsai algorithms were designed primarily to calibrate cameras, especially they offers a fast computation of extrinsics parameters since they are based on breaking transition matrix in translation and rotation parts then linear solving for rotation.
Here we use these algorithms for localizing an object or whatever is described by a set of 3D points and their corresponding projections in camera frame.
The original article is attached as Tsai.pdf in the doc folder.
kernel jmath geom opencv
TODO write macros
The interface of the module is generated from the following files:
{ } catch
block for this module. Classes | |
class | jafar::localizer::Localizer |
Class Localizer, should be a wrap to opencv localizer functionnality TODO make it inherit from a generic localizer /!\ WARNING it is not tested yet /!\ will be rewritten soon. More... | |
class | jafar::localizer::LocalizerException |
Base class for all exceptions defined in the module localizer. More... | |
class | jafar::localizer::PlanLocalizer |
Class PlanLocalizer This class is able to compute the transformation matrix between two plan (images). More... | |
class | jafar::localizer::Point2d3d |
Class Point2d3d used to save 2D and 3D coordinates of the same point respectively in the camera, and world frames. More... | |
class | jafar::localizer::TsaiLocalizer |
Class TsaiLocalizer, mother class for Tasai2dLocalizer and Tsai3dLocalizer It's a reimplementation in jafar of calife TSAI2D_ext and TSAI3D_ext We choosed to make profit of inheritance mechanism to represent the above classes It uses camera's intrinsic parametes and linear least square resolver to compute the transition matrix. More... | |
class | jafar::localizer::Tsai2dLocalizer |
Class Tsai2d, used to save image and localisation data. More... | |
class | jafar::localizer::Tsai3dLocalizer |
Class Tsai3d, used to compute a trsanformation matrix in 3D. More... |
Generated on Wed Oct 15 2014 00:37:30 for Jafar by doxygen |
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