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Module jmath

Detailed Description


Module jmath defines some common mathematical tools, among them vector and matrix manipulation, random number generation,...

About uBLAS

uBlas library from the boost project (http://www.boost.org) implements the Basic Linear Algebra System specification in a efficient way (it uses templates and operator expressions). It defines different vectors and matrix types (dense, symmetric, sparse, banded).

Links of interest concerning uBlas:

Standard jblas.hpp header

jblas.hpp is the standard jafar header to use ublas in your own modules. It defines some standard vector and matrix types in the jafar::blas namespace (shortcut jblas). If any type of vector or matrix is needed but is not redefined in jblas.hpp, we recommend to define it rather than using directly the boost uBlas type.

The module filter is a good example of how to use linear algebra in jafar.

uBlas compilation and performance

Like many other C++ libraries, uBlas is implemented in templates, so this is the user who controls the compilation of uBlas (in Jafar, you edit the User.make of your module). uBlas can use exceptions to report errors, we recommand you use this feature, it is enabled with -DBOOST_UBLAS_USE_EXCEPTIONS. For optimal performance you may also define -DNDEBUG to suppress a lot of internal checks (it is more than ten times faster !). If you use uBlas in your module, your User.make should contain:


uBLAS and tcl

This module wraps some basic functions to manipulate vector and matrix from boost ublas library in tcl. All the types defined in jblas.hpp are available.

The constructors defined in the ublas vector and matrix class are not well suited to be used from tcl (available with new_vec, new_mat,...). Others functions are defined which are called create_vec, create_mat,... the function setValue can init the value of the container from a string. Also some print functions are defined. These extra template functions are defined in jmathTcl.hpp.

uBLAS and swig

If your module manipulate data types defined in jblas.hpp, you may want to manipulate these types inside a tcl shell. As is, you get a reasonable interface to manipulate them using function wrapped in the jmath module.

If you want to use the OO notation on data returned by functions from your module, you need to add the following to your module.i:

%import "jmath/jblas.i"

For example, module filter uses this hint.

Numerical tools

Please, do not reinvent the wheel ! Many good, efficient, well documented and free libraries exist. Moreover bindings are provided for uBlas to other well known algebra libraries such that LAPACK or ATLAS. These bindings add powerfull algebra routines to uBlas. Currently they are not part of the official boost release but can be found on the boost-sandbox cvs.

The use of Numerical Recipes code is not recommended since it is not published under a free licence. However, the books can help a lot, they are freely available at http://www.library.cornell.edu/nr .

From Matlab to jmath

Here is a few example of a correspondance of functions between matlab and jafar:

Note that you can use gesdd to do the singular value decomposition using the divide and conquer method.



00001 # $Id$ #
00003 #
00004 #/** Demo of jblas vector. \file demoJblas.tcl  \ingroup jmath */
00005 #
00008 package require jmath
00010 set v [jmath::new_vec 10]
00011 jmath::setValue $v "(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)"
00013 jmath::print $v
00015 for {set i 0} {$i < [$v size]} {incr i} {
00016     $v set $i [expr "2*[$v get $i]"]
00017 }
00019 jmath::print $v

Tcl interface (generated by swig)

The interface of the module is generated from the following files:


class  jafar::jmath::GaussianVector
 A simple gaussian vector represented by its mean and covariance. More...
class  jafar::jmath::WeightedGaussianVector
 A weighted gaussian vector, add a weight to a GaussianVector. More...
class  jafar::jmath::JmathException
 Base class for all exceptions defined in the module jmath. More...
class  jafar::jmath::LapackException
 This exception is thrown when a lapack routine fails. More...
struct  joptimization::methods::GaussNewton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >
 Use this class as a template parameter for the gaussNewton function if you want to use the Gauss-Newton method which uses only the jacobian. More...
struct  joptimization::methods::Newton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >
 Use this class as a template parameter for the gaussNewton function if you want to use the Newton method which uses the Hessian. More...
class  jafar::jmath::MATLAB
 Class for serializing boost arrays into Matlab format. More...
class  jafar::jmath::UniformDistribution
 Uniform distribution generator using the Boost random library. More...
class  jafar::jmath::MultiDimUniformDistribution
 Multi dimensionnal uniform distribution generator using the Boost random library. More...
class  jafar::jmath::NormalDistribution
 Normal distribution generator using the Boost random library. More...
class  jafar::jmath::MultiDimNormalDistribution
 Multi dimensionnal normal distribution generator using the Boost random library. More...
class  jafar::jmath::RANSAC< NUMTYPE >
 An implementation of the RANSAC algorithm for robust fitting of models to data. More...
class  jafar::jmath::matrix_file< T >
 Class matrix_file loads/saves data into/from a matrix from/to a file. More...
class  jafar::jmath::vector_file< T >
 Class vector_file loads/saves data into/from a vector from/to a file. More...


namespace  jblas

shortcut for ublas namespace

namespace  joptimization

shortcut for ublas namespace

namespace  joptimization::algorithms

This namespace contains function to call some of the classical optimization algorithm for estimating the parameter p and minimizing sum( f_i(p)2 ).

namespace  jafar::jmath::ublasExtra

This namespace contains some extra tools for ublas vector and matrix.


file  indirectArray.hpp


file  ixaxpy.hpp


file  jann.hpp

This is the standard header defined in jafar to bind the flann library.

file  jblas.hpp

This is the standard header defined in jafar to use the boost uBlas library.

file  joptimization.hpp

This is the standard header defined in jafar to use non linear optimaztion methods Code spoofed from Cyrille Berger (cberger@cberger.net)


typedef _TType_ joptimization::methods::GaussNewton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >::Type
typedef _TFunction_ joptimization::methods::GaussNewton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >::Function
typedef _TType_ joptimization::methods::Newton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >::Type
typedef _TFunction_ joptimization::methods::Newton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >::Function


static void joptimization::methods::GaussNewton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >::computeM (const ublas::matrix< _TType_ > &jacobian, const _TFunction_ *f, ublas::vector< _TType_ > &parameters, ublas::vector< _TType_ > &values, ublas::matrix< _TType_ > &M)
static void joptimization::methods::Newton< _TFunction_, _TType_ >::computeM (const ublas::matrix< _TType_ > &jacobian, const _TFunction_ *f, ublas::vector< _TType_ > &parameters, ublas::vector< _TType_ > &values, ublas::matrix< _TType_ > &M)
template<class _TFunction_ , typename _TType_ >
_TType_ joptimization::algorithms::gradientDescent (_TFunction_ *f, ublas::vector< _TType_ > &parameters, int iter, _TType_ epsilon, _TType_ gamma)
 Perform an optimization following Gauss Newton algorithm.
template<class _TMethod_ >
_TMethod_::Type joptimization::algorithms::gaussNewton (typename _TMethod_::Function *f, ublas::vector< typename _TMethod_::Type > &parameters, int iter, typename _TMethod_::Type epsilon)
 Perform an optimization following Gauss Newton algorithm.
template<class _TFunction_ , typename _TType_ >
_TType_ joptimization::algorithms::levenbergMarquardt (_TFunction_ *f, ublas::vector< _TType_ > &parameters, int iter, _TType_ epsilon, _TType_ lambda0, _TType_ nu)
 Perform an optimization following Levenberg Marquardt algorithm.
template<typename _TType_ >
double optimization::details::computeRemain (const ublas::vector< _TType_ > &values)
template<typename _TType_ >
ublas::vector< double > optimization::details::solve (const ublas::matrix< _TType_ > &M, const ublas::matrix< _TType_ > &jacobian, const ublas::vector< _TType_ > &values, int p_count)

Function Documentation

template<class _TMethod_ >
_TMethod_::Type joptimization::algorithms::gaussNewton ( typename _TMethod_::Function *  f,
ublas::vector< typename _TMethod_::Type > &  parameters,
int  iter,
typename _TMethod_::Type  epsilon 

Perform an optimization following Gauss Newton algorithm.

parametersintial guess of the parameters value
itermaximal number of iterations
epsilonif the remain is below epsilon the function return
the remain
template<class _TFunction_ , typename _TType_ >
_TType_ joptimization::algorithms::gradientDescent ( _TFunction_ *  f,
ublas::vector< _TType_ > &  parameters,
int  iter,
_TType_  epsilon,
_TType_  gamma 

Perform an optimization following Gauss Newton algorithm.

parametersintial guess of the parameters value
itermaximal number of iterations
epsilonif the remain is below epsilon the function return
gammathe coeficient apply to the derivative
the remain
template<class _TFunction_ , typename _TType_ >
_TType_ joptimization::algorithms::levenbergMarquardt ( _TFunction_ *  f,
ublas::vector< _TType_ > &  parameters,
int  iter,
_TType_  epsilon,
_TType_  lambda0,
_TType_  nu 

Perform an optimization following Levenberg Marquardt algorithm.

parametersintial guess of the parameters value
itermaximal number of iterations
epsilonif the remain is below epsilon the function return
lambda0the intial value of the damping parameter
nuadjustment coefficient of the damping parameter
the remain
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