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jafar::stereo::CorrelationResults Class Reference

Contains the result of Correlation. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the result of Correlation.

Definition at line 21 of file CorrelationResults.hpp.

#include <CorrelationResults.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Types

 state of the object

Public Member Functions

void clean ()
 clean all data member and release all buffers
void initialize (ImagesSizes &imagesSizes_, CorrelationParams &correlationParams)
 initialize the object
void info ()
void calculeDisparityTableaux (int nbcol, int nj2, int disparite_min, int disparite_max, int &disp_max_general)
 Cette fonction détermine les tableaux de disparité min et max pour chaque colonne de l'image.
void saveDisparityToFile (char *fileName)
 save disparity to file this function can be used when we need to save disparity image of many stereo pairs for statitical purposes for example
void saveDisparitySigmaToFile (char *fileName)
 save disparity Sigma to file this function can be used when we need to save disparity image of many stereo pairs for statitical purposes for example
jafar::image::ImagegetImageForDisparity ()
 convert the disparity image in the CorrelationResult into a Image (for display purposes)
jafar::image::ImagegetImageOfCorrelatedPixels (jafar::image::Image &rectifiedImage)
 Get a JarImage as a copy of the rectified image and in which the value of not correlated pixels (disparity == 0) are set to 0 (for display purposes)
jafar::image::ImagegetImageForRegions ()

Public Attributes

CorrelationResults::STATE state
 state of the object
int win_nb_lig
 number of lines of correlation window
int delta_max_disp
 maximum disparity bias
int disp_min_general
 minimum general disparity
int * tab_disp_min
 pointer to the dispaity min table
int * tab_disp_max
 pointer to the dispaity max table
int * tab_disp_nj2_min
 pointer to the dispaity nj2 min table
int * tab_disp_nj2_max
 pointer to the dispaity nj2 max table
int ** tab_tab_produits
int * tab_produits_bas
int * tab_scores
double * tab_scores_2
int * somme_pdt_bas
int * somme_pdt_haut
ImagesSizes imagesSizes
ImagesTemporary::IMAGE_STATE state_disparites
float * im_disparites
 L'image de disparités de taille = taille_finale [i.e.
ImagesTemporary::IMAGE_STATE state_sigma_disparites
float * im_sigma_disparites
 L'image des écarts types sur les disparités de taille = taille_finale [i.e.
ImagesTemporary::IMAGE_STATE state_regions
int * im_regions

Member Data Documentation

L'image de disparités de taille = taille_finale [i.e.

= nb_lig_final * nb_col_final]

Definition at line 133 of file CorrelationResults.hpp.

L'image des écarts types sur les disparités de taille = taille_finale [i.e.

= nb_lig_final * nb_col_final]

Definition at line 140 of file CorrelationResults.hpp.

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