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Public Member Functions
jafar::lines::LsMatching Class Reference

This class provides functions to match two lineSegmentSet. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides functions to match two lineSegmentSet.

This class provides functions to match two lineSegmentSet. The main work is done by the descriptor members and corresponding functions in LineSegment, thus this class is strongly related to it.

Definition at line 22 of file lsMatching.hpp.

#include <lsMatching.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void matchingSchemeHistograms (jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsA, jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsB, jafar::lines::MatchingSet &match, double histoThresh)
 Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.
void matchingSchemeGreyspace (jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsA, jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsB, jafar::lines::MatchingSet &match, double thresh)
 Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.
void matchingSchemeHistoAndGrey (jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsA, jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsB, jafar::lines::MatchingSet &match, double threshHisto, double threshGrey)
 Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.
void matchingSchemeHistoAndGreyWithPrediction (jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsA, jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsB, jafar::lines::MatchingSet &match, double threshHisto, double threshGrey, double threshA, double threshMPt)
 Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.
void topologicalFilter (jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsA, jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet &lsB, jafar::lines::MatchingSet &match)
 Reduce the matching ba applying topological constraints.

Member Function Documentation

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet with use of greyspace descriptors stored in LineSegment. The lsA is matched to lsB (imortant to know how to read the MatchingSet). To use this function you have to assign a greyspace to each LineSegment. The following steps should be done: (if you want to orient the line: LineSegment::orientLine) LineSegment::assignContourPts LineSegment::calcGreyspaceDescriptor

This function is a development version, the matching is not reliable.

lsAold LineSegmentSet
lsBnew LineSegmentSet
matchstorage for the matching
threshthreshold on similarity of greyspace to accept the matching (e.g. 200), similarity of greyspaces has to be higher that that value

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet with use of greyspace descriptors stored in LineSegment and histograms. The lsA is matched to lsB (imortant to know how to read the MatchingSet). To use this function you have to assign a greyspace to each LineSegment. The following steps should be done: (if you want to orient the line: LineSegment::orientLine) LineSegment::assignContourPts LineSegment::calcGreyspaceDescriptor

The histograms have to be be extracted befor using that function as well: LineSegment:: calcHistogramDescriptor

This function is a development version, the matching is still not reliable.

lsAold LineSegmentSet
lsBnew LineSegmentSet
matchstorage for the matching
histoThreshthreshold on histogram difference to accept the matching (e.g. 20, depends on internal used comparison function)), histogram difference has to be smaller than that value
threshGreythreshold on similarity of greyspace to accept the matching (e.g. 200), similarity of greyspaces has to be higher that that value
void jafar::lines::LsMatching::matchingSchemeHistoAndGreyWithPrediction ( jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet lsA,
jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet lsB,
jafar::lines::MatchingSet match,
double  threshHisto,
double  threshGrey,
double  threshA,
double  threshMPt 

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet with use of greyspace descriptors stored in LineSegment and histograms.

Some geometric constrains are used to decrease the search range. Therfore a prediction for lsB is needed.

The lsA is matched to lsB (imortant to know how to read the MatchingSet). To use this function you have to assign a greyspace to each LineSegment. The following steps should be done: (if you want to orient the line: LineSegment::orientLine) LineSegment::assignContourPts LineSegment::calcGreyspaceDescriptor

The histograms have to be be extracted befor using that function as well: LineSegment:: calcHistogramDescriptor

This function is a development version, the matching is still not reliable.

lsAold LineSegmentSet
lsBnew LineSegmentSet
matchstorage for the matching
histoThreshthreshold on histogram difference to accept the matching (e.g. 20, depends on internal used comparison function)), histogram difference has to be smaller than that value
threshGreythreshold on similarity of greyspace to accept the matching (e.g. 200), similarity of greyspaces has to be higher that that value
threshAmaximal angular difference between matched lines
threshMPtmaxmimal euklidean distance of midpoints

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet.

Matching scheme to match to LineSegmentSet with use of histograms. The lsA is matched to lsB (imortant to know how to read the MatchingSet). The histograms have to be be extracted befor using that function: LineSegment:: calcHistogramDescriptor This function is a development version, the matching is not reliable.

lsAold LineSegmentSet
lsBnew LineSegmentSet
matchstorage for the matching
histoThreshthreshold on histogram difference to accept the matching (e.g. 20, depends on internal used comparison function)), histogram difference has to be smaller than that value

Reduce the matching ba applying topological constraints.

Reduce the matching ba applying topological constraints. It's still in development.

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