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jafar::lines::LineSegmentSet Class Reference

Container for a set of LineSegment. More...

Detailed Description

Container for a set of LineSegment.

This class provides a simples managment of a set of LineSegment instances. Thus the very most functions just call the LineSegment function for each instance in lineSegments vector.

Definition at line 20 of file lineSegmentSet.hpp.

#include <lineSegmentSet.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int eraseInvalid ()
 Erase all lines of lineSegments whose valid flag is not set.
void clearPredFlags ()
 Clear the predFlags to indictae that the current prediction is (no longer) valid.
void clearParameters ()
 Clear the parameters vector and the param1 value of all lines.
void addLine (LineSegment *lineSegment)
 Add a line to the set, line is given by its address.
void addLine (LineSegment &lineSegment)
 Add a line to the set, line is given as reference.
void clear ()
 Clear lineSegments.
void print ()
 Print endpoints, midpoint and directed orientation on std::out.
void extractGreyscales (jafar::image::Image *image, int parallel_flag=0)
 Call extractGreyscale for all lines of lineSegments.
void extractGradientscales (jafar::image::Image *image, int gradientimage, int parallel_flag=0)
 Call extractGradientscale for all lines of lineSegments.
void extractLaplacescales (jafar::image::Image *image, int laplaceimage, int parallel_flag=0)
 Call extractLaplacescalefor all lines of lineSegments.
void changeNumberOfNeighbours (int number)
 Call changeNumberOfNeighbours for all lines of lineSegments.
void calcHistogramDescriptor (jafar::image::Image *image, int nParallels=1, int d=3, jafar::image::Image *colorImage=0)
 Call calcHistogramDescriptor(image) for all lines of lineSegments.
void calcHistogramDescriptor ()
 Call calcHistogramDescriptor() for all lines of lineSegments.
void normaliseHistogramDescriptors ()
 Call normaliseHistogramDescriptor() for all lines of lineSegments.
void calcGreyspaceDescriptor (jafar::image::Image *image)
 Call calcGreyspaceDescriptor for all lines of lineSegments.
void assignContourPts (jafar::image::Image *image)
 Call assignContourPts for all lines of lineSegments.
void orientLines (jafar::image::Image *image)
 Call orientLines for all lines of lineSegments.
void growLinesParallel (jafar::image::Image *image, int dist=3, int thresh=5, int distThresh=20)
 Call growLinesParallel for all lines of lineSegments.
void growLines (jafar::image::Image *image, int gapThresh=1, int thresh=40, int maxOffset=2)
 Call growLine for all lines of lineSegments.
void fitLines (jafar::image::Image *image, int gradientimage=0, int nPoints=20, int pDist=25, jafar::image::Image *colorImage=0)
 Call fitLine for all lines of lineSegments.
void fitLinesOrientation (LineSegmentSet lsSet, jafar::image::Image *gradX, jafar::image::Image *gradY, int nPoints=10, int pDist=25, double aDist=M_PI *0.5, double minLength=0, double extend=0, jafar::image::Image *colorImage=0)
 Call fitLineOrientation for all lines of lineSegments.
void drawLineSegments (jafar::image::Image *image, CvScalar color, int width)
void drawLineSegments (jafar::image::Image *image, int width)
unsigned int size ()
 Returns size of lineSegments.
LineSegmentls (unsigned int index)
 Returns reference to lineSegments[index].

Static Public Member Functions

static void clone (LineSegmentSet &old, LineSegmentSet &clone)
 Copys the old LineSegmentSet to the clone LineSegmentSet.

Public Attributes

std::vector< LineSegmentlineSegments
 Storage for the lines.

Member Function Documentation

Call assignContourPts for all lines of lineSegments.

Call assignContourPts for all lines of lineSegments. image has to be a black and white image with contour points. For example the result of Canny edge detection (see lines::LsExtractor)

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