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00001 /* $Id$ */
00003 #ifndef CAMERA_BARRETO_HPP
00004 #define CAMERA_BARRETO_HPP
00006 #include "kernel/keyValueFile.hpp"
00007 #include "camera/cameraPinhole.hpp"
00008 #include "jmath/jblas.hpp"
00010 namespace jafar {
00011   namespace camera {
00017     class CameraBarreto : public jafar::kernel::KeyValueFileLoad {
00019     public:
00022       jafar::camera::CameraPinhole camera;
00025       double xi;
00028       double phi;
00031       double mirrorDiameter;
00034       double mirrorCenterU;
00036       double mirrorCenterV;
00038       jblas::vec2 getMirrorCenter() const {
00039         jblas::vec2 mc;
00040         mc(0) = mirrorCenterU;
00041         mc(1) = mirrorCenterV;
00042         return mc;
00043       }
00046       double imageRadius;
00049       double maskRadius;
00051       void applyScale(double scale);
00053       template<class Vec, class Pix>
00054       bool project(Vec const& v, Pix& pix) const
00055       {
00056   JFR_PRECOND(v.size() == 3,
00057         "CameraBarreto::project: size of v does not match");
00058   JFR_PRECOND(pix.size() == 2,
00059         "CameraBarreto::project: size of pix does not match");
00062   jblas::vec3 vbar;
00063   // non linear mirror function
00064   hbar(v, vbar);
00066   // projectioni
00067   double d = xi - phi;
00068   vbar(0) *= d;
00069   vbar(1) *= d;
00071   camera.project(vbar, pix);
00073   double radius = ublas::norm_2(pix - getMirrorCenter());
00074   if ( radius <= imageRadius && radius > maskRadius )
00075     return true;
00076   else
00077     return false;
00079   JFR_TRACE_END("CameraBarreto::project");
00080       }
00082       template<class Vec, class Mat>
00083       void projectJac(Vec const& v, Mat& J) {
00084   JFR_PRECOND(v.size() == 3,
00085         "CameraBarreto::projectJac: size of v does not match");
00086   JFR_PRECOND(J.size1() == 2 && J.size2() == 3,
00087         "CameraBarreto::projectJac: size of J does not match");
00089   double x = v(0);
00090   double y = v(1);
00091   double z = v(2);
00093   /* begin maple code */
00094   double t1 = xi - phi;
00095   double t2 = camera.alphaU * t1;
00096   double t3 = fabs(x);
00097   double t4 = t3 * t3;
00098   double t5 = fabs(y);
00099   double t6 = t5 * t5;
00100   double t7 = fabs(z);
00101   double t8 = t7 * t7;
00102   double t9 = t4 + t6 + t8;
00103   double t10 = sqrt(t9);
00104   double t11 = 0.1e1 / t10;
00105   double t13 = z * t11 - xi;
00106   double t14 = 0.1e1 / t13;
00107   double t15 = t11 * t14;
00108   double t17 = t2 * x;
00109   double t19 = 0.1e1 / t10 / t9;
00110   double t20 = t19 * t14;
00111   double t21 = fabs(x) / x;
00112   double t22 = t3 * t21;
00113   double t23 = t20 * t22;
00114   double t25 = t9 * t9;
00115   double t26 = 0.1e1 / t25;
00116   double t28 = t2 * x * t26;
00117   double t29 = t13 * t13;
00118   double t30 = 0.1e1 / t29;
00119   double t31 = t30 * z;
00120   double t32 = t31 * t22;
00121   double t35 = fabs(y) / y;
00122   double t36 = t5 * t35;
00123   double t37 = t20 * t36;
00124   double t39 = t31 * t36;
00125   double t42 = fabs(z) / z;
00126   double t43 = t7 * t42;
00127   double t44 = t20 * t43;
00128   double t50 = t11 * t30 * (t11 - z * t19 * t43);
00129   double t53 = camera.alphaV * t1;
00130   double t54 = t53 * y;
00131   double t57 = t53 * y * t26;
00132   J(0,0) = t2 * t15 - t17 * t23 + t28 * t32;
00133   J(0,1) = -t17 * t37 + t28 * t39;
00134   J(0,2) = -t17 * t44 - t17 * t50;
00135   J(1,0) = -t54 * t23 + t57 * t32;
00136   J(1,1) = t53 * t15 - t54 * t37 + t57 * t39;
00137   J(1,2) = -t54 * t44 - t54 * t50;
00138   /* end maple code */
00140        }
00143       template<class Pix, class Vec>
00144       void imageToCameraFrame(Pix const& pix, Vec& v) const
00145       {
00146   JFR_PRECOND(pix.size() == 2,
00147         "CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrame: invalid pix size: " << pix.size());
00148   JFR_PRECOND(v.size() == 3,
00149         "CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrame: invalid v size: " << v.size());
00151   // back projection
00152   jblas::vec3 vbar;
00153   camera.imageToCameraFrame(pix, vbar);
00154   double d = 1/(xi - phi);
00155   vbar(0) *= d;
00156   vbar(1) *= d;
00158   hbarInv(vbar, v);
00160   JFR_TRACE_END("CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrame");
00161       }
00166       template<class Pix, class Vec>
00167       void imageToCameraFrameDirection(Pix const& pix, Vec& v) const
00168       {
00170   imageToCameraFrame(pix, v);
00172   double n = ublas::norm_2(v);
00173   JFR_NUMERIC(n > camera.epsilon,
00174         "CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrameDirection: vector too small");
00175   v /= n;
00176   JFR_TRACE_END("CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrameDirection");
00177       }
00179       template<class Pix, class Mat>
00180       void imageToCameraFrameDirectionJac(Pix const& pix, Mat& J) const
00181       {
00182   JFR_PRECOND(pix.size() == 2,
00183         "CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrameDirectionJac: size of pix does not match");
00184   JFR_PRECOND(J.size1() == 3 && J.size2() == 2,
00185         "CameraBarreto::imageToCameraFrameDirectionJac: size of J does not match");
00187   double u = pix(0);
00188   double v = pix(1);
00190   /* begin maple code */
00191   double t2 = xi * xi;
00192   double t3 = 0.1e1 - t2;
00193   double t4 = u - camera.u0;
00194   double t5 = t4 * t4;
00195   double t6 = camera.alphaU * camera.alphaU;
00196   double t7 = 0.1e1 / t6;
00197   double t9 = xi - phi;
00198   double t10 = t9 * t9;
00199   double t11 = 0.1e1 / t10;
00200   double t12 = t5 * t7 * t11;
00201   double t13 = v - camera.v0;
00202   double t14 = t13 * t13;
00203   double t15 = camera.alphaV * camera.alphaV;
00204   double t16 = 0.1e1 / t15;
00205   double t18 = t14 * t16 * t11;
00206   double t22 = sqrt(0.100e1 + t3 * (t12 + t18));
00207   double t23 = -0.10e1 * xi - t22;
00208   double t24 = t12 + t18 + 0.100e1;
00209   double t25 = 0.1e1 / t24;
00210   double t26 = t23 * t25;
00211   double t27 = 0.1e1 / camera.alphaU;
00212   double t28 = t4 * t27;
00213   double t29 = 0.1e1 / t9;
00214   double t31 = t26 * t28 * t29;
00215   double t32 = fabs(t31);
00216   double t33 = t32 * t32;
00217   double t34 = 0.1e1 / camera.alphaV;
00218   double t35 = t13 * t34;
00219   double t37 = t26 * t35 * t29;
00220   double t38 = fabs(t37);
00221   double t39 = t38 * t38;
00222   double t41 = 0.10e1 * t26 + xi;
00223   double t42 = fabs(t41);
00224   double t43 = t42 * t42;
00225   double t44 = t33 + t39 + t43;
00226   double t45 = sqrt(t44);
00227   double t47 = 0.1e1 / t45 / t44;
00228   double t49 = t47 * t23 * t25;
00229   double t50 = fabs(t31) / t31;
00230   double t51 = t32 * t50;
00231   double t52 = 0.1e1 / t22;
00232   double t53 = t52 * t3;
00233   double t56 = 0.1e1 / t6 / camera.alphaU;
00234   double t58 = 0.1e1 / t10 / t9;
00235   double t62 = t24 * t24;
00236   double t63 = 0.1e1 / t62;
00237   double t64 = t23 * t63;
00238   double t65 = t5 * t56;
00239   double t66 = t65 * t58;
00240   double t73 = fabs(t37) / t37;
00241   double t74 = t38 * t73;
00242   double t75 = t4 * t7;
00243   double t77 = t58 * t25;
00244   double t82 = t34 * t58 * t75;
00245   double t87 = fabs(t41) / t41;
00246   double t88 = t42 * t87;
00247   double t97 = -0.10e1 * t53 * t4 * t7 * t11 * t25 - 0.20e1 * t64 * t75 * t11;
00248   double t99 = t51 * (-t53 * t5 * t56 * t58 * t25 - 0.2e1 * t64 * t66 + t26 * t27 * t29) + t74 * (-t53 * t75 * t77 * t35 - 0.2e1 * t64 * t13 * t82) + t88 * t97;
00249   double t100 = 0.2e1 * t29 * t99;
00250   double t104 = 0.1e1 / t45;
00251   double t105 = t104 * t52;
00252   double t106 = t105 * t3;
00253   double t109 = t104 * t23;
00254   double t110 = t109 * t63;
00255   double t117 = t13 * t16;
00256   double t123 = t27 * t58 * t117;
00257   double t130 = 0.1e1 / t15 / camera.alphaV;
00258   double t134 = t14 * t130;
00259   double t135 = t134 * t58;
00260   double t150 = -0.10e1 * t53 * t13 * t16 * t11 * t25 - 0.20e1 * t64 * t117 * t11;
00261   double t152 = t51 * (-t53 * t117 * t77 * t28 - 0.2e1 * t64 * t4 * t123) + t74 * (-t53 * t14 * t130 * t58 * t25 - 0.2e1 * t64 * t135 + t26 * t34 * t29) + t88 * t150;
00262   double t153 = 0.2e1 * t29 * t152;
00263   double t195 = t47 * t41;
00264   J(0,0) = -t49 * t28 * t100 / 0.2e1 - t106 * t65 * t77 - 0.2e1 * t110 * t66 + t109 * t25 * t27 * t29;
00265   J(0,1) = -t49 * t28 * t153 / 0.2e1 - t105 * t3 * t13 * t16 * t58 * t25 * t4 * t27 - 0.2e1 * t109 * t63 * t4 * t123;
00266   J(1,0) = -t49 * t35 * t100 / 0.2e1 - t105 * t3 * t4 * t7 * t58 * t25 * t13 * t34 - 0.2e1 * t109 * t63 * t13 * t82;
00267   J(1,1) = -t49 * t35 * t153 / 0.2e1 - t106 * t134 * t77 - 0.2e1 * t110 * t135 + t109 * t25 * t34 * t29;
00268   J(2,0) = -t195 * t99 + t104 * t97;
00269   J(2,1) = -t195 * t152 + t104 * t150;
00270   /* end maple code */
00272       }
00274     protected:
00276       CameraBarreto() : camera(), maskRadius(0.0) {}
00278       void setParameters(int width_, int height_, 
00279        double u0_, double v0_, 
00280        double alphaU_, double alphaV_,
00281        double xi_, double phi_, 
00282        double mirrorRadius_, 
00283        double imageRadius_,
00284        double maskRadius_);
00286       template<class Vec1, class Vec2>
00287       void hbar(Vec1 const& x, Vec2 & xbar) const
00288       {
00289   double nx = ublas::norm_2(x);
00291   JFR_NUMERIC(nx > camera.epsilon,
00292         "CameraBarreto::hbar: 3D points norm is too small: " << x);
00294   xbar.assign( x / nx );
00295   xbar(2) -= xi;
00296       }
00298       template<class Vec1, class Vec2>
00299       void hbarInv(Vec1 const& xbar, Vec2 & x) const
00300       {
00301   double t1 = -xbar(2)*xi-sqrt(xbar(2)*xbar(2) + (1-xi*xi)*(xbar(0)*xbar(0) + xbar(1)*xbar(1)) );
00302   double t2 = xbar(0)*xbar(0) + xbar(1)*xbar(1) + xbar(2)*xbar(2);
00303   double t3 = t1/t2;
00304   x.assign(t3 * xbar);
00305   x(2) += xi;
00306       }
00308       virtual void loadKeyValueFile(jafar::kernel::KeyValueFile const& keyValueFile) = 0;
00310     }; // class CameraBarreto
00312     std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, jafar::camera::CameraBarreto const& cb);
00323     class CameraParabolicBarreto : public CameraBarreto {
00325     public:
00328       double p;
00330       CameraParabolicBarreto() : CameraBarreto() {}
00332       void setParameters(int width_, int height_,
00333        double u0_, double v0_,
00334        double alphaU_, double alphaV_,
00335        double p,
00336        double mirrorRadius_,
00337        double imageRadius_,
00338        double maskRadius_);
00339     protected:
00341       void loadKeyValueFile(jafar::kernel::KeyValueFile const& keyValueFile);
00343     }; // class CameraParabolicBarreto
00345   }
00346 }
00348 #endif // CAMERA_BARRETO_HPP
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