Functions for operations related to lines in SLAM (Plucker, homogeneous, rho-theta, and others) More...
Functions for operations related to lines in SLAM (Plucker, homogeneous, rho-theta, and others)
Functions | |
template<class Mat > | |
void | pluckerIntrinsicMatrix (double u0, double v0, double au, double av, Mat &K) |
Build Plucker matrix from calibration parameters. | |
template<class Vec , class Mat > | |
void | pluckerIntrinsicMatrix (Vec const &k, Mat &K) |
Build Plucker matrix from calibration vector. | |
void | pluckerInverseIntrinsicMatrix (double u0, double v0, double au, double av, jblas::mat &iK) |
Build inverse Plucker camera matrix from calibration parameters. | |
void | pluckerInverseIntrinsicMatrix (jblas::vec4 const &k, jblas::mat &iK) |
Build inverse Plucker camera matrix from calibration vector. | |
jblas::vec2 | homogeneousToRhoTheta (jblas::vec3 const &l) |
Homogeneous 2D line to rho-theta representation. | |
void | homogeneousToRhoTheta (jblas::vec3 const &l, jblas::vec2 &rt, jblas::mat &RT_l) |
homogeneous 2D line to rho-theta, with Jacobian | |
jblas::vec3 | rhoThetaToHomogeneous (jblas::vec2 const &rt) |
Rho-theta to homogeneous 2D line transform. | |
void | rhoThetaToHomogeneous (jblas::vec2 const &rt, jblas::vec3 &l, jblas::mat &L_rt) |
Rho-theta to homogeneous 2D line transform -- Jacobian. | |
jblas::vec3 | projectPlucker (jblas::mat33 const &K, jblas::vec6 const &L) |
Project Plucker 3D line into homogeneous 2D line. | |
void | projectPlucker (jblas::mat33 const &K, jblas::vec6 const &L, jblas::vec3 &l, jblas::mat &L_l) |
Project Plucker 3D line into homogeneous 2D line, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec3 | retroProjectPluckerPlaneNormal (jblas::mat33 const &iK, jblas::vec3 const &l) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to representation plane normal vector. | |
void | retroProjectPluckerPlaneNormal (jblas::mat33 const &iK, jblas::vec3 const &l, jblas::vec3 &n, jblas::mat33 &N_l) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to representation plane normal vector, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec6 | retroProjectPlucker (jblas::mat33 const &iK, jblas::vec3 const &l, jblas::vec3 const &v) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line. | |
void | retroProjectPlucker (jblas::mat33 const &iK, jblas::vec3 const &l, jblas::vec3 const &v, jblas::vec6 &L, jblas::mat &L_l, jblas::mat &L_v) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec6 | retroProjectPluckerFromBase (jblas::mat33 const &iK, jblas::vec3 const &l, jblas::vec2 const &beta) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line providing base vector. | |
void | retroProjectPluckerFromBase (jblas::mat33 const &iK, jblas::vec3 const &l, jblas::vec2 const &beta, jblas::vec6 &L, jblas::mat &L_l, jblas::mat &L_beta) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line providing base vector, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::mat | planeVecToBaseMatrix (jblas::vec3 const &n) |
Plane sub-vector to plane base matrix. | |
jblas::vec3 | planeBaseToDirVector (jblas::vec3 const &n, jblas::vec2 const &beta) |
Plane sub-vector 'n' and plane base to direction vector. | |
void | planeBaseToDirVector (jblas::vec3 const &n, jblas::vec2 const &beta, jblas::vec3 &v, jblas::mat33 &V_n, jblas::mat &V_beta) |
Plane sub-vector 'n' and plane base to direction vector, with Jacobians. | |
void | planeBaseToDirVector (jblas::vec_range const &n, jblas::vec2 const &beta, jblas::vec_range &v, jblas::mat33 &V_n, jblas::mat &V_beta) |
Plane sub-vector 'n' and plane base to direction vector, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec3 | normVec3 (jblas::vec3 const &v) |
Normalize 3-vector. | |
void | normVec3 (jblas::vec3 const &v, jblas::vec3 &vn, jblas::mat33 &VN_v) |
Normalize 3-vector, with Jacobians. | |
void | normVec3 (jblas::vec3 const &v, jblas::vec_range &vn, jblas::mat33 &VN_v) |
Normalize 3-vector, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec3 | adjustVec3 (jblas::vec3 const &v, jblas::vec3 const &n) |
Bring a vector to the norm of another one. | |
void | adjustVec3 (jblas::vec3 const &v, jblas::vec3 const &n, jblas::vec3 &w, jblas::mat33 &W_v) |
Bring a vector to the norm of another one - with Jacobian. | |
jblas::vec3 | pluckerOrigin (jblas::vec6 const &L) |
Plucker line's origin, the closest point to the coordinates origin. | |
void | pluckerOrigin (jblas::vec6 const &L, jblas::vec3 &p0, jblas::mat &P0_l) |
Plucker line's origin, with Jacobian. | |
jblas::mat33 | skewSymmMat33 (jblas::vec3 const &v) |
3-by-3 skew-symmetric matrix. | |
jblas::vec3 | pluckerEndpoint (jblas::vec6 const &L, double const s) |
Compute Plucker line endpoint. | |
void | pluckerEndpoint (jblas::vec6 const &L, double const s, jblas::vec3 &e, jblas::mat &E_l, jblas::mat &E_s) |
Compute Plucker line endpoint, with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec6 | pluckerRay (jblas::mat33 const &K, jblas::vec2 const &p) |
Ray from pixel, as a Plucker line. | |
void | pluckerRay (jblas::mat33 const &K, jblas::vec2 const &p, jblas::vec6 r, jblas::mat R_p) |
Ray as a Plucker line from pixel, with Jacobians. | |
boost::tuple< double, double, double > | pluckerSoftIntersectionAbscissa (jblas::vec6 const &line1, jblas::vec6 const &line2) |
Abscissas of the imperfect intersection of 2 Plucker lines. | |
jblas::vec6 | pluckerToEuclideanPlucker (jblas::vec6 const &L) |
Normalize Plucker line to convert it to Euclidean Plucker line. | |
void | pluckerToEuclideanPlucker (jblas::vec6 const &L, jblas::vec6 &eL, jblas::mat66 &EL_l) |
Normalize Plucker line to convert it to Euclidean Plucker line, with Jacobian. | |
jblas::vec3 | extToHomogeneous (jblas::vec2 const &p, jblas::vec2 const &q) |
Two endpoints to homogeneous 2D line. | |
void | extToHomogeneous (jblas::vec2 const &p, jblas::vec2 const &q, jblas::vec3 &hm, jblas::mat &HM_p, jblas::mat &HM_q) |
Two endpoints to homogeneous 2D line - with Jacobians. | |
void | points3plane (jblas::vec3 const &a, jblas::vec3 const &b, jblas::vec3 const &c, jblas::vec6 &plane) |
Extract a plane from 3 euclidean points. | |
jblas::vec6 | hmPointsToPlucker (jblas::vec4 &A, jblas::vec4 &B) |
Homogeneous Points to Plucker. | |
void | hmPointsToPlucker (jblas::vec4 &A, jblas::vec4 &B, jblas::vec6 &L, jblas::mat &L_a, jblas::mat &L_b) |
Homogeneous Point to Plucker Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec4 | uvdToHmPoint (jblas::vec3 const &uvd, jblas::vec4 &k, double const alpha) |
stereo pixel to homogeneous Point | |
void | uvdToHmPoint (jblas::vec3 const &uvd, jblas::vec4 &k, double const alpha, jblas::vec4 &hmP, jblas::mat &HmPu) |
stereo pixel to homogeneous Point Jacobian | |
jblas::vec6 | projectPluckerToStereo (jblas::vec4 const &k, double alpha, jblas::vec6 const &L) |
Plucker line to two stereo homogeneous lines. | |
void | projectPluckerToStereo (jblas::vec4 const &k, double alpha, jblas::vec6 const &L, jblas::vec6 &stLine, jblas::mat66 &StLine_l) |
Plucker line to two stereo homogeneous lines - with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec2 | extToRhoTheta (const jblas::vec2 &ext1, const jblas::vec2 &ext2) |
Segment extremities to rho theta line conversion. | |
void | extToRhoTheta (const jblas::vec2 &ext1, const jblas::vec2 &ext2, jblas::vec2 &rt, jblas::mat &RT_ee) |
Segment extremities to rho theta line conversion - Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec4 | uvdsToStereoRhoTheta (jblas::vec6 const &uvduvd) |
Convert stereo segment to rho-theta stereo line. | |
void | uvdsToStereoRhoTheta (jblas::vec6 const &uvduvd, jblas::vec4 &rtrt, jblas::mat &RR_uu) |
Convert stereo segment to rho-theta stereo line - Jacobians. | |
void | uvdsToStereoRhoTheta (jblas::vec6 const &uvduvd, jblas::mat &RR_uu) |
Convert stereo segment to rho-theta stereo line - only Jacobians. | |
void | homogenousToExtDistances (const jblas::vec3 &_hm, const jblas::vec2 &ext1, const jblas::vec2 &ext2, jblas::vec2 &dd, jblas::mat &DD_hm, jblas::mat &DD_ext1, jblas::mat &DD_ext2) |
void | homogenousToPointDistance (const jblas::vec3 &_hm, const jblas::vec2 &_ext, double &d, jblas::mat_range &D_hm, jblas::mat_range &D_ext) |
void | homogenousToExtDistances (const jblas::vec3 &_hm, const jblas::vec2 &ext1, const jblas::vec2 &ext2, jblas::vec2 &dd, jblas::mat &DD_hm) |
void | homogenousToPointDistance (const jblas::vec3 &_hm, const jblas::vec2 &_ext, double &d, jblas::mat_range &D_hm) |
jblas::vec6 | points3DToPointVecLine (const jblas::vec3 &p, const jblas::vec3 &q) |
Points line to point-vector line transform. | |
void | points3DToPointVecLine (const jblas::vec3 &p, const jblas::vec3 &q, jblas::vec6 &m, jblas::mat66 &M_l) |
Points line to point-vector line transform with Jacobians. | |
jblas::vec2 | intersectPointVecLines (const jblas::vec6 &l1, const jblas::vec6 &l2) |
Intersection two point vector lines. | |
double | cosVecsAngle (const jblas::vec3 &v1, const jblas::vec3 &v2) |
Cosinus of the angle between two vectors. |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::adjustVec3 | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | v, |
jblas::vec3 const & | n | ||
) |
Bring a vector to the norm of another one.
v | the nevtor to adjust |
n | the vector used as reference |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::adjustVec3 | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | v, |
jblas::vec3 const & | n, | ||
jblas::vec3 & | w, | ||
jblas::mat33 & | W_v | ||
) |
Bring a vector to the norm of another one - with Jacobian.
v | the nevtor to adjust |
n | the vector used as reference |
w | the adjusted vector |
W_v | the Jacobian wrt v |
jblas::vec2 jafar::slam::lineTools::extToRhoTheta | ( | const jblas::vec2 & | ext1, |
const jblas::vec2 & | ext2 | ||
) |
Segment extremities to rho theta line conversion.
ext1 | one endpoint |
ext2 | the other endpoint |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::extToRhoTheta | ( | const jblas::vec2 & | ext1, |
const jblas::vec2 & | ext2, | ||
jblas::vec2 & | rt, | ||
jblas::mat & | RT_ee | ||
) |
Segment extremities to rho theta line conversion - Jacobians.
ext1 | one endpoint |
ext2 | the other endpoint |
rt | the rho-theta line |
RT_ee | the Jacobian of rt wrt ext1 and ext2 |
Homogeneous 2D line to rho-theta representation.
l | homogeneous 2D line in the image plane |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::homogeneousToRhoTheta | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | l, |
jblas::vec2 & | rt, | ||
jblas::mat & | RT_l | ||
) |
homogeneous 2D line to rho-theta, with Jacobian
l | the homogeneous 2D line |
rt | the rho-theta representation |
RT_l | the Jacobian of rt wrt l |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::homogenousToExtDistances | ( | const jblas::vec3 & | _hm, |
const jblas::vec2 & | ext1, | ||
const jblas::vec2 & | ext2, | ||
jblas::vec2 & | dd, | ||
jblas::mat & | DD_hm, | ||
jblas::mat & | DD_ext1, | ||
jblas::mat & | DD_ext2 | ||
) |
_hm | homogenous vector for the line parameters |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::normVec3 | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | v | ) |
Normalize 3-vector.
v | input 3-vector |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::normVec3 | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | v, |
jblas::vec3 & | vn, | ||
jblas::mat33 & | VN_v | ||
) |
Normalize 3-vector, with Jacobians.
v | input 3-vector |
nv | output normalized 3-vector |
NV_v | output 3x3 normalization Jacobian |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::normVec3 | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | v, |
jblas::vec_range & | vn, | ||
jblas::mat33 & | VN_v | ||
) |
Normalize 3-vector, with Jacobians.
v | input 3-vector |
nv | output normalized 3-vector |
NV_v | output 3x3 normalization Jacobian |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::planeBaseToDirVector | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | n, |
jblas::vec2 const & | beta | ||
) |
Plane sub-vector 'n' and plane base to direction vector.
n | the representation plane's normal vector |
beta | the line's director 2-vector defined in the local representation plane |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::planeBaseToDirVector | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | n, |
jblas::vec2 const & | beta, | ||
jblas::vec3 & | v, | ||
jblas::mat33 & | V_n, | ||
jblas::mat & | V_beta | ||
) |
Plane sub-vector 'n' and plane base to direction vector, with Jacobians.
n | the representation plane's normal vector |
beta | the line's director 2-vector defined in the local representation plane |
v | the line's director 3-vector |
V_n | the Jacobian ov V wrt n |
V_beta | the Jacobian of V wrt beta |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::planeBaseToDirVector | ( | jblas::vec_range const & | n, |
jblas::vec2 const & | beta, | ||
jblas::vec_range & | v, | ||
jblas::mat33 & | V_n, | ||
jblas::mat & | V_beta | ||
) |
Plane sub-vector 'n' and plane base to direction vector, with Jacobians.
n | the representation plane's normal vector |
beta | the line's director 2-vector defined in the local representation plane |
v | the line's director 3-vector |
V_n | the Jacobian ov V wrt n |
V_beta | the Jacobian of V wrt beta |
Plane sub-vector to plane base matrix.
n | the representation plane's normal vector |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerEndpoint | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | L, |
double const | s | ||
) |
Compute Plucker line endpoint.
L | the Plucker line |
s | the abcissa of the endpoint in the line's local frame |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerEndpoint | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | L, |
double const | s, | ||
jblas::vec3 & | e, | ||
jblas::mat & | E_l, | ||
jblas::mat & | E_s | ||
) |
Compute Plucker line endpoint, with Jacobians.
L | Plucker line |
s | Endpoint's abscissa in the line's local frame |
e | 3D Endpoint |
E_l | Jacobian of e wrt L |
E_s | Jacobian of e wrt s |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerIntrinsicMatrix | ( | double | u0, |
double | v0, | ||
double | au, | ||
double | av, | ||
Mat & | K | ||
) |
Build Plucker matrix from calibration parameters.
u0 | horizontal coordinate of principal point, in pixels |
v0 | vertical coordinate of principal point |
au | focal distance, in horizontal pixel units |
av | focal distance, in vertical pixel units |
K | Plucker intrinsic matrix |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerIntrinsicMatrix | ( | Vec const & | k, |
Mat & | K | ||
) |
Build Plucker matrix from calibration vector.
k | calibration vector k = (u0, v0, au, av) |
K | Plucker intrinsic matrix |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerInverseIntrinsicMatrix | ( | double | u0, |
double | v0, | ||
double | au, | ||
double | av, | ||
jblas::mat & | iK | ||
) |
Build inverse Plucker camera matrix from calibration parameters.
u0 | horizontal coordinate of principal point, in pixels |
v0 | vertical coordinate of principal point |
au | focal distance, in horizontal pixel units |
av | focal distance, in vertical pixel units |
iK | inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerInverseIntrinsicMatrix | ( | jblas::vec4 const & | k, |
jblas::mat & | iK | ||
) |
Build inverse Plucker camera matrix from calibration vector.
k | calibration vector k = (u0, v0, au, av) |
iK | inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerOrigin | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | L | ) |
Plucker line's origin, the closest point to the coordinates origin.
The point is computed with p0 = cross(n,v)/dot(v,v), where n and v are the sub-vectors of the Plucker line, L = [n;v]. See the function with Jacobians for formulae.
L | Plucker line |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerOrigin | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | L, |
jblas::vec3 & | p0, | ||
jblas::mat & | P0_l | ||
) |
Plucker line's origin, with Jacobian.
The Plucker line is divided in sub-vectors:
n = subrange(L,0,3) is the plane normal,
v = subrange(L,3,6) is the director vector.
Then the closest point of L to the global origin of coordinates is
p0 = cross(n,v)/dot(v,v).
L | Plucker line |
p0 | line origin, defined as the closest point to the global origin |
P0_l | Jacobian of the origin with respect to the line |
jblas::vec6 jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerRay | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | K, |
jblas::vec2 const & | p | ||
) |
Ray from pixel, as a Plucker line.
K | intrinsic matrix |
p | a 2-pixel |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerRay | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | K, |
jblas::vec2 const & | p, | ||
jblas::vec6 | r, | ||
jblas::mat | R_p | ||
) |
Ray as a Plucker line from pixel, with Jacobians.
K | intrinsic matrix |
p | a 2-pixel |
r | the ray as a Plucker line |
R_p | the Jacobian of r wrt p |
boost::tuple<double,double,double> jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerSoftIntersectionAbscissa | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | line1, |
jblas::vec6 const & | line2 | ||
) |
Abscissas of the imperfect intersection of 2 Plucker lines.
This function computes the distance between two Plucker lines and returns the abscisses of the points on both lines that are closest to the other line. This represents an imperfect intersection.
line1 | The first Plucker line |
line2 | The second Plucker line |
Normalize Plucker line to convert it to Euclidean Plucker line.
L | the Plucker line |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::pluckerToEuclideanPlucker | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | L, |
jblas::vec6 & | eL, | ||
jblas::mat66 & | EL_l | ||
) |
Normalize Plucker line to convert it to Euclidean Plucker line, with Jacobian.
L | the Plucker line |
eL | the Euclidean Plucker line |
EL_l | the Jacobian |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::projectPlucker | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | K, |
jblas::vec6 const & | L | ||
) |
Project Plucker 3D line into homogeneous 2D line.
K | the Plucker intrinsic matrix |
L | the Plucker line |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::projectPlucker | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | K, |
jblas::vec6 const & | L, | ||
jblas::vec3 & | l, | ||
jblas::mat & | L_l | ||
) |
Project Plucker 3D line into homogeneous 2D line, with Jacobians.
K | the Plucker intrinsic matrix |
L | the Plucker line |
l | the homogeneous 2D line in the image plane |
L_l | the Jacobian of l wrt L |
jblas::vec6 jafar::slam::lineTools::projectPluckerToStereo | ( | jblas::vec4 const & | k, |
double | alpha, | ||
jblas::vec6 const & | L | ||
) |
Plucker line to two stereo homogeneous lines.
k | the intrinsic parameters vector (u0,v0,alphaU,alphaV) |
alpha | the baseline factor, alpha = b*alphaU |
L | the Plucker line |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::projectPluckerToStereo | ( | jblas::vec4 const & | k, |
double | alpha, | ||
jblas::vec6 const & | L, | ||
jblas::vec6 & | stLine, | ||
jblas::mat66 & | StLine_l | ||
) |
Plucker line to two stereo homogeneous lines - with Jacobians.
k | the intrinsic parameters vector (u0,v0,alphaU,alphaV) |
alpha | the baseline factor, alpha = b*alphaU |
L | the Plucker line |
stLine | a 6-vector with 2 stacked homogeneous lines, for left and right images |
StLine_l | the Jacobian of stLine wrt L |
jblas::vec6 jafar::slam::lineTools::retroProjectPlucker | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | iK, |
jblas::vec3 const & | l, | ||
jblas::vec3 const & | v | ||
) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line.
iK | the inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
l | the 2D homogeneous line |
v | the line's director vector, unmeasurable from l |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::retroProjectPlucker | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | iK, |
jblas::vec3 const & | l, | ||
jblas::vec3 const & | v, | ||
jblas::vec6 & | L, | ||
jblas::mat & | L_l, | ||
jblas::mat & | L_v | ||
) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line, with Jacobians.
iK | the inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
l | the 2D homogeneous line |
v | the line's director vector, unmeasurable from l |
L | the 3D Plucker line |
L_l | the Jacobian of L wrt l |
L_v | the Jacobian of L wrt v |
jblas::vec6 jafar::slam::lineTools::retroProjectPluckerFromBase | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | iK, |
jblas::vec3 const & | l, | ||
jblas::vec2 const & | beta | ||
) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line providing base vector.
iK | the inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
l | the 2D homogeneous line |
beta | the line's director 2-vector defined in the local representation plane |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::retroProjectPluckerFromBase | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | iK, |
jblas::vec3 const & | l, | ||
jblas::vec2 const & | beta, | ||
jblas::vec6 & | L, | ||
jblas::mat & | L_l, | ||
jblas::mat & | L_beta | ||
) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to Plucker 3D line providing base vector, with Jacobians.
iK | the inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
l | the 2D homogeneous line |
beta | the line's director 2-vector defined in the local representation plane |
L | the 3D Plucker line |
L_l | the Jacobian of L wrt l |
L_beta | the Jacobian of L wrt beta |
jblas::vec3 jafar::slam::lineTools::retroProjectPluckerPlaneNormal | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | iK, |
jblas::vec3 const & | l | ||
) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to representation plane normal vector.
iK | the inverse Plucker intrinsic matrix |
l | the homogeneous 2D line |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::retroProjectPluckerPlaneNormal | ( | jblas::mat33 const & | iK, |
jblas::vec3 const & | l, | ||
jblas::vec3 & | n, | ||
jblas::mat33 & | N_l | ||
) |
Retro project homogeneous 2D line to representation plane normal vector, with Jacobians.
iK | the inverse plucker camera matrix |
l | the homogeneous 2D line |
n | the representation plane's normal vector |
N_l | the Jacobian of n wrt l. |
Rho-theta to homogeneous 2D line transform.
rt | rho-theta representation of the 2D line |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::rhoThetaToHomogeneous | ( | jblas::vec2 const & | rt, |
jblas::vec3 & | l, | ||
jblas::mat & | L_rt | ||
) |
Rho-theta to homogeneous 2D line transform -- Jacobian.
rt | the rho-theta representation |
l | the homogeneous 2D line |
L_rt | the Jacobian of l wrt rt |
jblas::mat33 jafar::slam::lineTools::skewSymmMat33 | ( | jblas::vec3 const & | v | ) |
3-by-3 skew-symmetric matrix.
v | a 3-vector |
jblas::vec4 jafar::slam::lineTools::uvdsToStereoRhoTheta | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | uvduvd | ) |
Convert stereo segment to rho-theta stereo line.
uvduvd | a 6-vector with the two stereo endpoints in uvd format. |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::uvdsToStereoRhoTheta | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | uvduvd, |
jblas::vec4 & | rtrt, | ||
jblas::mat & | RR_uu | ||
) |
Convert stereo segment to rho-theta stereo line - Jacobians.
uvduvd | a 6-vector with the two stereo endpoints in uvd format. |
rtrt | a 4-vector with two rho-theta lines |
RR_uu | the Jacobian of rtrt wrt uvduvd |
void jafar::slam::lineTools::uvdsToStereoRhoTheta | ( | jblas::vec6 const & | uvduvd, |
jblas::mat & | RR_uu | ||
) |
Convert stereo segment to rho-theta stereo line - only Jacobians.
uvduvd | a 6-vector with the two stereo endpoints in uvd format. |
RR_uu | the Jacobian of uvdsToStereoRhoTheta() wrt uvduvd |
Generated on Wed Oct 15 2014 00:37:50 for Jafar by doxygen |
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