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00001 /* $Id: bpa.hpp 4800 2010-08-24 22:10:30Z nksallem $ */
00003 #ifndef MODELER_MESHER_HPP
00004 #define MODELER_MESHER_HPP
00006 //opencv
00007 // #include <cxtypes.h>
00008 // #include <cxcore.h>
00009 // #include <cxcore.hpp>
00010 // #include <cv.h>
00011 //jafar
00012 #include "camera/cameraPinhole.hpp"
00013 #include "fdetect/InterestFeature.hpp"
00014 #include "geom/t3d.hpp"
00015 #include "jmath/jblas.hpp"
00016 #include "kernel/jafarMacro.hpp"
00017 #include "modeler/jfr_export_ply.h"
00018 #include "modeler/jfr_import_ply.h"
00019 #include "modeler/jfr_io_mask.h"
00020 #include "modeler/modelerException.hpp"
00021 #include "modeler/vcgDeclarations.hpp"
00022 #include "modeler/xyzMayBeN.hpp"
00023 //vcg
00024 #include <vcg/complex/trimesh/update/bounding.h>
00025 #include <vcg/complex/trimesh/update/topology.h>
00026 #include <vcg/complex/trimesh/update/normal.h>
00027 #include <vcg/complex/trimesh/allocate.h>
00029 // std
00030 #include <iostream>
00031 #include <vector>
00032 #include <time.h>
00035 namespace jafar {
00036   namespace modeler {
00040     class Mesher {
00042     public:
00043       enum HandledTypes {XYZ, PLY, UNKNOWN};
00044     private:
00045       void typeFromFileName(const std::string& filename,
00046                             HandledTypes& type, std::string& extension)
00047       {
00048         size_t point_position = filename.find_last_of('.');
00049         extension = filename.substr(point_position+1);
00050         if (!extension.compare("xyz") || !extension.compare("XYZ")) {
00051           type = XYZ;
00052         }
00053         else if (!extension.compare("ply") || !extension.compare("PLY"))
00054           type = PLY;
00055         else
00056           type = UNKNOWN;
00057       };
00059     public:
00060       typedef std::vector< fdetect_v2::InterestFeature<fdetect_v2::FloatDescriptor>* > Origines;
00063       JfrMesh mesh;
00065       vcg::tri::Allocator<JfrMesh>::PointerUpdater<JfrMesh::VertexPointer> pu;
00068       Mesher() {};
00070       Mesher(JfrMesh &_mesh) : mesh(_mesh) {};
00074       Mesher(const std::string& filename)
00075       {
00076         std::string extension;
00077         HandledTypes type;
00078         typeFromFileName(filename, type, extension);
00079         switch (type) {
00080         case XYZ :
00081           {
00082             XYZMayBeN points;
00083             points.load(filename);
00084             JfrMesh::VertexIterator v_iter = vcg::tri::Allocator<JfrMesh>::AddVertices(mesh, points.matrix.rows);
00085             JfrMesh::CoordType p, n;
00086             if(points.matrix.cols == 3) {
00087               for (int i = 0; i < points.matrix.rows; ++i, ++v_iter) {
00088                 for (int j=0; j < 3; ++j) {
00089                   p[j] = points.matrix.at<float>(i,j);
00090                 }
00091                 v_iter->P() = p;
00092               }
00093             } else {
00094               if (points.matrix.cols == 6){
00095                 for (int i = 0; i < points.matrix.rows; ++i, ++v_iter) {
00096                   for (int j=0; j < 3; ++j) {
00097                     p[j] = points.matrix.at<float>(i,j);
00098                     n[j] = points.matrix.at<float>(i,3+j);
00099                   }
00100                   v_iter->P() = p;
00101                   v_iter->N() = n;
00102                 }
00103               }
00104             }
00105           }
00106           break;
00107         case PLY :
00108           {
00109             int mask = 0;
00110             if (vcg::tri::io::JfrImporterPLY<JfrMesh>::Open(mesh, filename.c_str(), mask) != 0)
00111               JFR_ERROR(ModelerException,
00112                         ModelerException::FILE_READING_ERROR,
00113                         "Error reading ply file "<<filename)
00114           }
00115           break;
00116         default:
00117           JFR_ERROR(ModelerException,
00118                     ModelerException::WRONG_TYPE,
00119                     "Unknown file extension " << extension)
00120           break;
00121         }
00122       }
00126       virtual void run(const float&, const float&, const float&) = 0;
00127       /*
00128        * saves the mesh to a ply file.See demo/dino.ply for an example
00129        * @param file_name: name of the file to save in
00130        * @param save_binary: indicates whether to save in binary mode or ascii. Default is ascii
00131        */
00132       void save(const std::string& file_name, bool save_binary = false) {
00133         //        vcg::tri::io::PlyInfo pi;
00134         int mask = 0;
00135         mask |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES; //save vertex origin
00136         mask |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTID; //save vertex id
00137         mask |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_CAMERA;
00138         vcg::tri::io::JfrExporterPLY<JfrMesh>::Save(mesh,file_name.c_str(), mask, save_binary);
00139       }
00140       /*
00141        * loads the mesh from a ply file.
00142        * @param file_name: name of the file to load from
00143        * @param the found mask
00144        * @note: the mask is never read it is just assigned the value found in file
00145        */
00146       void load(const std::string& file_name, int& mask) {
00147         //        vcg::tri::io::PlyInfo pi;
00148         mask = 0;
00149         vcg::tri::io::JfrImporterPLY<JfrMesh>::Open(mesh,file_name.c_str(), mask);
00150       }
00152       virtual ~Mesher() {};
00154       void setVertices(const std::map<unsigned int, jblas::vec3> &points);
00156       void setVertices(const std::map<unsigned int, jblas::vec3> &points,
00157                        const std::map<unsigned int, Mesher::Origines >& origines);
00166       void addVertex(unsigned int id, const JfrMesh::CoordType& v, 
00167                      unsigned int& internal_id);
00178       void addVertex(unsigned int id, const JfrMesh::CoordType& v,
00179                      const std::vector<unsigned int>& origines, 
00180                      unsigned int& internal_id);
00188       void addVertex(unsigned int id, const JfrMesh::CoordType& v,
00189                      const std::vector<unsigned int>& origines);
00192       JfrMesh::VertexPointer pointerFromPos(unsigned int position)
00193       {
00194         return &(mesh.vert[position]);
00195       }
00197       void setShots(const std::map<unsigned int, jblas::vec>& cameras,
00198                     const std::map<unsigned int, geom::T3D*>& frames);
00200       void setShots(const jblas::vec& intrinsic,
00201                     const std::map<unsigned int, geom::T3D*>& frames);
00204       void addShot(unsigned int id, const jblas::vec& intr, const geom::T3D* extr);
00206       void addFeature(fdetect_v2::InterestFeature<fdetect_v2::FloatDescriptor>* ft)
00207       {
00208         mesh.addFeature(ft);
00209       }
00211       void update()
00212       {
00213         vcg::tri::UpdateBounding<JfrMesh>::Box(mesh);
00214         vcg::tri::UpdateNormals<JfrMesh>::PerFace(mesh);
00215       }
00217       void update(JfrMesh::VertexPointer& vp)
00218       {
00219         if(pu.NeedUpdate()) pu.Update(vp);
00220       }
00222       unsigned int lastShotId()
00223       {
00224         std::map<unsigned int, JfrMesh::Shot>::reverse_iterator last = mesh.shots.rbegin();
00225         return last->first;
00226       }
00227     };
00235     template<typename S>
00236     static void convert(const vcg::Shot<S> &shot, camera::CameraPinhole& camera, geom::T3D* frame)
00237     {
00238       camera.alphaU = double(shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0]);
00239       camera.alphaV = double(shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1]);
00240       camera.u0     = double(shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0]   );
00241       camera.v0     = double(shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1]   );
00242       camera.width  = shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0];
00243       camera.height = shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1];
00245       vcg::Matrix44<S> rm = shot.Extrinsics.Rot();
00246       jblas::mat33 r;
00247       r(0,0) = double(rm[0][0]);
00248       r(0,1) = double(rm[0][1]);
00249       r(0,2) = double(rm[0][2]);
00251       r(1,0) = double(rm[1][0]);
00252       r(1,1) = double(rm[1][1]);
00253       r(1,2) = double(rm[1][2]);
00255       r(2,0) = double(rm[2][0]);
00256       r(2,1) = double(rm[2][1]);
00257       r(2,2) = double(rm[2][2]);
00259       vcg::Point3<S> tv = shot.Extrinsics.Tra();
00260       jblas::vec3 t;
00261       t[0] = double(tv[0]);
00262       t[1] = double(tv[1]);
00263       t[2] = double(tv[2]);
00265       frame->set(r,t);
00266     }
00272     template<typename S>
00273     static void convert(const vcg::Shot<S> &shot,
00274                         jblas::vec& intrinsics, geom::T3D* extrinsics)
00275     {
00276       intrinsics.resize(6);
00277       intrinsics[0] = double(shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0] );
00278       intrinsics[1] = double(shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1] );
00279       intrinsics[2] = double(shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0]   );
00280       intrinsics[3] = double(shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1]   );
00281       intrinsics[4] = double(shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0]);
00282       intrinsics[5] = double(shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1]);
00284       vcg::Matrix44<S> rm = shot.Extrinsics.Rot();
00285       jblas::mat33 r;
00286       r(0,0) = double(rm[0][0]);
00287       r(0,1) = double(rm[0][1]);
00288       r(0,2) = double(rm[0][2]);
00290       r(1,0) = double(rm[1][0]);
00291       r(1,1) = double(rm[1][1]);
00292       r(1,2) = double(rm[1][2]);
00294       r(2,0) = double(rm[2][0]);
00295       r(2,1) = double(rm[2][1]);
00296       r(2,2) = double(rm[2][2]);
00298       vcg::Point3<S> tv = shot.Extrinsics.Tra();
00299       jblas::vec3 t;
00300       t[0] = double(tv[0]);
00301       t[1] = double(tv[1]);
00302       t[2] = double(tv[2]);
00304       extrinsics->set(r,t);
00305     }
00313     template<typename S>
00314     static void convert(const jblas::vec& intrinsics, const geom::T3D* extrinsics,
00315                         vcg::Shot<S> &shot)
00316     {
00317       assert(intrinsics.size() == 6);
00318       shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0]  = (int)intrinsics[0];
00319       shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1]  = (int)intrinsics[1];
00320       shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0]    = (S)intrinsics[2];
00321       shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1]    = (S)intrinsics[3];
00322       shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0] = (S)intrinsics[4];
00323       shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1] = (S)intrinsics[5];
00325       vcg::Matrix44<S> rm;
00326       jblas::mat33 r = extrinsics->getR();
00327       rm[0][0] = (S)r(0,0);
00328       rm[0][1] = (S)r(0,1);
00329       rm[0][2] = (S)r(0,2);
00331       rm[1][0] = (S)r(1,0);
00332       rm[1][1] = (S)r(1,1);
00333       rm[1][2] = (S)r(1,2);
00335       rm[2][0] = (S)r(2,0);
00336       rm[2][1] = (S)r(2,1);
00337       rm[2][2] = (S)r(2,2);
00338       shot.Extrinsics.Rot() = rm;
00339       vcg::Point3<S> tv;
00340       jblas::vec3 t = extrinsics->getT();
00341       tv[0] = (S)t[0];
00342       tv[1] = (S)t[1]; 
00343       tv[2] = (S)t[2];
00344       shot.Extrinsics.Tra() = tv;
00345     }
00347   }
00348 }
00350 #endif
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