Classes | Files
Module lgl

Detailed Description

redouane.boumghar@laas.fr hung.cao@laas.fr

LGL stands for Laas Graph Library. It is able to read bitmaps or geospatial image to create a multi-channel GDAL Dataset. Fusing functions permits regular the loaded rasters to be transformed into one multiresolution quadtree. The quadtree grid is an heterogeneous description of the environment. A navigation graph can be built from this description.



The Navigation Graph for robotics depends on Boost Graph Library (BGL).


No extra doc for macro yet.

Tcl interface (generated by swig)

The interface of the module is generated from the following files:


class  jafar::lgl::CostManager
 Cost manager take care of the cost computing between two given ADJACENT positions in a graph and conversion between the cost and the time taken by the robot to travel this edge. More...
class  jafar::lgl::LglException
 Base class for all exceptions defined in the module lgl. More...
class  jafar::lgl::GeoData
 Class for GDAL data handling. More...
class  jafar::lgl::Quadtree< T, RasterT >
 Class for quadtree utility of the module. More...
class  jafar::lgl::QuadNode< T, RasterT >
 Quadtree abstract node T is the data that each leaf holds. More...
class  jafar::lgl::QuadNodeInternal< T, RasterT >
 Internal node of the quadtree. More...
class  jafar::lgl::QuadNodeLeaf< T, RasterT >
 Leaf node of the quadtree T is the data type. More...
class  jafar::lgl::QuadMat
 Class for quadtree utility of the lgl module. More...


file  CellID.hpp

Header file to declare the type Cell_ID (use to lighten node and position representation)

file  CostManager.hpp

Header file to declare cost manager functions.

file  Decomp.hpp

Header file to declare classes for the geometric decomposition.

file  Decomposer.hpp

Header file to declare and define some terrain decomposition functions.

file  Exception.hpp

Header file to define lgl specific exceptions.

file  FlexGrid.hpp

Header file and inline source for the FlexGrid package.

file  GraphPath.hpp

Header file to declare the navigation graph path object.

file  Graphs.hpp

Header file to define the navigation graph template over the Boost Graph Library.

file  InfoBand.hpp

Header file that declares information band specific functions.

file  LandmarkBand.hpp

Header file that declares landmark band specific functions.

file  LGLPursuitViewer.hpp

Header file to declare Qt drawing objects and functions Used as a small IHM for the pursuit Module.

file  LGLPursuitViewer.hpp

Header file to declare Qt drawing objects and functions Used as a small IHM for the pursuit Module.

file  LGLViewer.hpp

Header file to declare Qt drawing objects and functions.

file  NavAStar.hpp

Source file defining the overlay on the boost A* search.

file  NavGEdge.hpp

Header file for the navigation graph edge structure.

file  NavGNode.hpp

Header file for the navigation graph node structure.

file  NavGraph.hpp

Header file declaring the navigation graph object and functions.

file  NavHeuDistances.hpp

Header file to define inline functions for distance heuristics calculation.

file  NavHeuristics.hpp

Header file for the navigation heuristic template.

file  PositionManager.hpp

Header file for the position manager.

file  PursuitAPI.hpp

Header file for the pursuit API class.

file  PursuitGNode.hpp

Header file for the pursuit graph node class.

file  PursuitGraph.hpp

Header file for the pursuit graph class.

file  PursuitNavigator.hpp

Header file for the pursuit navigator class.

file  PursuitStats.hpp

Header file for the pursuit statistics class.

file  PursuitTaskManager.hpp

Header file for the pursuit task manager class.

file  Quadtree.hpp

Header file for quadtree objects declarations and definitions.

file  QuadtreeMatrix.hpp

Header file for the quadtree matrix declaration.

file  Raster.hpp

Header file for the declaration and definition of all raster small objects.

file  RasterBand.hpp

Header file for the GeoData Raster Bande template.

file  RobotPursuer.hpp

Header file for the robot pursuer class.

file  Stats.hpp

Header file for the statistics class.

file  VisibilityMap.hpp

Header file to declare classes for the visibility computation.

file  VisibleArea.hpp

Header file to declare classes for the visibility computation.

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