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00001 /* $Id$ */
00006 #include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
00007 #include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
00008 #include <boost/serialization/version.hpp>
00009 #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
00010 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
00012 #include "fdetect/InterestFeature.hpp"
00013 #include "fdetect/DetectionResult.hpp"
00015 namespace jafar {
00016   namespace gfm {
00017     struct Match {
00018       Match(fdetect::InterestFeature* p_r, fdetect::InterestFeature* p_m, int i) :
00019         point_ref(p_r), point_match(p_m), index(i)
00020       {
00021       }
00022       fdetect::InterestFeature* point_ref;
00023       fdetect::InterestFeature* point_match;
00024       int index;
00025       // template<class Archive>
00026       // void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) 
00027       // {
00028       //  ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(point_ref);
00029       //  ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(point_match);
00030       //  ar & index;
00031       // }
00032     };
00033     typedef std::vector<Match> vMatches;
00034     typedef std::vector<Match>::iterator vMatches_it;
00039     class MatchingResult {
00040       struct Shared;
00041     public:
00043       MatchingResult();
00047       MatchingResult(const jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult& pr, const jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult& pm );
00051       MatchingResult(const MatchingResult&);
00056       MatchingResult& operator=(const MatchingResult&);
00057       /*
00058        * Performs a deep copy of the matches to the destination. Note: only the 
00059        * vector m_shared->matches is copied. m_shared->points_ref and 
00060        * m_shared->points_match are not copied. Use this function carefully!
00061        */
00062       // void deepCopy( MatchingResult &dst );
00064       ~MatchingResult();
00065     public:
00067       void addMatch(fdetect::InterestFeature* ip1, fdetect::InterestFeature* ip2);
00069       void merge( jafar::gfm::vMatches m);
00071       void propageId();
00073       void propageStereoIndex();
00075       void propagateId( unsigned int &idVal );
00077       std::size_t nbMatches() const;
00079       const jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult& pointsRef() const;
00081       const jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult& pointsMatch() const;
00082       vMatches& matches() const;
00084       bool valid() const { return (m_shared!=NULL); }
00085     private:
00086       void unref();
00087       Shared* m_shared;
00089       // friend class boost::serialization::access;
00090       // template<class Archive>
00091       // void save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const
00092       // {
00093       //  // ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(pointsRef());
00094       //  // ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(pointsMatch());
00095       //  size_t count = nbMatches();
00096       //  ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count);
00097       //  for(vMatches_it it = matches().begin(); it != matches().end(); ++it) {
00098       //    ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(it->point_ref);
00099       //    ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(it->point_match);
00100       //  }
00101       // }
00102       // template<class Archive>
00103       // void load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
00104       // {
00105       //  size_t nb;
00106       //  ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(nb);
00107       //  for(unsigned int counter = 0; counter < nb; ++counter) {
00108       //    fdetect::InterestFeature *ref, *match;
00109       //    ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(ref);
00110       //    ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(match);
00111       //    this->addMatch(ref, match);
00112       //  }
00113       //  assert(nbMatches() == nb);
00114       // }
00116     };
00117   }
00119   namespace gfm_v2 {
00120     template<typename InterestFeatureT>
00121     struct Match {
00122       Match(InterestFeatureT* p_r, 
00123             InterestFeatureT* p_m, int i) :
00124         point_ref(p_r), point_match(p_m), index(i)
00125       {
00126       }
00127       InterestFeatureT* point_ref;
00128       InterestFeatureT* point_match;
00129       int index;
00130       template<class Archive>
00131       void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) 
00132       {
00133         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(point_ref);
00134         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(point_match);
00135         ar & index;
00136       }
00137     };
00142     template<typename InterestFeatureT>
00143     class MatchingResult {
00144     public:
00145       typedef typename gfm_v2::Match< InterestFeatureT > MatchType;
00146       typedef std::vector< MatchType > vMatches;
00147       typedef typename std::vector< MatchType >::iterator iterator;
00148       typedef typename std::vector< MatchType >::const_iterator const_iterator;
00149       typedef fdetect_v2::DetectionResult<InterestFeatureT> DetectionResult;
00151     private:
00152       struct Shared {
00153         Shared() {};
00154         Shared(const DetectionResult& pr, 
00155                const DetectionResult& pm )
00156           : points_ref(pr), points_match(pm) { }
00157         vMatches matches;
00158         DetectionResult points_ref;
00159         DetectionResult points_match;
00160       };
00162       boost::shared_ptr<Shared> m_shared;
00164     public:
00165       MatchingResult() : m_shared(new Shared()) {};
00169       MatchingResult(const DetectionResult& pr, 
00170                      const DetectionResult& pm ) :
00171         m_shared(new Shared(pr,pm)) {};
00172       MatchingResult(const MatchingResult& mr) :
00173         m_shared(mr.m_shared) {};
00175       ~MatchingResult() {};
00176     public:
00178       void addMatch(InterestFeatureT* ip1, 
00179                     InterestFeatureT* ip2) 
00180       {
00181         m_shared->matches.push_back(Match<InterestFeatureT>(ip1, ip2, m_shared->matches.size()));
00182       }
00184       void push_back(InterestFeatureT* ip1, 
00185                      InterestFeatureT* ip2) 
00186       {
00187         m_shared->matches.push_back(MatchType(ip1, ip2, m_shared->matches.size()));
00188       }
00190       iterator begin() 
00191       {
00192         return m_shared->matches.begin();
00193       }
00195       iterator end() 
00196       {
00197         return m_shared->matches.end();
00198       }
00200       const_iterator begin() const
00201       {
00202         return m_shared->matches.begin();
00203       }
00205       const_iterator end() const
00206       {
00207         return m_shared->matches.end();
00208       }
00210       size_t size() const
00211       {
00212         return m_shared->matches.size();
00213       }
00215       void merge( const vMatches &m)
00216       {
00217         for(iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it)
00218         {
00219           Match<InterestFeatureT> m = *it;
00220           m.index = m_shared->matches.size();
00221           m_shared->matches.push_back(m);
00222         }
00223       }
00225       void propageId()
00226       {
00227         for( iterator it = m_shared->matches.begin(); 
00228              it != m_shared->matches.end(); 
00229              ++it)
00230         {
00231           it->point_match->setId( it->point_ref->id() );
00232         }
00233       }
00235       void propageStereoIndex()
00236       {
00237         for( iterator it = m_shared->matches.begin(); 
00238              it != m_shared->matches.end(); 
00239              ++it)
00240         {
00241           it->point_match->setStereoIndex(it->point_ref->index());
00242           it->point_ref->setStereoIndex(it->point_match->index());
00243         }
00244       }
00248       void propagateId( unsigned int &idVal )
00249       {
00250         for( iterator it = m_shared->matches.begin(); 
00251              it != m_shared->matches.end(); 
00252              ++it)
00253         {
00254           if (it->point_ref->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00255           {
00256             if (it->point_ref->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00257             {
00258               it->point_match->setId( idVal );
00259               it->point_ref->setId( idVal );
00260               ++idVal;
00261             }
00262             else
00263             {
00264               it->point_match->setId( it->point_ref->id() );
00265             }
00266           }
00267           else
00268           {
00269             it->point_match->setId( it->point_ref->id() );
00270           }
00271         }
00272       }
00274       std::size_t nbMatches() const
00275       {
00276         return m_shared->matches.size();
00277       }
00279       const DetectionResult& pointsRef() const
00280       {
00281         return m_shared->points_ref;
00282       }
00284       const DetectionResult& pointsMatch() const
00285       {
00286         return m_shared->points_match;
00287       }
00289       vMatches& matches() const
00290       {
00291         return m_shared->matches;
00292       }
00294       bool valid() const 
00295       { 
00296         return (m_shared!=NULL); 
00297       }
00299       void clear() 
00300       {
00301         m_shared->matches.clear();
00302       }
00304       void erase(size_t pos)
00305       {
00306         iterator it = begin();
00307         it+=pos;
00308         m_shared->matches.erase(it);
00309       }
00310     //  !!! nizar 20100912 : serialization stuff
00311     //  friend class boost::serialization::access;
00312     //  template<class Archive>
00313     //  void save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const
00314     //  {
00315     //    // ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(pointsRef());
00316     //    // ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(pointsMatch());
00317     //    size_t count = nbMatches();
00318     //    ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count);
00319     //    for(vMatches_it it = matches().begin(); it != matches().end(); ++it) {
00320     //      ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(it->point_ref);
00321     //      ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(it->point_match);
00322     //    }
00323     //  }
00324     //  template<class Archive>
00325     //  void load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
00326     //  {
00327     //    size_t nb;
00328     //    ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(nb);
00329     //    for(unsigned int counter = 0; counter < nb; ++counter) {
00330     //      fdetect::InterestFeature *ref, *match;
00331     //      ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(ref);
00332     //      ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(match);
00333     //      this->addMatch(ref, match);
00334     //    }
00335     //    assert(nbMatches() == nb);
00336     //  }
00338     };
00339     template<typename T>
00340     std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const MatchingResult<T> &mr)
00341     {
00342       using namespace std;
00343       for(typename MatchingResult<T>::const_iterator mit = mr.begin(); 
00344           mit != mr.end(); 
00345           ++mit) {
00346         s << "ref "<< mit->point_ref->parent_id << "," << mit->point_ref->index();
00347         s << "\tmatch "<< mit->point_match->parent_id << "," << mit->point_match->index();
00348         s << endl;
00349       }
00350       return s;
00351     }
00352   }
00353 }
00355 #endif
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