 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines
00001 /* $Id$ */
00006 #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
00007 #include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
00008 #include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
00009 #include <boost/serialization/version.hpp>
00011 #include "geom/Rectangle.hpp"
00012 #include "kernel/jafarMacro.hpp"
00013 #include "jmath/jblas.hpp"
00014 #include "fdetect/Descriptor.hpp"
00015 #include "gfm/Matcher.hpp"
00016 #include "gfm/MatchingResult.hpp"
00017 #include "gfm/MatchFocus.hpp"
00019 namespace jafar {
00020   namespace gfm {
00025     class GroupsMatcher : public Matcher {
00026         class Group;
00027         struct InterestFeatureInfo {
00028           inline InterestFeatureInfo(fdetect::InterestFeature* iP) : group(0), interestPoint(iP), matchPoint(0) {}
00029           Group* group;
00030           fdetect::InterestFeature* interestPoint;
00031           InterestFeatureInfo* matchPoint;
00032           //          friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::InterestFeatureInfo& p_);
00033         };
00034         typedef std::vector<InterestFeatureInfo*> vInterestFeatureInfos;
00035         typedef vInterestFeatureInfos::iterator vInterestFeatureInfos_it;
00036         typedef vInterestFeatureInfos::const_iterator vInterestFeatureInfos_cit;
00037         typedef std::map<double, InterestFeatureInfo*> double2interestPointInfo;
00038         typedef std::pair<InterestFeatureInfo*, InterestFeatureInfo*> pIpInfoIpInfo;
00039         typedef std::vector<pIpInfoIpInfo> vpIpInfoIpInfos;
00040         class Group {
00041           public:
00042             struct GroupMember {
00043               double distance, angle;
00044               InterestFeatureInfo* interestPointInfo;
00045               //friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::Group::GroupMember& p_);
00046             };
00047             typedef std::vector<GroupMember> vGroupMembers;
00048           public:
00049             Group(double2interestPointInfo::iterator itbegin, double2interestPointInfo::iterator itend )
00050             {
00051               // Insert interrestpoints in the group
00052               for(double2interestPointInfo::iterator it = itbegin; it != itend; ++it)
00053               {
00054                 GroupMember gm;
00055                 gm.interestPointInfo = it->second;
00056                 m_members.push_back(gm);
00057               }
00058               // Compute the distance and the angle
00059               jblas::vec2 origin = at(0).interestPointInfo->interestPoint->point();
00060               at(0).angle = 0.;
00061               at(0).distance = 0.;
00062               for(vGroupMembers::iterator it = begin() + 1; it != end(); ++it)
00063               {
00064                 jblas::vec2 v = it->interestPointInfo->interestPoint->point() - origin;
00065                 it->distance = ublas::norm_2(v);
00066                 it->angle = atan2( v(0), v(1));
00067               }
00068             }
00069             inline GroupMember pivot() { return m_members[0]; }
00070             inline GroupMember& at(int index) { return m_members[index]; }
00071             inline vGroupMembers::iterator begin() { return m_members.begin(); }
00072             inline vGroupMembers::iterator end() { return m_members.end(); }
00073             inline unsigned int size() { return m_members.size(); }
00074   friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const Group& p_);
00075           private:
00076             vGroupMembers m_members;
00077         };
00078         typedef std::vector<Group*> vGroups;
00079         typedef vGroups::iterator vGroups_it;
00080         typedef std::pair<Group::GroupMember, Group::GroupMember> pGrpMembGrMemb;
00081         typedef std::vector< pGrpMembGrMemb > vpGrpMembGrMembs;
00082         typedef vpGrpMembGrMembs::iterator vpGrpMembGrMembs_it;
00083         struct GroupMatchHypothesis {
00084           inline GroupMatchHypothesis()  {}
00085           double matchingStrength;
00086           double sumRotation;
00087           double sumScale;
00088           double sumTranslationU;
00089           double sumTranslationV;
00090           double angleErr;
00091           int count;
00092           geom::RectangleDouble rect;
00093           GroupsMatcher::Group* groupref;
00094           GroupsMatcher::Group* groupmatch;
00095           vpGrpMembGrMembs individualmatches;
00096         };
00097         class GroupsMatchSourceInfo : public MatchSourceInfo, public boost::noncopyable {
00098           public:
00099             GroupsMatchSourceInfo( jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult points, GroupsMatcher* gm);
00100             ~GroupsMatchSourceInfo();
00101             virtual void reinit();
00102             inline vGroups groups() { return m_groups; }
00103             inline const vInterestFeatureInfos& pointsInfo() { return m_pointsInfo; }
00104   friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatchSourceInfo& p_);
00105           private:
00106             vGroups m_groups;
00107             vInterestFeatureInfos m_pointsInfo;
00108         };
00109       public:
00131         GroupsMatcher(MatchFocus* matchFocus = 0, 
00132                       unsigned int groupsize = 12, 
00133                       unsigned int groupsizeseedsearch = 12, 
00134                       unsigned int minimalgroupsize = 2, 
00135                       double distance = 20.0, 
00136                       double closeness = 0.6, 
00137                       double weakcloseness = 0.6, 
00138                       double distinguability = 0.1, 
00139                       double rotationTolerance = 0.2, 
00140                       double scaleTolerance = 10000.0, 
00141                       double distanceTolerance = 10.0, 
00142                       double rotationDifferenceWithMedian = 0.4, 
00143                       double thresholdofenoughtgroup = 0. ) :
00144           m_matchFocus(matchFocus),
00145           m_groupSize(groupsize),
00146           m_groupSizeSeedSearch(groupsizeseedsearch),
00147           m_minimalGroupSize(minimalgroupsize),
00148           m_distance(distance),
00149           m_closeness(closeness),
00150           m_weakCloseness(weakcloseness),
00151           m_distinguability(distinguability),
00152           m_rotationTolerance(rotationTolerance),
00153           m_scaleTolerance(scaleTolerance),
00154           m_distanceTolerance(distanceTolerance),
00155           m_rotationDifferenceWithMedian(rotationDifferenceWithMedian),
00156           m_thresholdOfEnoughtGroup(thresholdofenoughtgroup),
00157           m_rotationTolerancePropagation(rotationTolerance)
00158         { }
00159         GroupsMatcher(GroupsMatcher const& gm);
00160         GroupsMatcher& operator=(GroupsMatcher const& m) { if (&m != this) *this = *(new GroupsMatcher(m)); return *this; }
00161         virtual ~GroupsMatcher();
00162       public:
00163         virtual jafar::gfm::MatchingResult computeMatch( MatchSourceInfo* refsourceinfo, MatchSourceInfo* matchsourceinfo);
00164       virtual MatchSourceInfo* initMatchSourceInfo( const jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult& pointsource );
00165       public:
00166         void setMatchFocus(MatchFocus* matchFocus);
00167       private:
00168         GroupMatchHypothesis* searchBestMatchFor( Group* groupref, vGroups& groupsmatch );
00169         void propageMatching( vInterestFeatureInfos& matches, InterestFeatureInfo* startingpoint , GroupMatchHypothesis* hypothesis);
00170         void initiatePropagation(vInterestFeatureInfos& matches, GroupMatchHypothesis* match, vpGrpMembGrMembs individualmatches);
00171 #ifndef SWIG
00172         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RO(MatchFocus*, matchFocus)
00176         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(unsigned int, groupSize, setGroupSize)
00177         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(unsigned int, groupSizeSeedSearch, setGroupSizeSeedSearch)
00181         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(unsigned int, minimalGroupSize, setMinimalGroupSize)
00185         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, distance, setDistance)
00189         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, closeness, setCloseness)
00190         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, weakCloseness, setWeakCloseness)
00191         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, distinguability, setDistinguability)
00192         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, rotationTolerance, setRotationTolerance)
00193         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, scaleTolerance, setScaleTolerance)
00194         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, distanceTolerance, setDistanceTolerance)
00195         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, rotationDifferenceWithMedian, setRotationDifferenceWithMedian)
00196         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, thresholdOfEnoughtGroup, setThresholdOfEnoughtGroup)
00197         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, rotationTolerancePropagation, setRotationTolerancePropagation)
00198 #endif
00199       private:
00200         // Variable use for debugging and mark as to be removed in the final version
00201         int md_currentnumberofmatch;
00203   friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::InterestFeatureInfo& p_);
00204   friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::Group::GroupMember& p_);
00205   friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::Group& p_);
00206   friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::GroupsMatchSourceInfo& p_);
00208       friend class boost::serialization::access;
00209       template<class Archive>
00210       void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
00211       {
00212         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_matchFocus);
00213         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_groupSize);
00214         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_groupSizeSeedSearch);
00215         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_minimalGroupSize);
00216         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_distance);
00217         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_closeness);
00218         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_weakCloseness);
00219         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_distinguability);
00220         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_rotationTolerance);
00221         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_scaleTolerance);
00222         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_distanceTolerance);
00223         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_rotationDifferenceWithMedian);
00224         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_thresholdOfEnoughtGroup);
00225         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_rotationTolerancePropagation);
00226       }
00227     };
00228   }
00230   namespace gfm_v2 {
00235     template<typename InterestFeatureT>
00236     class GroupsMatcher : public Matcher<InterestFeatureT> {
00237       class Group;
00238       //struct InterestFeatureInfo
00239       struct InterestFeatureInfo {
00240         inline InterestFeatureInfo(InterestFeatureT* iP) : group(0), interestPoint(iP), matchPoint(0) {}
00241         Group* group;
00242         InterestFeatureT* interestPoint;
00243         InterestFeatureInfo* matchPoint;
00244         //        friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, 
00245         //                               const InterestFeatureInfo& p_);
00246       };
00247       //typedefs
00248       typedef std::vector< InterestFeatureInfo* > vInterestFeatureInfos;
00249       typedef typename vInterestFeatureInfos::iterator vInterestFeatureInfos_it;
00250       typedef typename vInterestFeatureInfos::const_iterator vInterestFeatureInfos_cit;
00251       typedef std::map<double, InterestFeatureInfo* > double2interestPointInfo;
00252       typedef typename double2interestPointInfo::iterator double2interestPointInfo_it;
00253       typedef std::pair<InterestFeatureInfo*, InterestFeatureInfo*> pIpInfoIpInfo;
00254       typedef std::vector<pIpInfoIpInfo> vpIpInfoIpInfos;
00255       typedef MatchSourceInfo<InterestFeatureT> MatchSourceInfoType;
00256       typedef jafar::fdetect_v2::DetectionResult< InterestFeatureT > DetectionResult;
00257       typedef jafar::gfm_v2::MatchingResult<InterestFeatureT> MatchingResult;
00259       class Group {
00260       public:
00261         struct GroupMember {
00262           double distance, angle;
00263           InterestFeatureInfo* interestPointInfo;
00264           //          friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupMember& p_);
00265         };
00266         typedef std::vector< GroupMember > vGroupMembers;
00267       public:
00268         Group(double2interestPointInfo_it itbegin, double2interestPointInfo_it itend )
00269         {
00270           // Insert interrestpoints in the group
00271           for(double2interestPointInfo_it it = itbegin; it != itend; ++it)
00272           {
00273             GroupMember gm;
00274             gm.interestPointInfo = it->second;
00275             m_members.push_back(gm);
00276           }
00277           // Compute the distance and the angle
00278           jblas::vec2 origin = at(0).interestPointInfo->interestPoint->point();
00279           at(0).angle = 0.;
00280           at(0).distance = 0.;
00281           for(typename vGroupMembers::iterator it = begin() + 1; it != end(); ++it)
00282           {
00283             jblas::vec2 v = it->interestPointInfo->interestPoint->point() - origin;
00284             it->distance = ublas::norm_2(v);
00285             it->angle = atan2( v(0), v(1));
00286           }
00287         }
00288         inline GroupMember pivot() { return m_members[0]; }
00289         inline GroupMember& at(int index) { return m_members[index]; }
00290         inline typename vGroupMembers::iterator begin() { return m_members.begin(); }
00291         inline typename vGroupMembers::iterator end() { return m_members.end(); }
00292         inline unsigned int size() { return m_members.size(); }
00293         //friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const Group& p_);
00294       private:
00295         vGroupMembers m_members;
00296       };
00297       typedef std::vector<Group*> vGroups;
00298       typedef typename vGroups::iterator vGroups_it;
00299       typedef std::pair<typename Group::GroupMember, typename Group::GroupMember> pGrpMembGrMemb;
00300       typedef std::vector< pGrpMembGrMemb > vpGrpMembGrMembs;
00301       typedef typename vpGrpMembGrMembs::iterator vpGrpMembGrMembs_it;
00303       struct GroupMatchHypothesis {
00304         inline GroupMatchHypothesis()  {}
00305         double matchingStrength;
00306         double sumRotation;
00307         double sumScale;
00308         double sumTranslationU;
00309         double sumTranslationV;
00310         double angleErr;
00311         int count;
00312         geom::RectangleDouble rect;
00313         Group* groupref;
00314         Group* groupmatch;
00315         vpGrpMembGrMembs individualmatches;
00316       };
00318       class GroupsMatchSourceInfo : public MatchSourceInfoType, public boost::noncopyable {
00319       public:
00320         GroupsMatchSourceInfo( DetectionResult points, GroupsMatcher* gm);
00321         ~GroupsMatchSourceInfo();
00322         virtual void reinit();
00323         inline vGroups groups() { return m_groups; }
00324         inline const vInterestFeatureInfos& pointsInfo() { return m_pointsInfo; }
00325         //        friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatchSourceInfo& p_);
00326       private:
00327         vGroups m_groups;
00328         vInterestFeatureInfos m_pointsInfo;
00329       };
00330       public:
00352         GroupsMatcher(gfm::MatchFocus* matchFocus = 0, 
00353                       unsigned int groupsize = 12, 
00354                       unsigned int groupsizeseedsearch = 12, 
00355                       unsigned int minimalgroupsize = 2, 
00356                       double distance = 20.0, 
00357                       double closeness = 0.6, 
00358                       double weakcloseness = 0.6, 
00359                       double distinguability = 0.1, 
00360                       double rotationTolerance = 0.2, 
00361                       double scaleTolerance = 10000.0, 
00362                       double distanceTolerance = 10.0, 
00363                       double rotationDifferenceWithMedian = 0.4, 
00364                       double thresholdofenoughtgroup = 0. ) :
00365           m_matchFocus(matchFocus),
00366           m_groupSize(groupsize),
00367           m_groupSizeSeedSearch(groupsizeseedsearch),
00368           m_minimalGroupSize(minimalgroupsize),
00369           m_distance(distance),
00370           m_closeness(closeness),
00371           m_weakCloseness(weakcloseness),
00372           m_distinguability(distinguability),
00373           m_rotationTolerance(rotationTolerance),
00374           m_scaleTolerance(scaleTolerance),
00375           m_distanceTolerance(distanceTolerance),
00376           m_rotationDifferenceWithMedian(rotationDifferenceWithMedian),
00377           m_thresholdOfEnoughtGroup(thresholdofenoughtgroup),
00378           m_rotationTolerancePropagation(rotationTolerance)
00379       { }
00380       GroupsMatcher(GroupsMatcher const& gm);
00382       GroupsMatcher& operator=(GroupsMatcher const& m) { if (&m != this) *this = *(new GroupsMatcher(m)); return *this; }
00383       virtual ~GroupsMatcher();
00384     public:
00385       virtual MatchingResult computeMatch( MatchSourceInfoType* refsourceinfo, MatchSourceInfoType* matchsourceinfo);
00386       virtual MatchSourceInfoType* initMatchSourceInfo( const DetectionResult& pointsource );
00387     public:
00388       void setMatchFocus(gfm::MatchFocus* matchFocus);
00389     private:
00390       GroupMatchHypothesis* searchBestMatchFor( Group* groupref, vGroups& groupsmatch );
00391       void propageMatching( vInterestFeatureInfos& matches, InterestFeatureInfo* startingpoint , GroupMatchHypothesis* hypothesis);
00392       void initiatePropagation(vInterestFeatureInfos& matches, GroupMatchHypothesis* match, vpGrpMembGrMembs individualmatches);
00393 #ifndef SWIG
00394       JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RO(gfm::MatchFocus*, matchFocus)
00398         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(unsigned int, groupSize, setGroupSize)
00399         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(unsigned int, groupSizeSeedSearch, setGroupSizeSeedSearch)
00403         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(unsigned int, minimalGroupSize, setMinimalGroupSize)
00407         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, distance, setDistance)
00411         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, closeness, setCloseness)
00412         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, weakCloseness, setWeakCloseness)
00413         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, distinguability, setDistinguability)
00414         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, rotationTolerance, setRotationTolerance)
00415         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, scaleTolerance, setScaleTolerance)
00416         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, distanceTolerance, setDistanceTolerance)
00417         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, rotationDifferenceWithMedian, setRotationDifferenceWithMedian)
00418         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, thresholdOfEnoughtGroup, setThresholdOfEnoughtGroup)
00419         JFR_DEFINE_PARAM_RW(double, rotationTolerancePropagation, setRotationTolerancePropagation)
00420 #endif
00421       private:
00422         // Variable use for debugging and mark as to be removed in the final version
00423         int md_currentnumberofmatch;
00425       // friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::InterestFeatureInfo& p_);
00426       // friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::Group::GroupMember& p_);
00427       // friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::Group& p_);
00428       // friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const GroupsMatcher::GroupsMatchSourceInfo& p_);
00430       friend class boost::serialization::access;
00431       template<class Archive>
00432       void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
00433       {
00434         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_matchFocus);
00435         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_groupSize);
00436         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_groupSizeSeedSearch);
00437         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_minimalGroupSize);
00438         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_distance);
00439         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_closeness);
00440         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_weakCloseness);
00441         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_distinguability);
00442         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_rotationTolerance);
00443         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_scaleTolerance);
00444         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_distanceTolerance);
00445         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_rotationDifferenceWithMedian);
00446         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_thresholdOfEnoughtGroup);
00447         ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_rotationTolerancePropagation);
00448       }
00449     };
00450   }
00451 }
00453 #include "gfm/GroupsMatcher.hxx"
00454 #endif
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Generated on Wed Oct 15 2014 00:37:20 for Jafar by doxygen