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00001 #ifndef GFM_ALL_TIME_TRACKER
00002 #define GFM_ALL_TIME_TRACKER
00004 #include "gfm/EngineTracking.hpp"
00005 #include <set>
00007 namespace jafar {
00008   namespace gfm_v2 {
00020     template<typename DESCRIPTOR>
00021     class AllTimeTracker : public gfm_v2::EngineTracking<DESCRIPTOR> {
00023     public:
00024       typedef fdetect_v2::InterestFeature<DESCRIPTOR> Feature;
00025       typedef fdetect_v2::DetectionResult<DESCRIPTOR> DR;
00026       typedef gfm_v2::MatchingResult<DESCRIPTOR> MR;
00028     private:
00033       struct features_comp {
00034         bool operator() (const Feature* lhf, const Feature* rhf) const 
00035         {
00036           return lhf->index() < rhf->index();
00037         }
00038       };
00040       std::map<unsigned int, std::set< Feature*, features_comp > > unmatched;
00041       typedef typename std::map<unsigned int, typename std::set< Feature*, features_comp > >::iterator unmatched_iterator;
00043       unsigned int global_id;
00045       unsigned int initial_id;
00047       unsigned int second_id;
00049       DR previous_points;
00051       MR current_match;
00053       DR current_unmatched;
00055       void matchWithOthers ( DR& local_unmatched )
00056       {
00057         using namespace std;
00058         MatchSourceInfo<DESCRIPTOR>* match_info = this->m_matcher->initMatchSourceInfo(local_unmatched);
00059         MatchSourceInfo<DESCRIPTOR>* source_info;
00061         for(unmatched_iterator uit = unmatched.begin();
00062             uit != unmatched.end();
00063             ++uit) {
00064           DR source;
00065           source.insert(uit->second.begin(), uit->second.end());
00066           source.id = uit->first;
00067           source_info = this->m_matcher->initMatchSourceInfo(source);
00068           MR mr = this->m_matcher->computeMatch(source_info, match_info);
00069           JFR_DEBUG("Found " << mr.size() << " matches");
00070           if (mr.size() != 0) {
00071             mr.propagateId(global_id);
00072             for (typename MR::const_iterator mit = mr.begin(); mit != mr.end(); ++mit) {
00073               if(mit->point_ref->id() != geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID) {
00074                 unmatched_iterator finder = unmatched.find(mit->point_ref->parent_id);
00075                 JFR_ASSERT(finder != unmatched.end(), 
00076                            "no DR with id "<<mit->point_ref->parent_id<<" found!")
00077                   finder->second.erase(mit->point_ref);
00078                 current_match.push_back(mit->point_ref, mit->point_match);
00079               } 
00080             }
00081           }         
00082         }
00083       }
00085     public:
00093       AllTimeTracker(jafar::fdetect_v2::Detector<DESCRIPTOR>* detector, 
00094                      jafar::gfm_v2::Matcher<DESCRIPTOR>* matcher, 
00095                      unsigned int start = 0,
00096                      jafar::fdetect_v2::DescriptorFactory<DESCRIPTOR>* descriptor = 0) :
00097         gfm_v2::EngineTracking<DESCRIPTOR>(detector, matcher, descriptor), 
00098         global_id(start), initial_id(-1), second_id(-1) { }
00104       void initTracking(jafar::image::Image const& image_ref, 
00105                         unsigned int id)
00106       {
00107         this->initTracking(image_ref, jafar::image::Image(), id);
00108       }
00114       void initTracking(jafar::image::Image const& image_ref, 
00115                         jafar::image::Image const& mask_ref, 
00116                         unsigned int id)
00117       {
00118         JFR_PRECOND(id != -1,
00119                     "id must be different from -1")
00120           initial_id = id;
00121         EngineTracking<DESCRIPTOR>::initTracking(image_ref, mask_ref, id);
00122       }
00129       void initTracking(fdetect_v2::DetectionResult<DESCRIPTOR> &points_ref, 
00130                         unsigned int id)
00131       {
00132         JFR_PRECOND(id != -1,
00133                     "id must be different from -1")
00134           initial_id = id;
00135         EngineTracking<DESCRIPTOR>::initTracking(points_ref, id);
00136       }
00144       MR nextImage(jafar::image::Image const& image_next, unsigned int id)
00145       {
00146         return this->nextImage(image_next, jafar::image::Image(), id);
00147       }
00156       MR nextImage(jafar::image::Image const& image_next, 
00157                    jafar::image::Image const& mask_next, 
00158                    unsigned int id)
00159       {
00160         using namespace std;
00161         JFR_PRECOND(initial_id != -1,
00162                     "call initTracking() first!")
00163           JFR_PRECOND(id != -1,
00164                       "id must be different from -1!")
00165           using namespace fdetect_v2;
00166         //we need more than 2 sources to do the magic
00167         previous_points = this->currentPoints();
00168         DR points_match = this->m_detector->detectIn(image_next);
00169         points_match.id = id;
00170         for ( typename DR::iterator it = points_match.begin();
00171               it != points_match.end();
00172               ++it)
00173           (*it)->parent_id = id;
00174         if(this->m_descriptorFactory)
00175         {
00176           this->m_descriptorFactory->createDescriptor(points_match, image_next);
00177         }
00178         MatchSourceInfo<DESCRIPTOR>* infomatch = this->m_matcher->initMatchSourceInfo(points_match);
00179         this->m_sourceInfoRef->reinit();
00180         current_match = this->m_matcher->computeMatch(this->m_sourceInfoRef, infomatch);
00181         JFR_DEBUG("Found " << current_match.size() << " matches");
00182         delete this->m_sourceInfoRef;
00183         current_match.propagateId(global_id);
00184         //this is the first call to nextImage()
00185         if(second_id == -1) {
00186           //populate unmatched with all the not matched features from init
00187           for(typename DR::iterator fit = previous_points.begin(); 
00188               fit != previous_points.end(); 
00189               ++fit) {
00190             if((*fit)->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00191               unmatched[initial_id].insert(*fit);
00192           }
00193           second_id = id;
00194         } else {
00195           current_unmatched.clear();
00196           //populate the local unmatched with all the non matched features
00197           for(typename DR::const_iterator fit = points_match.begin(); 
00198               fit != points_match.end(); 
00199               ++fit) {
00200             if((*fit)->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID) {
00201               current_unmatched.push_back(*fit);
00202             }
00203           }
00204           matchWithOthers(current_unmatched);
00205           JFR_DEBUG("After others matching, found " << current_match.size() << " matches")
00206             //populate the global unmatched with all the previous non matched features 
00207             typename DR::iterator fit = previous_points.begin(); 
00208           unsigned int prev_id = (*fit)->parent_id;
00209           for(; fit != previous_points.end(); ++fit) {
00210             if((*fit)->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00211               unmatched[prev_id].insert(*fit);
00212           }
00213         }
00214         //delete this->m_sourceInfoRef;
00215         this->m_sourceInfoRef = this->m_matcher->initMatchSourceInfo(points_match);
00216         return current_match;
00217       }
00226       MR nextImage(DR &points_next, 
00227                    unsigned int id = geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00228       {
00229         using namespace std;
00230         JFR_PRECOND(initial_id != -1,
00231                     "call initTracking() first!")
00232           JFR_PRECOND(id != -1,
00233                       "id must be different from -1!")
00234           using namespace fdetect_v2;
00235         //we need more than 2 sources to do the magic
00236         previous_points = this->currentPoints();
00237         points_next.id = id;
00238         for(typename DR::iterator it = points_next.begin();
00239             it != points_next.end();
00240             ++it)
00241           (*it)->parent_id = id;
00243         MatchSourceInfo<DESCRIPTOR>* infomatch = this->m_matcher->initMatchSourceInfo(points_next);
00244         this->m_sourceInfoRef->reinit();
00245         current_match = this->m_matcher->computeMatch(this->m_sourceInfoRef, infomatch);
00246         JFR_DEBUG("Found " << current_match.size() << " matches");
00247         delete this->m_sourceInfoRef;
00248         current_match.propagateId(global_id);
00249         //this is the first call to nextImage()
00250         if(second_id == -1) {
00251           //populate unmatched with all the not matched features from init
00252           for(typename DR::iterator fit = previous_points.begin(); 
00253               fit != previous_points.end(); 
00254               ++fit) {
00255             if((*fit)->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00256               unmatched[initial_id].insert(*fit);
00257           }
00258           second_id = id;
00259         } else {
00260           current_unmatched.clear();
00261           //populate the local unmatched with all the non matched features
00262           for(typename DR::const_iterator fit = points_next.begin(); 
00263               fit != points_next.end(); 
00264               ++fit) {
00265             if((*fit)->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID) {
00266               current_unmatched.push_back(*fit);
00267             }
00268           }
00269           matchWithOthers(current_unmatched);
00270           JFR_DEBUG("After others matching, found " << current_match.size() << " matches")
00271             //populate the global unmatched with all the previous non matched features 
00272             typename DR::iterator fit = previous_points.begin(); 
00273           unsigned int prev_id = (*fit)->parent_id;
00274           for(; fit != previous_points.end(); ++fit) {
00275             if((*fit)->id() == geom::InterestPoint::NO_ID)
00276               unmatched[prev_id].insert(*fit);
00277           }
00278         }
00279         //        delete this->m_sourceInfoRef;
00280         this->m_sourceInfoRef = this->m_matcher->initMatchSourceInfo(points_next);
00281         return current_match;
00282       }
00284     };//class AllTimeTracker
00286   }//namespace gfm_v2
00288 }//namespace jafar
00290 #endif
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