00107 for (sensors_ptr_set_t::iterator senIter = sensorsPtrSet.begin(); senIter != sensorsPtrSet.end(); senIter++) {
00108 sensor_ptr_t senPtr = senIter->second;
00109 cout << "exploring sensor: " << senPtr->id() << endl;
00110 senPtr->doSomething();
00111 }
00112 \endcode
00114 \subsection secUpwards Traversing upwards: links CHILD -> PARENT.
00116 Traversing upwards is a bit more tricky because \c weak_ptr needs to lock the operation of \c shared_ptr before accessing the object.
00117 We encapsulated the necessary code into a convenient function with the name of the pointer,
00118 such that the only difference you see is the aparition of a couple of empty brackets. For example:
00119 \code
00120 senPtr->robotPtr()->state.x()
00121 \endcode
00122 is the state of the robot owning a particular sensor, accessed from that sensor.
00124 \subsection secDownCasting Downcasting to access derived class parameters. Links DERIVED_OBS -> DERIVED_PARENT.
00126 The observation class needs to access information in Sensor and Landmark that only exist in the derived versions.
00127 For example, observing an AHP point from a Pin-hole camera requires knowledge about the sensor's intrinsic parameters.
00128 But these parameters do not exist at the Abstract level.
00130 We add a couple of pointers to each derived observation class, especially dedicated to each particular parent.
00131 These pointers are a downcast of the ones at the abstract level.
00133 The downcast is done at construction time of the object \c ObservationPinHoleAnchoredHomogeneousPoint, with something like this:
00134 \code
00136 typedef weak_ptr<SensorPinHole> pinhole_ptr_t;
00137 typedef weak_ptr<LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPoint> ahp_ptr_t;
00139 pinhole_ptr_t pinholePtr;
00140 ahp_ptr_t ahpPtr;
00142 pinholePtr = dynamic_pointer_cast<SensorPinHole> (sensorPtr);
00143 ahpPtr = dynamic_pointer_cast<LandmarkAnchoredHomogeneousPoint> (landmarkPtr);
00144 \endcode
00146 With this downcast, we can now access the parameters of the sensor. For example, this ficticious function:
00147 \code
00148 vec3 p = ahpPtr->convertToEuclidean();
00149 vec2 u = ObsAHP.project(pinholePtr->intrinsic, p);
00150 \endcode
00151 converts the AHP into an Euclidean point, and projects it into the pin-hole sensor.
00155 */