 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines
00001 /***************************************************************/
00002 /* This is a modified version of the export_ply.h from VCGLib. */
00003 /* The original license is below                               */
00004 /***************************************************************/
00006 /****************************************************************************
00007 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
00008 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
00009 *                                                                _   O  _   *
00010 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
00011 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
00012 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
00013 *                                                                    \      *
00014 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
00015 *                                                                           *
00016 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *   
00017 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
00018 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
00019 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
00020 *                                                                           *
00021 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
00022 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
00024 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
00025 * for more details.                                                         *
00026 *                                                                           *
00027 ****************************************************************************/
00034 #ifndef _JFR_VCGLIB_EXPORT_PLY
00035 #define _JFR_VCGLIB_EXPORT_PLY
00037 #include "modeler/jfr_io_mask.h"
00038 #include "fdetect/InterestFeature.hpp"
00039 #include "fdetect/RealDescriptor.hpp"
00040 #include<wrap/io_trimesh/io_ply.h>
00041 #include<vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
00042 #include<vcg/complex/trimesh/allocate.h>
00044 #include <stdio.h>
00046 using namespace jafar;
00047 using namespace fdetect;
00049 namespace vcg {
00050 namespace tri {
00051 namespace io {
00053 template <class SaveMeshType>
00054 class JfrExporterPLY
00055 {
00056   // Si occupa di convertire da un tipo all'altro.
00057 // usata nella saveply per matchare i tipi tra stotype e memtype.
00058 // Ad es se in memoria c'e' un int e voglio salvare un float
00059 // src sara in effetti un puntatore a int il cui valore deve 
00060 // essere convertito al tipo di ritorno desiderato (stotype)
00062 template <class StoType> 
00063 static void PlyConv(int mem_type, void *src, StoType &dest)
00064 {
00065     switch (mem_type){
00066         case ply::T_FLOAT :   dest = (StoType) (*  ((float  *) src)); break;
00067         case ply::T_DOUBLE:   dest = (StoType) (*  ((double *) src)); break;
00068         case ply::T_INT   :   dest = (StoType) (*  ((int    *) src)); break;
00069         case ply::T_SHORT :   dest = (StoType) (*  ((short  *) src)); break;
00070         case ply::T_CHAR  :   dest = (StoType) (*  ((char   *) src)); break;
00071         case ply::T_UCHAR :   dest = (StoType) (*  ((unsigned char *)src)); break;
00072         case ply::T_UINT  :   dest = (StoType) (*  ((unsigned int *)src)); break;
00073         default : assert(0);
00074     }
00075 }
00077 public:
00078 typedef ::vcg::ply::PropDescriptor PropDescriptor ;
00079 typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer;
00080 typedef typename SaveMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
00081 typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexType VertexType;
00082 typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
00083 typedef typename SaveMeshType::FacePointer FacePointer;
00084 typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
00085 typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator;
00087 static int Save(SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, bool binary=true)
00088 {
00089   PlyInfo pi;
00090   return Save(m,filename,binary,pi);
00091 }
00093 static int Save(SaveMeshType &m,  const char * filename, int savemask, bool binary = true, CallBackPos *cb=0 )
00094 {
00095   PlyInfo pi;
00096   pi.mask=savemask;
00097   return Save(m,filename,binary,pi,cb);
00098 }
00100 static int Save(SaveMeshType &m,  const char * filename, bool binary, PlyInfo &pi, CallBackPos *cb=0) // V1.0
00101 {
00102   FILE * fpout;
00103   int i;
00105   const char * hbin = "binary_little_endian";
00106   const char * hasc = "ascii";
00107   const char * h;
00109   bool multit = false;
00111   if(binary) h=hbin;
00112   else       h=hasc;
00114   fpout = fopen(filename,"wb");
00115   if(fpout==NULL) {
00116     pi.status=::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN;
00117     return ::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN;
00118   }
00119   fprintf(fpout,
00120     "ply\n"
00121     "format %s 1.0\n"
00122     "comment VCGLIB generated\n"
00123     ,h
00124   );
00126   if (((pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) != 0) || ((pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) != 0))
00127   {
00128     const char * TFILE = "TextureFile";
00130     for(i=0; i < static_cast<int>(m.textures.size()); ++i)
00131       fprintf(fpout,"comment %s %s\n", TFILE, (const char *)(m.textures[i].c_str()) );
00133     if(m.textures.size()>1 && (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) || HasPerVertexTexCoord(m))) multit = true;
00134   }
00136   if((pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_CAMERA))
00137    {
00138     fprintf(fpout,
00139             "element camera %d\n"
00140             "property uint id\n"
00141             "property float view_px\n"
00142             "property float view_py\n"
00143             "property float view_pz\n"
00144             "property float x_axisx\n"
00145             "property float x_axisy\n"
00146             "property float x_axisz\n"
00147             "property float y_axisx\n"
00148             "property float y_axisy\n"
00149             "property float y_axisz\n"
00150             "property float z_axisx\n"
00151             "property float z_axisy\n"
00152             "property float z_axisz\n"
00153             "property float focal\n"
00154             "property float scalex\n"
00155             "property float scaley\n"
00156             "property float centerx\n"
00157             "property float centery\n"
00158             "property int viewportx\n"
00159             "property int viewporty\n"
00160             "property float k1\n"
00161             "property float k2\n"
00162             "property float k3\n"
00163             "property float k4\n"
00164             ,m.sn);
00165   } 
00166   if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Origines") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES) )
00167   {   
00168     fprintf(fpout,
00169             "element feature %d\n"
00170             "property double u\n"
00171             "property double v\n"
00172             "property uint id\n"
00173             "property uint index\n"
00174             "property double quality\n"
00175             "property uint parent_id\n"
00176             "property float coef\n"
00177             "property list uint float desc\n"
00178             ,m.ftn);
00179   }
00180   fprintf(fpout,
00181     "element vertex %d\n"
00182     "property float x\n"
00183     "property float y\n"
00184     "property float z\n"
00185     ,m.vn
00186   );
00188   if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) &&( pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
00189   {
00190     fprintf(fpout,
00191             "property float nx\n"
00192             "property float ny\n"
00193             "property float nz\n"
00194             );
00195   }
00198   if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) &&( pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) )
00199   {
00200     fprintf(fpout,
00201       "property int flags\n"
00202     );
00203   }
00205   if( HasPerVertexColor(m)  && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
00206   {
00207     fprintf(fpout,
00208       "property uchar red\n"
00209       "property uchar green\n"
00210       "property uchar blue\n"
00211       "property uchar alpha\n"
00212     );
00213   }
00215   if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
00216   {
00217     fprintf(fpout,
00218       "property float quality\n"
00219     );
00220   }
00222   if( tri::HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) )
00223   {
00224     fprintf(fpout,
00225       "property float radius\n"
00226     );
00227   }
00228   if( ( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ) )
00229   {
00230       fprintf(fpout,
00231               "property float texture_u\n"
00232               "property float texture_v\n"
00233               );
00234   }
00235   if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Id") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTID) )
00236   {   
00237     fprintf(fpout,
00238             "property uint vertex_id\n");
00239   }
00240   if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Origines") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES) )
00241   {   
00242     fprintf(fpout,
00243             "property list uint uint feature_indices\n");
00244   }
00245   for(i=0;i<pi.vdn;i++)
00246       fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.VertexData[i].stotypename(),pi.VertexData[i].propname);
00248   fprintf(fpout,
00249     "element face %d\n"
00250     "property list uchar int vertex_indices\n"
00251     ,m.fn
00252   );
00254   if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)   && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) )
00255   {
00256     fprintf(fpout,
00257       "property int flags\n"
00258     );
00259   }
00261   if( (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) || HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) ) && pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ) // Note that you can save VT as WT if you really want it...
00262   {
00263     fprintf(fpout,
00264       "property list uchar float texcoord\n"
00265     );
00267     if(multit)
00268       fprintf(fpout,
00269         "property int texnumber\n"
00270       );
00271   }
00273   if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
00274   {
00275     fprintf(fpout,
00276       "property uchar red\n"
00277       "property uchar green\n"
00278       "property uchar blue\n"
00279       "property uchar alpha\n"
00280     );
00281   }
00283   if ( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR)  )
00284   {
00285     fprintf(fpout,
00286       "property list uchar float color\n"
00287     );
00288   }
00290   if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
00291   {
00292     fprintf(fpout,
00293       "property float quality\n"
00294     );
00295   }
00297   for(i=0;i<pi.fdn;i++)
00298       fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.FaceData[i].stotypename(),pi.FaceData[i].propname);
00299   fprintf(fpout, "end_header\n" );
00301     // Salvataggio camera
00302    if((pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_CAMERA))
00303    {
00304      unsigned int scnt = 0;
00305      if(binary)
00306      {
00307        for(typename std::map<unsigned int, vcg::Shot<ScalarType> >::const_iterator shots_it = m.shots.begin();
00308            shots_it != m.shots.end();
00309            ++shots_it)
00310        {
00311          unsigned int tui = shots_it->first;
00312          fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout);
00313          float t[17];
00315          t[ 0] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Tra()[0];
00316          t[ 1] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Tra()[1];
00317          t[ 2] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Tra()[2];
00318          t[ 3] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][0];
00319          t[ 4] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][1];
00320          t[ 5] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][2];
00321          t[ 6] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][0];
00322          t[ 7] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][1];
00323          t[ 8] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][2];
00324          t[ 9] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][0];
00325          t[10] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][1];
00326          t[11] = (float)shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][2];
00327          t[12] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.FocalMm;
00328          t[13] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0];
00329          t[14] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1];
00330          t[15] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0];
00331          t[16] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1];
00332          fwrite(t,sizeof(float),17,fpout);
00334          fwrite( &shots_it->second.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0],sizeof(int),2,fpout );
00336          t[ 0] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[0];
00337          t[ 1] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[1];
00338          t[ 2] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[2];
00339          t[ 3] = (float)shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[3];
00340          fwrite(t,sizeof(float),4,fpout);
00341          scnt++;
00342        }
00343      }
00344      else
00345      {
00346        for(typename std::map<unsigned int, vcg::Shot<ScalarType> >::const_iterator shots_it = m.shots.begin();
00347            shots_it != m.shots.end();
00348            ++shots_it)
00349        {
00350          fprintf(fpout,"%u %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %g %g %g %g\n"
00351                  ,shots_it->first
00352                  ,-shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Tra()[0]
00353                  ,-shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Tra()[1]
00354                  ,-shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Tra()[2]
00355                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][0]
00356                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][1]
00357                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][2]
00358                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][0]
00359                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][1]
00360                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][2]
00361                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][0]
00362                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][1]
00363                  ,shots_it->second.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][2]
00364                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.FocalMm
00365                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0]
00366                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1]
00367                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0]
00368                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1]
00369                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0]
00370                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1]
00371                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[0]
00372                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[1]
00373                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[2]
00374                  ,shots_it->second.Intrinsics.k[3]
00375                  );
00376          scnt++;
00377        }
00378      }
00379      assert(m.sn == scnt);
00380    }
00382    /*the features part*/ 
00383    if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Origines") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES) ) 
00384    {
00385      unsigned int ftcnt = 0;
00386      if(binary)
00387      {
00388        for(std::vector<fdetect_v2::InterestFeature<fdetect_v2::FloatDescriptor>* >::const_iterator it = m.features.begin();
00389           it != m.features.end();
00390           ++it)
00391       {
00392         double td(0); float tf(0); unsigned int tui;
00393         td = double((*it)->u()); fwrite(&td,sizeof(double),1,fpout);
00394         td = double((*it)->v()); fwrite(&td,sizeof(double),1,fpout);
00395         tui = (*it)->id(); fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout);
00396         tui = (*it)->index(); fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout);
00397         td = double((*it)->quality()); fwrite(&td,sizeof(double),1,fpout);
00398         tui = (*it)->parent_id; fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout);
00399         fdetect_v2::FloatDescriptor fd = (*it)->descriptor();
00400         tf = float(fd.m_normalizeCoef); fwrite(&tf,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00401         tui = fd.m_descr.size(); fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout);
00402         for(unsigned int counter=0; counter < tui; counter++)
00403         {
00404           tf = float(fd.m_descr[counter]); 
00405           fwrite(&tf,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00406         }
00407         ++ftcnt;
00408       }
00409     }
00410     else /* ascii */
00411     {
00412       for(std::vector<fdetect_v2::InterestFeature<fdetect_v2::FloatDescriptor>* >::const_iterator it = m.features.begin();
00413           it != m.features.end();
00414           ++it)
00415       {
00416         fdetect_v2::FloatDescriptor fdes = (*it)->descriptor();
00417         fprintf(fpout,"%f %f %u %u %f %u %f %zu",(*it)->u(), (*it)->v(), (*it)->id(), (*it)->index(), (*it)->quality(), (*it)->parent_id, fdes.m_normalizeCoef, fdes.m_descr.size());
00418         for(unsigned int counter = 0; counter < fdes.m_descr.size(); ++counter)
00419         {
00420           fprintf(fpout, " %f", fdes.m_descr[counter]);
00421         }
00422         fprintf(fpout,"\n");
00423         ++ftcnt;
00424       }
00425     }
00426      assert(ftcnt==m.ftn);
00427    }
00429   int j;
00430   std::vector<int> FlagV;
00431   VertexPointer  vp;
00432   VertexIterator vi;
00433   SimpleTempData<typename SaveMeshType::VertContainer,int> indices(m.vert);
00435   for(j=0,vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi){
00436     vp=&(*vi);
00437     indices[vi] = j;
00439     if(cb && ((j%1000)==0))(*cb)( (100*j)/(m.vn+m.fn), "Saving Vertices");
00441     if( !HasPerVertexFlags(m) || !vp->IsD() )
00442     {
00443       if(binary)
00444       {
00445         float t; unsigned int tui;
00446         typedef unsigned int uint;
00447         t = float(vp->P()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00448         t = float(vp->P()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00449         t = float(vp->P()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00451         if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
00452         {
00453           t = float(vp->N()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00454           t = float(vp->N()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00455           t = float(vp->N()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00456         }
00457         if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) )
00458           fwrite(&(vp->UberFlags()),sizeof(int),1,fpout);
00460         if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
00461           fwrite(&( vp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout);
00463         if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
00464           fwrite(&( vp->Q() ),sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00466         if( HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) )
00467           fwrite(&( vp->R() ),sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00469         if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
00470         {
00471           t = float(vp->T().u()); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00472           t = float(vp->T().v()); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00473         }
00475         if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Id") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTID) )
00476         {
00477           tui = m.id_getter[vp]; fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout);
00478         }
00480         if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Origines") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES) ) 
00481         {
00482           tui = m.origines_getter[vp].size(); fwrite(&tui, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, fpout);
00483           for (std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = m.origines_getter[vp].begin(); 
00484                it != m.origines_getter[vp].end();
00485                ++it)
00486           {
00487             tui = *it; fwrite(&tui, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, fpout);
00488           }
00489         }
00491         for(i=0;i<pi.vdn;i++)
00492         {
00493           double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tuc; unsigned int tui;
00494           switch (pi.VertexData[i].stotype1)
00495           {
00496           case ply::T_FLOAT  :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tf );  fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break;
00497           case ply::T_DOUBLE :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, td );  fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break;
00498           case ply::T_INT    :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, ti );  fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break;
00499           case ply::T_SHORT  :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, ts );  fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break;
00500           case ply::T_CHAR   :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tc );  fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break;
00501           case ply::T_UCHAR  :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tuc);  fwrite(&tuc,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break;
00502           case ply::T_UINT   :    PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tui);  fwrite(&tui,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fpout); break;
00503           default : assert(0);
00504           }
00505         }
00506       }
00507       else  // ***** ASCII *****
00508       {
00509         fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g " ,vp->P()[0],vp->P()[1],vp->P()[2]);
00511         if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
00512           fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g " ,double(vp->N()[0]),double(vp->N()[1]),double(vp->N()[2]));
00514         if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTFLAGS))
00515           fprintf(fpout,"%d ",vp->UberFlags());
00517         if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
00518           fprintf(fpout,"%d %d %d %d ",vp->C()[0],vp->C()[1],vp->C()[2],vp->C()[3] );
00520         if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
00521           fprintf(fpout,"%g ",vp->Q());
00523         if( HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) )
00524           fprintf(fpout,"%g ",vp->R());
00526         if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
00527           fprintf(fpout,"%g %g ",vp->T().u(),vp->T().v());
00529         if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Id") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTID) )
00530         {
00531           fprintf(fpout,"%u ",m.id_getter[vp]);
00532         }
00533         if( vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m, "Origines") && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES) ) 
00534         {
00535           fprintf(fpout,"%zu ",m.origines_getter[vp].size());
00536           for (std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = m.origines_getter[vp].begin(); 
00537                it != m.origines_getter[vp].end(); 
00538                ++it)
00539           {
00540             fprintf(fpout,"%u ",*it);
00541           }
00542         }
00544         for(i=0;i<pi.vdn;i++)
00545         {
00546           float tf(0); double td(0);
00547           int ti; unsigned int tui;
00548           switch (pi.VertexData[i].memtype1)
00549           {
00550           case ply::T_FLOAT  :    tf=*( (float  *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
00551           case ply::T_DOUBLE :    td=*( (double *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
00552           case ply::T_INT    :    ti=*( (int    *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00553           case ply::T_SHORT  :    ti=*( (short  *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00554           case ply::T_CHAR   :    ti=*( (char   *)        (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00555           case ply::T_UCHAR  :    ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00556           case ply::T_UINT   :    tui=*( (unsigned int *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%u ",tui); break;
00557           default : assert(0);
00558           }
00559         }
00561         fprintf(fpout,"\n");
00562       }
00563       j++;
00564     }
00565   }
00566   // this assert triggers when the vn != number of vertexes in vert that are not deleted.
00567   assert(j==m.vn); 
00569   char c = 3;
00570   unsigned char b9 = 9;
00571   unsigned char b6 = 6;
00572   FacePointer fp;
00573   int vv[3];
00574   FaceIterator fi;
00575   int fcnt=0;
00576   for(j=0,fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi)
00577     {
00578       if(cb && ((j%1000)==0) ) (*cb)( 100*(m.vn+j)/(m.vn+m.fn), "Saving Vertices");
00580       fp=&(*fi);
00581       if( ! fp->IsD() )
00582       { fcnt++;
00583         if(binary)
00584         {
00585             vv[0]=indices[fp->cV(0)];
00586             vv[1]=indices[fp->cV(1)];
00587             vv[2]=indices[fp->cV(2)];
00588             fwrite(&c,1,1,fpout);
00589             fwrite(vv,sizeof(int),3,fpout);
00591           if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)&&( pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) )
00592             fwrite(&(fp->Flags()),sizeof(int),1,fpout);
00594           if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) // you can save VT as WT if you really want it...
00595           {
00596             fwrite(&b6,sizeof(char),1,fpout);
00597             float t[6];
00598             for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
00599             {
00600               t[k*2+0] = fp->V(k)->T().u();
00601               t[k*2+1] = fp->V(k)->T().v();
00602             }
00603             fwrite(t,sizeof(float),6,fpout);
00604           }
00605           else if( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD)  )
00606           {
00607             fwrite(&b6,sizeof(char),1,fpout);
00608             float t[6];
00609             for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
00610             {
00611               t[k*2+0] = fp->WT(k).u();
00612               t[k*2+1] = fp->WT(k).v();
00613             }
00614             fwrite(t,sizeof(float),6,fpout);
00615           }
00617           if(multit)
00618           {
00619             int t = fp->WT(0).n();
00620             fwrite(&t,sizeof(int),1,fpout);
00621           }
00623           if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
00624              fwrite(&( fp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout);
00627           if( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR)  )
00628           {
00629             fwrite(&b9,sizeof(char),1,fpout);
00630             float t[3];
00631             for(int z=0;z<3;++z)
00632             {
00633               t[0] = float(fp->WC(z)[0])/255;
00634               t[1] = float(fp->WC(z)[1])/255;
00635               t[2] = float(fp->WC(z)[2])/255;
00636               fwrite( t,sizeof(float),3,fpout);
00637             }
00638           }
00640           if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
00641             fwrite( &(fp->Q()),sizeof(float),1,fpout);
00644           for(i=0;i<pi.fdn;i++)
00645             {
00646             double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tuc;
00647             switch (pi.FaceData[i].stotype1){
00648                 case ply::T_FLOAT  :    PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tf );  fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break;
00649                 case ply::T_DOUBLE :    PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, td );  fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break;
00650                 case ply::T_INT    :    PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, ti );  fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break;
00651                 case ply::T_SHORT  :    PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, ts );  fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break;
00652                 case ply::T_CHAR   :    PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tc );  fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break;
00653                 case ply::T_UCHAR  :    PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1,  ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tuc);  fwrite(&tuc,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break;
00654                 default : assert(0);
00655             }
00656           }
00657         }
00658         else  // ***** ASCII *****
00659         {
00660           fprintf(fpout,"3 %d %d %d ",
00661             indices[fp->cV(0)], indices[fp->cV(1)], indices[fp->cV(2)] );
00663           if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)&&( pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACEFLAGS ))
00664             fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->Flags());
00666           if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) // you can save VT as WT if you really want it...
00667           {
00668             fprintf(fpout,"6 ");
00669             for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
00670               fprintf(fpout,"%g %g "
00671                 ,fp->V(k)->T().u()
00672                 ,fp->V(k)->T().v()
00673               );
00674           }
00675           else if( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD)  )
00676           {
00677             fprintf(fpout,"6 ");
00678             for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
00679               fprintf(fpout,"%g %g "
00680                 ,fp->WT(k).u()
00681                 ,fp->WT(k).v()
00682               );
00683           }
00685           if(multit)
00686           {
00687             fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->WT(0).n());
00688           }
00690           if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACECOLOR)  )
00691           {
00692             float t[3];
00693             t[0] = float(fp->C()[0])/255;
00694             t[1] = float(fp->C()[1])/255;
00695             t[2] = float(fp->C()[2])/255;
00696             fprintf(fpout,"9 ");
00697             fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g ",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
00698             fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g ",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
00699             fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g ",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
00700           }
00701           else if( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR)  )
00702           {
00703             fprintf(fpout,"9 ");
00704             for(int z=0;z<3;++z)
00705               fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g "
00706                 ,double(fp->WC(z)[0])/255
00707                 ,double(fp->WC(z)[1])/255
00708                 ,double(fp->WC(z)[2])/255
00709               );
00710           }
00712           if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & JfrMask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
00713             fprintf(fpout,"%g ",fp->Q());
00715           for(i=0;i<pi.fdn;i++)
00716           {
00717             float tf(0); double td(0);
00718             int ti;
00719             switch (pi.FaceData[i].memtype1)
00720             {
00721             case  ply::T_FLOAT  :   tf=*( (float  *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
00722             case  ply::T_DOUBLE :   td=*( (double *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
00723             case  ply::T_INT    :   ti=*( (int    *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00724             case  ply::T_SHORT  :   ti=*( (short  *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00725             case  ply::T_CHAR   :   ti=*( (char   *)        (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00726             case  ply::T_UCHAR  :   ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
00727             default : assert(0);
00728             }
00729           }
00731           fprintf(fpout,"\n");
00732         }       
00733       }
00734     }
00735   assert(fcnt==m.fn);
00736   fclose(fpout); 
00737   return 0;
00738 }
00740 static const char *ErrorMsg(int error)
00741 {
00742   static std::vector<std::string> ply_error_msg;
00743   if(ply_error_msg.empty())
00744   {
00745     ply_error_msg.resize(PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS );
00746     ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOERROR        ]="No errors";
00747     ply_error_msg[ply::E_CANTOPEN       ]="Can't open file";
00748     ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOTHEADER ]="Header not found";
00749     ply_error_msg[ply::E_UNESPECTEDEOF  ]="Eof in header";
00750     ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOFORMAT       ]="Format not found";
00751     ply_error_msg[ply::E_SYNTAX       ]="Syntax error on header";
00752     ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPOUTOFELEMENT]="Property without element";
00753     ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPENAME    ]="Bad type name";
00754     ply_error_msg[ply::E_ELEMNOTFOUND   ]="Element not found";
00755     ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPNOTFOUND   ]="Property not found";
00756     ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPE        ]="Bad type on addtoread";
00757     ply_error_msg[ply::E_INCOMPATIBLETYPE]="Incompatible type";
00758     ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADCAST        ]="Bad cast";
00760     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_VERTEX      ]="No vertex field found";
00761     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_FACE        ]="No face field found";
00762     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_SHORTFILE      ]="Unespected eof";
00763     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_3VERTINFACE ]="Face with more than 3 vertices";
00764     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_BAD_VERT_INDEX ]="Bad vertex index in face";
00765     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_6TCOORD     ]="Face with no 6 texture coordinates";
00766     ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_DIFFER_COLORS  ]="Number of color differ from vertices";
00767   }
00769   if(error>PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS || error<0) return "Unknown error";
00770   else return ply_error_msg[error].c_str();
00771 };
00773   static int GetExportJfrMaskCapability()
00774   {
00775     int capability = 0;     
00776     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTCOORD    ;
00777     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTFLAGS    ;
00778     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTCOLOR    ;
00779     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTQUALITY  ;
00780     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTNORMAL   ;
00781     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTRADIUS   ;
00782     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ;
00783     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTID       ;
00784     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_VERTORIGINES ;
00785     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_FACEINDEX    ;
00786     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_FACEFLAGS    ;
00787     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_FACECOLOR    ;
00788     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_FACEQUALITY  ;
00789     // capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_FACENORMAL   ;
00790     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR    ;
00791     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ;
00792     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_WEDGTEXMULTI ;
00793     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL   ;
00794     capability |= vcg::tri::io::JfrMask::IOM_CAMERA       ;
00795     return capability;
00796   }
00799 }; // end class
00803 } // end namespace tri
00804 } // end namespace io
00805 } // end namespace vcg
00807 #endif
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