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00001 # $Id$ #
00003 package require image
00004 package require gfm
00006 namespace eval gfm {
00007   proc computeGroupsMatch {
00008 {fileName1}
00009 {fileName2}
00010 {reduction 2}
00011 {scale 1}
00012 {desiredNb 1000}
00013 {threshold 3.0}
00014 {doDisplay true}
00015 } {
00016   global ref match
00017     set ref [image::JfrImage_loadImage $fileName1]
00018     set match [image::JfrImage_loadImage $fileName2]
00020     if {$reduction==1} {
00021       set ref_r $ref
00022       set match_r $match
00023     } else {
00024     # resize the ref image
00025       set ref_r [image::new_JfrImage \
00026         [expr round([$ref getWidth]/$reduction)]  \
00027         [expr round([$ref getHeight]/$reduction)] \
00028         [$ref getDepth] [$ref getnChannels]]
00029       $ref resize $ref_r
00031     # resize the match image  
00032       set match_r [image::new_JfrImage \
00033         [expr round([$match getWidth]/$reduction)]  \
00034         [expr round([$match getHeight]/$reduction)] \
00035         [$match getDepth] [$match getnChannels]]
00036       $match resize $match_r
00037     }
00039     set harrisdetector [gfm::new_HarrisDetector $scale 1.0 2.0 $::gfm::HarrisDetector_HS_EIGEN $threshold "false" $desiredNb]
00040     if {$scale==1} {
00041       set sndharrisdetector $harrisdetector
00042     } else {
00043       set sndharrisdetector [gfm::new_HarrisDetector $scale 1.0 2.0 $::gfm::HarrisDetector_HS_EIGEN $threshold "false" $desiredNb]
00044     }
00045 #    set znccfactory [gfm::new_ZnccDescriptorFactory 4]
00046     set groupsize 5
00047     set minimalgroupsize 2
00048     set distance 20.0
00049     set closeness 0.6
00050     set weakcloseness 0.6
00051     set distinguability 0.1
00052     set rotationTolerance 0.2
00053     set scaleTolerance 10000.0
00054     set distanceTolerance 10.0
00055     set rotationDifferenceWithMedian 0.4
00056     set thresholdofenoughtgroup 0.333
00057     set groupsmatcher [gfm::new_GroupsMatcher 100000 100000 $groupsize $minimalgroupsize $distance $closeness $weakcloseness $distinguability $rotationTolerance $scaleTolerance $distanceTolerance $rotationDifferenceWithMedian $thresholdofenoughtgroup ]
00058     kernel::tic
00059     set engine [gfm::new_Engine $harrisdetector $groupsmatcher $sndharrisdetector]
00060     set result [gfm::Engine_computeMatch $engine $ref_r $match_r ]
00061     putsDbg "Time to match: [kernel::toc] ms"
00062     putsDbg "Number of matches: [$result nbMatches]"
00063     if {$doDisplay } {
00064       package require display
00065       display::show $ref_r "ref"
00066       displayHarrisPoints $ref_r [Result_points_ref_get $result ] true
00067       display::show $match_r "match"
00068       displayHarrisPoints $match_r [Result_points_match_get $result ] true
00069       displayMatch $ref_r $match_r [Result_matches_get $result ] true
00070     }
00071 }
00073 }
00075 package provide gfm 0.4
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