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00001 /* $Id$ */
00008 #ifndef SLAM_EULER_TOOLS_HPP
00009 #define SLAM_EULER_TOOLS_HPP
00011 #include "kernel/jafarException.hpp"
00013 #include "jmath/jblas.hpp"
00015 namespace jafar {
00016   namespace slam {
00022     namespace EulerTools {
00024       enum H {h_0, h_1};
00026     namespace details {
00028   void toFrame(double x, double y, double z,
00029          double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00030          double v_x, double v_y, double v_z, H h,
00031          double& vres_x, double& vres_y, double& vres_z);
00033   template<class M_Jframe, class M_Jv>
00034   void toFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00035       double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00036       double v_x, double v_y, double v_z, H h,
00037       M_Jframe& Jframe, M_Jv& Jv);
00039   void fromFrame(double x, double y, double z,
00040            double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00041            double v_x, double v_y, double v_z, H h,
00042            double& vres_x, double& vres_y, double& vres_z);
00044   template<class M_Jframe, class M_Jv>
00045   void fromFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00046         double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00047         double v_x, double v_y, double v_z, H h,
00048         M_Jframe& Jframe, M_Jv& Jv);
00050   void composeFrame(double x2, double y2, double z2,
00051         double yaw2, double pitch2, double roll2,
00052         double x1, double y1, double z1,
00053         double yaw1, double pitch1, double roll1,
00054         double& x_res, double& y_res, double& z_res,
00055         double& yaw_res, double& pitch_res, double& roll_res);
00057   void composeFrameJac(double x2, double y2, double z2,
00058            double yaw2, double pitch2, double roll2,
00059            double x1, double y1, double z1,
00060            double yaw1, double pitch1, double roll1,
00061            jblas::mat& Jframe1, jblas::mat& Jframe2);
00063   void invFrame(double x, double y, double z,
00064           double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00065           double& x_inv, double& y_inv, double& z_inv,
00066           double& yaw_inv, double& pitch_inv, double& roll_inv);
00068   void lineToFrame(double x, double y, double z, 
00069        double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00070        double n1, double n2, double n3, double u1, double u2, double u3,
00071        double& n1Res, double& n2Res, double& n3Res, double& u1Res, double& u2Res, double& u3Res);
00074   void lineToFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00075           double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00076           double n1, double n2, double n3, double u1, double u2, double u3,
00077           jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jl);
00079   void lineFromFrame(double x, double y, double z, 
00080          double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00081          double n1, double n2, double n3, double u1, double u2, double u3,
00082          double& n1Res, double& n2Res, double& n3Res, double& u1Res, double& u2Res, double& u3Res);
00084   void lineFromFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00085             double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00086             double n1, double n2, double n3, double u1, double u2, double u3,
00087             jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jl);
00089     void planeToFrame(double x, double y, double z, 
00090              double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00091              double px, double py, double pz, double pw,
00092              double& px_res, double& py_res, double& pz_res, double& pw_res);
00095     void planeToFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00096                 double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00097                 double px, double py, double pz, double pw,
00098                 jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jp);
00100     void planeFromFrame(double x, double y, double z, 
00101              double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00102              double px, double py, double pz, double pw,
00103              double& px_res, double& py_res, double& pz_res, double& pw_res);
00106     void planeFromFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00107                 double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00108                 double px, double py, double pz, double pw,
00109                 jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jp);
00112   void odo3d(double x, double y, double z,
00113        double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00114        double v, double w,
00115        double dt,
00116        double& x_res, double& y_res, double& z_res,
00117        double& yaw_res, double& pitch_res, double& roll_res);
00119   void odo3dJac(double x, double y, double z,
00120           double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00121           double v, double w,
00122           double dt,
00123           jblas::mat& Jx, jblas::mat& Jodo);
00125   void odo3dInRefFrame(//double x_robotToRef, double y_robotToRef, double z_robotToRef,
00126            double yaw_robotToRef, 
00127            //double pitch_robotToRef, double roll_robotToRef,
00128            double x, double y, double z,
00129            double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00130            double v, double w,
00131            double dt,
00132            double& x_res, double& y_res, double& z_res,
00133            double& yaw_res, double& pitch_res, double& roll_res);
00135   void odo3dInRefFrameJac(// double x_robotToRef, double y_robotToRef, double z_robotToRef,
00136         double yaw_robotToRef, 
00137         // double pitch_robotToRef, double roll_robotToRef,
00138         double x, double y, double z,
00139         double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00140         double v, double w,
00141         double dt,
00142         jblas::mat& Jx, jblas::mat& Jodo);
00144       } // namespace detail
00146       template<class VecBearings, class VecUnitVector>
00147       void bearingsToUnitVector(VecBearings const& b, VecUnitVector& u) 
00148       {
00149   JFR_PRECOND(b.size() == 2,
00150         "EulerTools::directionToUnitVector: invalid size of b" << b);
00151   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 3,
00152         "EulerTools::directionToUnitVector: invalid size of u");
00154   double t1 = cos(b(1));
00155   u(0) = t1*cos(b(0));
00156   u(1) = t1*sin(b(0));
00157   u(2) = -sin(b(1));
00158       }
00160       template<class VecBearings>
00161       void bearingsToUnitVectorJac(VecBearings const& b, jblas::mat& J)
00162       {
00163   JFR_PRECOND(b.size() == 2,
00164         "EulerTools::bearingsToUnitVectorJac: invalid size of b" << b);
00165   JFR_PRECOND(J.size1()==3 && J.size2()==2,
00166         "EulerTools::bearingsToUnitVectorJac: size of J does not match");
00168   /* begin copy/paste from maple */
00169   double t1 = cos(b(1));
00170   double t2 = sin(b(0));
00171   double t4 = sin(b(1));
00172   double t5 = cos(b(0));
00173   J(0,0) = -t1 * t2;
00174   J(0,1) = -t4 * t5;
00175   J(1,0) = t1 * t5;
00176   J(1,1) = -t4 * t2;
00177   J(2,0) = 0.0e0;
00178   J(2,1) = -t1;
00179   /* end copy/paste from maple */
00180       }
00182       template<class VecVector, class VecDirection>
00183       void vectorToBearings(VecVector const& v, VecDirection& b)
00184       {
00185   JFR_PRECOND(v.size() == 3,
00186         "EulerTools::vectorToBearings: invalid size of v");
00187   JFR_PRECOND(b.size() == 2,
00188         "EulerTools::vectorToBearings: invalid size of d");
00190   b(0) = atan2(v(1),v(0));
00191   b(1) = -atan2(v(2),sqrt(v(0)*v(0) + v(1)*v(1)));
00192       }
00194       template<class VecVector>
00195       void vectorToBearingsJac(VecVector const& v, jblas::mat& J)
00196       {
00197   JFR_PRECOND(v.size() == 3,
00198         "EulerTools::vectorToDirectionJac: invalid size of v");
00199   JFR_PRECOND(J.size1()==2 && J.size2()==3,
00200         "EulerTools::vectorToDirectionJac: size of J does not match");
00201   double x = v(0);
00202   double y = v(1);
00203   double z = v(2);
00205   /* begin copy/paste from maple */  
00206   double t1 = x * x;
00207   double t2 = 0.1e1 / t1;
00208   double t4 = y * y;
00209   double t7 = 0.1e1 / (0.1e1 + t4 * t2);
00210   double t11 = t1 + t4;
00211   double t12 = sqrt(t11);
00212   double t15 = z / t12 / t11;
00213   double t16 = z * z;
00214   double t20 = 0.1e1 / (0.1e1 + t16 / t11);
00215   J(0,0) = -y * t2 * t7;
00216   J(0,1) = 0.1e1 / x * t7;
00217   J(0,2) = 0.0e0;
00218   J(1,0) = t15 * x * t20;
00219   J(1,1) = t15 * y * t20;
00220   J(1,2) = -0.1e1 / t12 * t20;
00221   /* end copy/paste from maple */
00222       }
00225       template<class VecFrame1, class VecFrame2, class VecFrameRes>
00226       inline void composeFrame(const VecFrame1& frame1_,
00227              const VecFrame2& frame2_, 
00228              VecFrameRes& frameRes) 
00229       {
00230         JFR_PRECOND(frame1_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::composeFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00231         JFR_PRECOND(frame2_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::composeFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00232         JFR_PRECOND(frameRes.size() == 6, "EulerTools::composeFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00233   details::composeFrame(frame1_(0), frame1_(1), frame1_(2), frame1_(3), frame1_(4), frame1_(5), 
00234             frame2_(0), frame2_(1), frame2_(2), frame2_(3), frame2_(4), frame2_(5), 
00235             frameRes(0), frameRes(1), frameRes(2), frameRes(3), frameRes(4), frameRes(5));
00236       }
00239       template<class VecFrame1, class VecFrame2>
00240       inline void composeFrameJac(const VecFrame1& frame1_, const VecFrame2& frame2_, 
00241           jblas::mat& Jframe2, jblas::mat& Jframe1) 
00242       {
00243         JFR_PRECOND(frame1_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::composeFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00244         JFR_PRECOND(frame2_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::composeFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00245         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00246   details::composeFrameJac(frame1_(0), frame1_(1), frame1_(2), frame1_(3), frame1_(4), frame1_(5), 
00247          frame2_(0), frame2_(1), frame2_(2), frame2_(3), frame2_(4), frame2_(5), 
00248          Jframe2, Jframe1);
00249         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::composeFrameJac()");
00250       }
00253       template<class VecFrame, class VecFrameInv>
00254       inline void invFrame(VecFrame const& frame, VecFrameInv& frameInv)
00255       {
00256         JFR_PRECOND(frame.size() == 6, "EulerTools::invFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00257         JFR_PRECOND(frameInv.size() == 6, "EulerTools::invFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00258   details::invFrame(frame(0), frame(1), frame(2), frame(3), frame(4), frame(5),
00259         frameInv(0), frameInv(1), frameInv(2), frameInv(3), frameInv(4), frameInv(5));
00260       }
00263       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00264       inline void toFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, 
00265         const Vec& v_, H h, 
00266         VecRes& vRes) 
00267       {
00268         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::toFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00269         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::toFrame: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00270         JFR_PRECOND(vRes.size() == 3, "EulerTools::toFrame: vres must be a 3D vector");
00271   details::toFrame(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00272        v_(0), v_(1), v_(2), h,
00273        vRes(0), vRes(1), vRes(2));
00274       }
00277       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class M_Jframe, class M_Jv>
00278       inline void toFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, 
00279            const Vec& v_, H h,
00280            M_Jframe& Jframe, M_Jv& Jv) 
00281       {
00282         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::toFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00283         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::toFrameJac: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00284         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00285   details::toFrameJac(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00286           v_(0), v_(1), v_(2), h,
00287           Jframe, Jv);
00288         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::toFrameJac()");
00289       }
00292       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00293       inline void fromFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, 
00294           const Vec& v_, H h,
00295           VecRes& vRes) {
00296         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::fromFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00297         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::fromFrame: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00298         JFR_PRECOND(vRes.size() == 3, "EulerTools::fromFrame: vres must be a 3D vector");
00299   details::fromFrame(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00300          v_(0), v_(1), v_(2), h,
00301          vRes(0), vRes(1), vRes(2));
00302       }
00305       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class M_Jframe, class M_Jv>
00306       inline void fromFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, 
00307              const Vec& v_, H h,
00308              M_Jframe& Jframe, M_Jv& Jv) {
00309         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::fromFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00310         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::fromFrameJac: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00311         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00312   details::fromFrameJac(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00313             v_(0), v_(1), v_(2), h,
00314             Jframe, Jv);
00315         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::fromFrameJac()");
00316       }
00319       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00320       inline void lineToFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& l_, VecRes& lRes) {
00321         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::linetToFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00322         JFR_PRECOND(l_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::linetToFrame: l_ must be a 6-vector");
00323         JFR_PRECOND(lRes.size() == 6, "EulerTools::linetToFrame: lres must be a 6-vector");
00324   details::lineToFrame(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00325            l_(0), l_(1), l_(2), l_(3), l_(4), l_(5),
00326            lRes(0), lRes(1), lRes(2), lRes(3), lRes(4), lRes(5));
00327       }
00330       template<class VecFrame, class Vec>
00331       inline void lineToFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& l_,
00332          jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jl) {
00333   JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::linetToFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00334         JFR_PRECOND(l_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::linetToFrameJac: l_ must be a 6-vector");
00335         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00336   details::lineToFrameJac(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00337         l_(0), l_(1), l_(2), l_(3), l_(4), l_(5),
00338         Jframe, Jl);
00339         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::lineToFrameJac()");
00340       }
00343       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00344       inline void lineFromFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& l_, VecRes& lRes) {
00345   JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::lineFromFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00346         JFR_PRECOND(l_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::lineFromFrame: l_ must be a 6-vector");
00347         JFR_PRECOND(lRes.size() == 6, "EulerTools::lineFromFrame: lres must be a 6-vector");
00348   details::lineFromFrame(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00349              l_(0), l_(1), l_(2), l_(3), l_(4), l_(5),
00350              lRes(0), lRes(1), lRes(2), lRes(3), lRes(4), lRes(5));
00351       }
00354       template<class VecFrame, class Vec>
00355       inline void lineFromFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& l_,
00356            jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jl) {
00357   JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::lineFromFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00358         JFR_PRECOND(l_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::lineFromFrameJac: l_ must be a 6-vector");
00359         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00360   details::lineFromFrameJac(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00361           l_(0), l_(1), l_(2), l_(3), l_(4), l_(5),
00362           Jframe, Jl);
00363         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::lineFromFrameJac()");
00364       }
00368       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00369       inline void planeToFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& p_, VecRes& pRes) {
00370         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeToFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00371         JFR_PRECOND(p_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeToFrame: p_ must be a 6-vector");
00372         JFR_PRECOND(pRes.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeToFrame: lres must be a 6-vector");
00373         details::planeToFrame(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00374                  p_(0), p_(1), p_(2), p_(3), p_(4), p_(5),
00375                  pRes(0), pRes(1), pRes(2), pRes(3), pRes(4), pRes(5));
00376       }
00379       template<class VecFrame, class Vec>
00380       inline void planeToFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& p_,
00381                  jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jp) {
00382         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeToFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00383         JFR_PRECOND(p_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeToFrameJac: p_ must be a 6-vector");
00384         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00385         details::planeToFrameJac(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00386                 p_(0), p_(1), p_(2), p_(3), p_(4), p_(5),
00387                 Jframe, Jp);
00388         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::planeToFrameJac()");
00389       }
00392       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00393       inline void planeFromFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& p_, VecRes& pRes) {
00394         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeFromFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00395         JFR_PRECOND(p_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeFromFrame: p_ must be a 6-vector");
00396         JFR_PRECOND(pRes.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeFromFrame: pres must be a 6-vector");
00397         details::planeFromFrame(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00398                    p_(0), p_(1), p_(2), p_(3), p_(4), p_(5),
00399                    pRes(0), pRes(1), pRes(2), pRes(3), pRes(4), pRes(5));
00400       }
00403       template<class VecFrame, class Vec>
00404       inline void planeFromFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& p_,
00405                    jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jp) {
00406         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeFromFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00407         JFR_PRECOND(p_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::planeFromFrameJac: p_ must be a 6-vector");
00408         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00409         details::planeFromFrameJac(frame_(0), frame_(1), frame_(2), frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00410                   p_(0), p_(1), p_(2), p_(3), p_(4), p_(5),
00411                   Jframe, Jp);
00412         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::planeFromFrameJac()");
00413       }
00415       /*
00416        * for unit vector
00417        */
00419 //       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00420 //       inline void vectorToFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& v_, VecRes& vRes) {
00421 //         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::vectorToFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00422 //         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::vectorToFrame: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00423 //         JFR_PRECOND(vRes.size() == 3, "EulerTools::vectorToFrame: vres must be a 3D vector");
00424 //  details::toFrame(0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0 , frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00425 //       v_(0), v_(1), v_(2),
00426 //       vRes(0), vRes(1), vRes(2));
00427 //       };
00429 //       template<class VecFrame, class Vec>
00430 //       inline void vectorToFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& v_,
00431 //           jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jv) {
00432 //         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::vectorToFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00433 //         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::vectorToFrameJac: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00434 //         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00435 //  details::toFrameJac(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00436 //          v_(0), v_(1), v_(2),
00437 //          Jframe, Jv);
00438 //         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::vectorToFrameJac()");
00439 //       }
00441 //       template<class VecFrame, class Vec, class VecRes>
00442 //       inline void vectorFromFrame(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& v_, VecRes& vRes) {
00443 //         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::vectorFromFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00444 //         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::vectorFromFrame: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00445 //         JFR_PRECOND(vRes.size() == 3, "EulerTools::vectorFromFrame: vres must be a 3D vector");
00446 //  details::fromFrame(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00447 //         v_(0), v_(1), v_(2),
00448 //         vRes(0), vRes(1), vRes(2));
00449 //       };
00451 //       template<class VecFrame, class Vec>
00452 //       inline void vectorFromFrameJac(const VecFrame& frame_, const Vec& v_,
00453 //             jblas::mat& Jframe, jblas::mat& Jv) {
00454 //         JFR_PRECOND(frame_.size() == 6, "EulerTools::vectorFromFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00455 //         JFR_PRECOND(v_.size() == 3, "EulerTools::vectorFromFrameJac: v_ must be a 3D vector");
00456 //         JFR_TRACE_BEGIN;
00457 //  details::fromFrameJac(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, frame_(3), frame_(4), frame_(5),
00458 //            v_(0), v_(1), v_(2),
00459 //            Jframe, Jv);
00460 //         JFR_TRACE_END("EulerTools::vectorFromFrameJac()");
00461 //       }
00463       /*
00464        * 3d odometry computation
00465        */
00467       template<class VecOdo, class VecXRes>
00468       void odo3d(VecOdo const& u, double dt, VecXRes& xRes) 
00469       {
00470   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 2,
00471         "EulerTools::odo3d: u command is [v,w]");
00472   JFR_PRECOND(xRes.size() == 6,
00473         "EulerTools::odo3d: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");    
00475   details::odo3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
00476            u(0), u(1),
00477            dt,
00478            xRes(0), xRes(1), xRes(2), xRes(3), xRes(4), xRes(5));
00479       }
00481       template<class VecOdo>
00482       void odo3dJac(VecOdo const& u, double dt, 
00483         jblas::mat& Ju) 
00484       {
00485   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 2,
00486         "EulerTools::odo3dJac: u command is [v,w]");
00488   jblas::mat Jx(6,2);
00490   details::odo3dJac(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
00491         u(0), u(1), dt,
00492         Jx, Ju);
00493       }
00495       /*
00496        * 3d odometry composition
00497        */
00499       template<class VecX, class VecOdo, class VecXRes>
00500       void odo3d(VecX const& x, VecOdo const& u, double dt, VecXRes& xRes) 
00501       {
00502   JFR_PRECOND(x.size() == 6,
00503         "EulerTools::odo3d: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00504   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 2,
00505         "EulerTools::odo3d: u command is [v,w]");
00506   JFR_PRECOND(xRes.size() == 6,
00507         "EulerTools::odo3d: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");    
00509   details::odo3d(x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5),
00510            u(0), u(1),
00511            dt,
00512            xRes(0), xRes(1), xRes(2), xRes(3), xRes(4), xRes(5));
00513       }
00515       template<class VecX, class VecOdo>
00516       void odo3dJac(VecX const& x, VecOdo const& u, double dt, 
00517         jblas::mat& Jx, jblas::mat& Ju) 
00518       {
00519   JFR_PRECOND(x.size() == 6,
00520         "EulerTools::odo3dJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00521   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 2,
00522         "EulerTools::odo3dJac: u command is [v,w]");
00524   details::odo3dJac(x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5),
00525         u(0), u(1), dt,
00526         Jx, Ju);
00527       }
00529       /*
00530        * 3d odometry in reference frame
00531        */
00533       template<class VecX, class VecOdo, class VecXRes>
00534       void odo3dInRefFrame(double yaw_robotToRef, 
00535          VecX const& x, VecOdo const& u, double dt, VecXRes& xRes) 
00536       {
00537 //  JFR_PRECOND(robotToRef.size() == 6,
00538 //        "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrame: robotToRef transformation [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00539   JFR_PRECOND(x.size() == 6,
00540         "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00541   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 2,
00542         "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrame: u command is [v,w]");
00543   JFR_PRECOND(xRes.size() == 6,
00544         "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrame: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");    
00546   details::odo3dInRefFrame(yaw_robotToRef,
00547          x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5),
00548          u(0), u(1),
00549          dt,
00550          xRes(0), xRes(1), xRes(2), xRes(3), xRes(4), xRes(5));
00551       }
00553       template<class VecX, class VecOdo>
00554       void odo3dInRefFrameJac(double yaw_robotToRef, 
00555             VecX const& x, VecOdo const& u, double dt, 
00556             jblas::mat& Jx, jblas::mat& Ju) 
00557       {
00558 //  JFR_PRECOND(robotToRef.size() == 6,
00559 //        "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrameJac: robotToRef transformation [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00560   JFR_PRECOND(x.size() == 6,
00561         "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrameJac: 3D robot pose is [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw]");
00562   JFR_PRECOND(u.size() == 2,
00563         "EulerTools::odo3dInRefFrameJac: u command is [v,w]");
00565   details::odo3dInRefFrameJac(yaw_robotToRef,
00566             x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5),
00567             u(0), u(1), dt,
00568             Jx, Ju);
00569       }
00571       namespace details {
00573   template<class M_Jframe, class M_Jv>
00574   void fromFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00575         double yaw, double pitch, double roll, 
00576         double v_x, double v_y, double v_z, H h,
00577         M_Jframe& Jframe, M_Jv& Jv)
00578   {
00579     JFR_PRECOND(Jframe.size1() == 3 && Jframe.size2() == 6,
00580           "fromFrameJac: size of Jframe does not match");
00581     JFR_PRECOND(Jv.size1() == 3 && Jv.size2() == 3,
00582           "fromFrameJac: size of Jv does not match");
00584     switch (h) {
00585     case h_1:
00586       {
00587         double t1 = sin(yaw);
00588         double t2 = cos(pitch);
00589         double t3 = t1 * t2;
00590         double t6 = sin(pitch);
00591         double t7 = t1 * t6;
00592         double t8 = sin(roll);
00593         double t10 = cos(yaw);
00594         double t11 = cos(roll);
00595         double t14 = -t7 * t8 - 0.10e1 * t10 * t11;
00596         double t19 = -t7 * t11 + 0.10e1 * t10 * t8;
00597         double t22 = t10 * t6;
00598         double t25 = t10 * t2;
00599         double t26 = t8 * v_y;
00600         double t28 = t11 * v_z;
00601         double t34 = t22 * t11 + 0.10e1 * t1 * t8;
00602         double t39 = -t22 * t8 + 0.10e1 * t1 * t11;
00603         double t66 = t2 * t11;
00604         double t69 = t2 * t8;
00606         Jframe(0,0) = 0.10e1;
00607         Jframe(0,1) = 0.0e0;
00608         Jframe(0,2) = 0.0e0;
00609         Jframe(0,3) = -0.10e1 * t3 * v_x + t14 * v_y + t19 * v_z;
00610         Jframe(0,4) = -0.10e1 * t22 * v_x + t25 * t26 + t25 * t28;
00611         Jframe(0,5) = t34 * v_y + t39 * v_z;
00612         Jframe(1,0) = 0.0e0;
00613         Jframe(1,1) = 0.10e1;
00614         Jframe(1,2) = 0.0e0;
00615         Jframe(1,3) = 0.10e1 * t25 * v_x - t39 * v_y + t34 * v_z;
00616         Jframe(1,4) = -0.10e1 * t7 * v_x + t3 * t26 + t3 * t28;
00617         Jframe(1,5) = -t19 * v_y + t14 * v_z;
00618         Jframe(2,0) = 0.0e0;
00619         Jframe(2,1) = 0.0e0;
00620         Jframe(2,2) = 0.10e1;
00621         Jframe(2,3) = 0.0e0;
00622         Jframe(2,4) = -0.100e1 * t2 * v_x - 0.10e1 * t6 * t8 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t6 * t11 * v_z;
00623         Jframe(2,5) = 0.10e1 * t66 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t69 * v_z;
00625         Jv(0,0) = 0.10e1 * t25;
00626         Jv(0,1) = -t39;
00627         Jv(0,2) = t34;
00628         Jv(1,0) = 0.10e1 * t3;
00629         Jv(1,1) = -t14;
00630         Jv(1,2) = -t19;
00631         Jv(2,0) = -0.100e1 * t6;
00632         Jv(2,1) = 0.10e1 * t69;
00633         Jv(2,2) = 0.10e1 * t66;
00635         break;
00636       }
00637     case h_0:
00638       {
00639         double t1 = sin(yaw);
00640         double t2 = cos(pitch);
00641         double t3 = t1 * t2;
00642         double t6 = sin(pitch);
00643         double t7 = t1 * t6;
00644         double t8 = sin(roll);
00645         double t10 = cos(yaw);
00646         double t11 = cos(roll);
00647         double t14 = -t7 * t8 - 0.10e1 * t10 * t11;
00648         double t19 = -t7 * t11 + 0.10e1 * t10 * t8;
00649         double t22 = t10 * t6;
00650         double t25 = t10 * t2;
00651         double t26 = t8 * v_y;
00652         double t28 = t11 * v_z;
00653         double t34 = t22 * t11 + 0.10e1 * t1 * t8;
00654         double t39 = -t22 * t8 + 0.10e1 * t1 * t11;
00655         double t66 = t2 * t11;
00656         double t69 = t2 * t8;
00658         Jframe(0,0) = 0.0e0;
00659         Jframe(0,1) = 0.0e0;
00660         Jframe(0,2) = 0.0e0;
00661         Jframe(0,3) = -0.10e1 * t3 * v_x + t14 * v_y + t19 * v_z;
00662         Jframe(0,4) = -0.10e1 * t22 * v_x + t25 * t26 + t25 * t28;
00663         Jframe(0,5) = t34 * v_y + t39 * v_z;
00664         Jframe(1,0) = 0.0e0;
00665         Jframe(1,1) = 0.0e0;
00666         Jframe(1,2) = 0.0e0;
00667         Jframe(1,3) = 0.10e1 * t25 * v_x - t39 * v_y + t34 * v_z;
00668         Jframe(1,4) = -0.10e1 * t7 * v_x + t3 * t26 + t3 * t28;
00669         Jframe(1,5) = -t19 * v_y + t14 * v_z;
00670         Jframe(2,0) = 0.0e0;
00671         Jframe(2,1) = 0.0e0;
00672         Jframe(2,2) = 0.0e0;
00673         Jframe(2,3) = 0.0e0;
00674         Jframe(2,4) = -0.100e1 * t2 * v_x - 0.10e1 * t6 * t8 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t6 * t11 * v_z;
00675         Jframe(2,5) = 0.10e1 * t66 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t69 * v_z;
00677         Jv(0,0) = 0.10e1 * t25;
00678         Jv(0,1) = -t39;
00679         Jv(0,2) = t34;
00680         Jv(1,0) = 0.10e1 * t3;
00681         Jv(1,1) = -t14;
00682         Jv(1,2) = -t19;
00683         Jv(2,0) = -0.100e1 * t6;
00684         Jv(2,1) = 0.10e1 * t69;
00685         Jv(2,2) = 0.10e1 * t66;
00687         break;
00688       }
00689     }
00690   }
00692   template<class M_Jframe, class M_Jv>
00693   void toFrameJac(double x, double y, double z,
00694       double yaw, double pitch, double roll,
00695       double v_x, double v_y, double v_z, H h,
00696       M_Jframe& Jframe, M_Jv& Jv)
00697   {
00698     JFR_PRECOND(Jframe.size1() == 3 && Jframe.size2() == 6,
00699           "toFrameJac: size of Jframe does not match");
00700     JFR_PRECOND(Jv.size1() == 3 && Jv.size2() == 3,
00701           "toFrameJac: size of Jv does not match");
00703     switch (h) {
00704     case h_1:
00705       {
00706         double t1 = cos(yaw);
00707         double t2 = cos(pitch);
00708         double t3 = t1 * t2;
00709         double t5 = sin(yaw);
00710         double t6 = t5 * t2;
00711         double t8 = sin(pitch);
00712         double t19 = t1 * t8;
00713         double t22 = t5 * t8;
00714         double t37 = sin(roll);
00715         double t38 = t19 * t37;
00716         double t40 = cos(roll);
00717         double t41 = t5 * t40;
00718         double t44 = t22 * t37;
00719         double t46 = t1 * t40;
00720         double t49 = t2 * t37;
00721         double t52 = -t44 - 0.10e1 * t46;
00722         double t55 = t38 - 0.10e1 * t41;
00723         double t66 = t8 * t37;
00724         double t78 = t19 * t40;
00725         double t79 = t5 * t37;
00726         double t81 = t78 + 0.10e1 * t79;
00727         double t83 = t22 * t40;
00728         double t84 = t1 * t37;
00729         double t86 = t83 - 0.10e1 * t84;
00730         double t88 = t2 * t40;
00731         double t117 = t8 * t40;
00732         Jframe(0,0) = -0.100e1 * t3;
00733         Jframe(0,1) = -0.100e1 * t6;
00734         Jframe(0,2) = 0.1000e1 * t8;
00735         Jframe(0,3) = -0.10e1 * t6 * v_x + 0.10e1 * t3 * v_y + 0.100e1 * t6 * x - 0.100e1 * t3 * y;
00736         Jframe(0,4) = -0.10e1 * t19 * v_x - 0.10e1 * t22 * v_y - 0.100e1 * t2 * v_z + 0.100e1 * t19 * x + 0.100e1 * t22 * y + 0.1000e1 * t2 * z;
00737         Jframe(0,5) = 0.0e0;
00738         Jframe(1,0) = -0.10e1 * t38 + 0.100e1 * t41;
00739         Jframe(1,1) = -0.10e1 * t44 - 0.100e1 * t46;
00740         Jframe(1,2) = -0.100e1 * t49;
00741         Jframe(1,3) = t52 * v_x + t55 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t52 * x - 0.10e1 * t55 * y;
00742         Jframe(1,4) = t3 * t37 * v_x + t6 * t37 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t66 * v_z - 0.10e1 * t3 * t37 * x - 0.10e1 * t6 * t37 * y + 0.100e1 * t66 * z;
00743         Jframe(1,5) = t81 * v_x + t86 * v_y + 0.10e1 * t88 * v_z - 0.10e1 * t81 * x - 0.10e1 * t86 * y - 0.100e1 * t88 * z;
00744         Jframe(2,0) = -0.10e1 * t78 - 0.100e1 * t79;
00745         Jframe(2,1) = -0.10e1 * t83 + 0.100e1 * t84;
00746         Jframe(2,2) = -0.100e1 * t88;
00747         Jframe(2,3) = -t86 * v_x + t81 * v_y + 0.10e1 * t86 * x - 0.10e1 * t81 * y;
00748         Jframe(2,4) = t3 * t40 * v_x + t6 * t40 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t117 * v_z - 0.10e1 * t3 * t40 * x - 0.10e1 * t6 * t40 * y + 0.100e1 * t117 * z;
00749         Jframe(2,5) = -t55 * v_x + t52 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t49 * v_z + 0.10e1 * t55 * x - 0.10e1 * t52 * y + 0.100e1 * t49 * z;
00751         Jv(0,0) = 0.10e1 * t3;
00752         Jv(0,1) = 0.10e1 * t6;
00753         Jv(0,2) = -0.100e1 * t8;
00754         Jv(1,0) = t55;
00755         Jv(1,1) = -t52;
00756         Jv(1,2) = 0.10e1 * t49;
00757         Jv(2,0) = t81;
00758         Jv(2,1) = t86;
00759         Jv(2,2) = 0.10e1 * t88;
00761         break;
00762       }
00763     case h_0:
00764       {
00765         double t1 = sin(yaw);
00766         double t2 = cos(pitch);
00767         double t3 = t1 * t2;
00768         double t6 = cos(yaw);
00769         double t7 = t6 * t2;
00770         double t11 = sin(pitch);
00771         double t12 = t6 * t11;
00772         double t15 = t1 * t11;
00773         double t24 = sin(roll);
00774         double t26 = cos(roll);
00775         double t29 = -t15 * t24 - 0.10e1 * t6 * t26;
00776         double t34 = t12 * t24 - 0.10e1 * t1 * t26;
00777         double t48 = t12 * t26 + 0.10e1 * t1 * t24;
00778         double t53 = t15 * t26 - 0.10e1 * t6 * t24;
00779         double t55 = t2 * t26;
00780         double t59 = t2 * t24;
00782         Jframe(0,0) = 0.0e0;
00783         Jframe(0,1) = 0.0e0;
00784         Jframe(0,2) = 0.0e0;
00785         Jframe(0,3) = -0.10e1 * t3 * v_x + 0.10e1 * t7 * v_y;
00786         Jframe(0,4) = -0.10e1 * t12 * v_x - 0.10e1 * t15 * v_y - 0.100e1 * t2 * v_z;
00787         Jframe(0,5) = 0.0e0;
00788         Jframe(1,0) = 0.0e0;
00789         Jframe(1,1) = 0.0e0;
00790         Jframe(1,2) = 0.0e0;
00791         Jframe(1,3) = t29 * v_x + t34 * v_y;
00792         Jframe(1,4) = t7 * t24 * v_x + t3 * t24 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t11 * t24 * v_z;
00793         Jframe(1,5) = t48 * v_x + t53 * v_y + 0.10e1 * t55 * v_z;
00794         Jframe(2,0) = 0.0e0;
00795         Jframe(2,1) = 0.0e0;
00796         Jframe(2,2) = 0.0e0;
00797         Jframe(2,3) = -t53 * v_x + t48 * v_y;
00798         Jframe(2,4) = t7 * t26 * v_x + t3 * t26 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t11 * t26 * v_z;
00799         Jframe(2,5) = -t34 * v_x + t29 * v_y - 0.10e1 * t59 * v_z;
00801         Jv(0,0) = 0.10e1 * t7;
00802         Jv(0,1) = 0.10e1 * t3;
00803         Jv(0,2) = -0.100e1 * t11;
00804         Jv(1,0) = t34;
00805         Jv(1,1) = -t29;
00806         Jv(1,2) = 0.10e1 * t59;
00807         Jv(2,0) = t48;
00808         Jv(2,1) = t53;
00809         Jv(2,2) = 0.10e1 * t55;
00811         break;
00812       }
00813     }
00814   }
00816       }
00818     } // namespace EulerTools
00820   } // namespace slam
00821 } // namespace jafar
00823 #endif // SLAM_EULER_TOOLS_HPP
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