00001 00002
00003 00004
00005 package require image
00006 package require display
00008 namespace eval display {
00010 variable imageScale00011
00012 proc show { img {title "Jafar"} } {
00013 00014
00015 variable imageScale
00017 set dx [$img width]
00018 set dy [$img height]
00020 image create photo "photo_$img" -format jfr -data $img
00022 toplevel .$img
00023 wm title .$img $title
00024 canvas .$img.$img -width $dx -height $dy
00025 .$img.$img create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image "photo_$img"
00026 pack .$img.$img
00027 bind .$img <Key-q> "::display::destroy $img"
00028 bind .$img <Key-r> "::display::refresh $img"
00029 bind .$img <Key-z> "::display::zoom $img 0.5"
00030 bind .$img <Key-Z> "::display::zoom $img 2"
00031 00032
00033 set imageScale($img) "1"
00034 return $img
00035 }00036
00037 proc refresh { img } {
00038 00039 variable imageScale
00041 if {$imageScale($img) != "1"} {
00042 # reload the (updated) Jafar image into the photo
00043 image create photo photo_tmp -format jfr -data $img
00044 # scale it
00045 tkPhotoScaleCopy photo_tmp "photo_$img" $imageScale($img)
00046 image delete photo_tmp
00047 } else {
00048 # reload the (updated) Jafar image into the photo
00049 "photo_$img" put $img -format jfr
00050 }
00051 }00052
00053 proc destroy { img } {
00054 00055
00056 00057 wm withdraw .$img
00058 00059 ::destroy .$img.$img
00060 00061 ::destroy .$img
00062 00063 image delete "photo_$img"
00064 }00065
00066 proc blank { img {tag "jafar"} } {
00067 00068 "photo_$img" blank
00069 clearOverlay $img $tag
00070 }00071
00072 proc zoom { img scale } {
00073 00074
00075 variable imageScale
00076 if {$scale == 1} {return}
00078 set imageScale($img) [expr $scale * $imageScale($img)]
00080 refresh $img
00082 .$img.$img scale all 0 0 $scale $scale
00083 .$img.$img configure -width [expr $imageScale($img) * [$img width]] -height [expr $imageScale($img) * [$img height]]
00084 }00085
00086 proc dumpEps { img filename } {
00087 00088 update
00089 .$img.$img postscript -file $filename
00090 }00091
00092 proc dumpAny {img filename } {
00093 00094 00095 00096 00097
00098 set imageTmp "/tmp/jafar_display.eps"
00099 set convertBin "convert"
00101 display::dumpEps $img $imageTmp
00103 exec $convertBin $imageTmp $filename
00104 exec rm -f $imageTmp
00105 }00106
00107 proc showfile { filename } {
00108 00109 set image [image::Image_loadImage $filename]
00110 show $image $filename
00111 }00112 proc showseqfile { filenamebase filenamesuffix start end { inc 1 } { nDigit 3 } } {
00113 00114 set image [image::Image_loadImage "$filenamebase[format "%0${nDigit}d" $start]$filenamesuffix"]
00115 set img [show $image $filenamebase]
00116 for { set i [expr $start+1 ] } { $i < $end } { set i [expr $i+$inc] } {
00117 image::delete_Image $image
00118 set image [image::Image_loadImage "$filenamebase[format "%0${nDigit}d" $i]$filenamesuffix"]
00119 image create photo "photo_$img" -format jfr -data $image
00120 wm title .$img "$filenamebase[format "%0${nDigit}d" $i]$filenamesuffix"
00121 .$img.$img create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image "photo_$img"
00122 update
00123 }
00124 }00125
00126 }00127
00128 package provide display 1.0