jafar::p3d::P3DPlanner Member List
This is the complete list of members for jafar::p3d::P3DPlanner, including all inherited members.
_pdatajafar::p3d::P3DPlanner [private]
configureArcs(int nArcs, int nNodes, int depth, double rMin, double goalTol, double dMin)jafar::p3d::P3DPlanner
configureGeom(double len[3], double rad[2], double arm[2], double bodyLength, double bodyWidth, double zBody, double groundClear, double rollLimits[3], double pichLimits[3], double alphaLimits[3], double betaLimits[3], double unkMax)jafar::p3d::P3DPlanner
configureRobot(double scale, double rollStep, double vMin, double vMax, double wMax, double accel, double decel)jafar::p3d::P3DPlanner
get_data() const jafar::p3d::P3DPlanner
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