 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines
00004 #include <list>
00006 #include <image/Image.hpp>
00007 #include "image/roi.hpp"
00009 #include "fdetect/Detector.hpp"
00010 #include "fdetect/Descriptor.hpp"
00011 #include "fdetect/InterestFeature.hpp"
00012 #include "fdetect/HarrisDescriptor.hpp"
00014 namespace jafar {
00015   namespace fdetect {
00022     class HarrisDetector : public Detector {
00023     public:
00024       enum Cornerness {HS_HARRIS, HS_EIGEN} ;
00025     public:
00040       HarrisDetector(float scale_factor = 1.0, float derivationSigma = 1.0, float convolutionSigma = 2.0, jafar::fdetect::HarrisDetector::Cornerness cornerness = HS_EIGEN, float threshold = 0.0, bool fixnumber = true, int desirednum = 1000);
00041     public:
00042       virtual jafar::fdetect::DetectionResult detectIn(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00043       virtual bool detectBestPntInRoi(jafar::image::Image const& image,
00044                                       InterestFeature * featPtr, const jafar::image::ROI * roiPtr = 0 );
00045     public:
00046       //         inline double scaleFactor() { return m_scale_factor; }
00047       float scaleFactor() const;
00048       float derivationSigma() const;
00049       float convolutionSigma() const;
00050       float threshold() const;
00051       Cornerness cornerness() const;
00052       int desiredNumber() const;
00053       int derivationSize() const;
00054       int convolutionSize() const;
00055       bool isFixNumber() const;
00057     private:
00058       void gaussianDerivativesSA(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00059       void gaussianDerivatives(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00060       void gaussianDerivatives(jafar::image::Image const& image, const jafar::image::ROI & roi);
00061       void gaussianConvolutionSA(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00062       void gaussianConvolution(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00063       void gaussianConvolution(jafar::image::Image const& image, const jafar::image::ROI & roi);
00064       void computeHarrisCurvature (jafar::image::Image const& image);
00065       void computeEigenCurvature (jafar::image::Image const& image);
00066       void computeEigenCurvatureWithMax (jafar::image::Image const& image, int pixMax[2], float * scoreMax);
00067       void cornerCharacteristics(DetectionResult& points, jafar::image::Image const& image);
00068       //         void cornerCharacteristicsSA(vInterestFeatures& points, jafar::image::Image const& image);
00069       template<bool autoThreshold, bool useScale>
00070       DetectionResult extractCorners (jafar::image::Image const& image);
00071     private:
00072       float m_scale_factor, m_derivationSigma, m_convolutionSigma, m_threshold;
00073       Cornerness m_cornerness;
00074       int m_desirednum, m_derivationSize, m_convolutionSize;
00075       bool m_fixnumber;
00076       struct HData {
00077         float im_x, im_y, im_xx, im_xy, im_yy, im_conv_xx, im_conv_xy, im_conv_yy, im_high_curv, im_low_curv;
00078       };
00079       HData* m_data;
00080     };
00082     template<bool autoThreshold, bool useScale>
00083     DetectionResult HarrisDetector::extractCorners (jafar::image::Image const& image)
00084     {
00085       struct Corner {
00086         Corner(float* ihc, float pc) : im_high_corner(ihc), pix_center(pc) { }
00087         float* im_high_corner;
00088         float pix_center;
00089       };
00091       int nblig = image.height();
00092       int nbcol = image.width();
00094       // Variables used when autoThreshold = true
00095       unsigned int d_number; // nimber of points
00096       std::list<InterestFeature*> lcorners; // corners list
00097       DetectionResult vcorners;
00099       /* Cornerness Type */
00100       //       switch (params->cornernessType) {
00101       //         case HS_HARRIS:
00102       //           pix_center_org = data->im_high_curv;
00103       //           pix_center_org1 = data->im_low_curv;
00104       //           break;
00105       //         case HS_EIGEN:
00106       //           pix_center_org = data->im_low_curv;
00107       //           pix_center_org1 = data->im_high_curv;
00108       //           break;
00109       //         default:
00110       //           JFR_PRECOND(false,"ERR_HS_BAD_PARAM");
00111       //       }
00113       if(autoThreshold)
00114         {
00115           if( m_desirednum == -1) {
00116             d_number = (int) ((nbcol * nbcol)/400);
00117           } else {
00118             d_number = m_desirednum;
00119           }
00120           if (d_number > 5000) d_number = 5000;
00121         }
00123       int w_size;         /* local window size */
00124       int half_w_size;    /* local window half size */
00126       /* Initialisation of some variable use when useScale == true */
00127       if(useScale)
00128         {
00129           w_size = m_derivationSize;
00130           half_w_size = (int)(0.5*(w_size - 1));
00131         } else {
00132         w_size = 5;
00133         half_w_size = 2;
00134       }
00136       /* Computation of reduced first address */
00137       int redu = ( (m_convolutionSize - 1) / 2 + (m_derivationSize  -1) );
00139       /********************************************************************/
00140       /*  Corner Detection Routin */
00141       /********************************************************************/
00143       for (int i = redu; i < nblig - redu; i++) {
00145         HData* p_data_center = m_data + (i * nbcol) + redu;
00147         HData* pix_win = p_data_center - half_w_size*nbcol - half_w_size;
00149         HData* p_data_top1 = p_data_center - nbcol;
00150         HData* p_data_top1_right1 = p_data_top1+1;
00151         HData* p_data_top1_left1 = p_data_top1-1;
00153         HData* p_data_down1 = p_data_center + nbcol;
00154         HData* p_data_down1_right1 = p_data_down1+1;
00155         HData* p_data_down1_left1 = p_data_down1-1;
00157         HData* p_data_right1 = p_data_center + 1;
00158         HData* p_data_left1 = p_data_center - 1;
00161         for (int j = redu; j < nbcol - redu; j++) {
00162           if ( (std::min(p_data_center->im_low_curv,p_data_center->im_high_curv) > m_threshold) )
00163             {
00164               bool OK_flag = true;
00165               for (int ii = 0; ii < w_size && OK_flag; ii++) {
00166                 HData* pix_tmp = pix_win + ii * nbcol;
00167                 for (int jj = 0; jj < w_size; jj++) {
00168                   if (std::min(pix_tmp->im_low_curv,pix_tmp->im_high_curv) >
00169                       std::min(p_data_center->im_low_curv,p_data_center->im_high_curv)) { OK_flag = false; break; };
00170                   pix_tmp++;
00171                 }
00172               }
00173               if( OK_flag && ( !autoThreshold || lcorners.size() < d_number || ((HarrisDescriptor*)lcorners.back()->descriptor())->low() < std::min(p_data_center->im_high_curv,p_data_center->im_low_curv) ) )
00174                 {
00175                   float b = 0.125*((p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) +
00176                                    2.0*(p_data_right1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_left1->im_high_curv) +
00177                                    (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv) );
00178                   /* [-1 0 1]
00179                      [-2 0 2]
00180                      [-1 0 1] */
00182                   float c = 0.125*((p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) +
00183                                    2.0*(p_data_down1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_top1->im_high_curv) +
00184                                    (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv));
00185                   /* [-1 -2 -1]
00186                      [ 0  0  0]
00187                      [ 1  2  1] */
00189                   float d = 0.25*((p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) + 2.0*(p_data_left1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv) -
00190                                   2.0*(p_data_top1->im_high_curv) - 4.0*(p_data_center->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_down1->im_high_curv) +
00191                                   (p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv) + 2.0*(p_data_right1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv));
00192                   /* [1 -2 1]
00193                      [2 -4 2]
00194                      [1 -2 1] */
00196                   float e = 0.25*(p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv - p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv -
00197                                   p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv + p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv);
00198                   /* [ 1 0 -1]
00199                      [ 0 0  0]
00200                      [-1 0  1] */
00202                   float f = 0.25*((p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_left1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv)+
00203                                   2.0*(p_data_top1->im_high_curv) - 4.0*(p_data_center->im_high_curv) + 2.0*(p_data_down1->im_high_curv)+
00204                                   (p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_right1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv));
00205                   /* [ 1  2  1]
00206                      [-2 -4 -2]
00207                      [ 1  2  1] */
00209                   /* Quadratic fit function is
00210                      F(x,y)=a + b x + c y + d/2 x^2 + e xy + f/2 y^2
00211                      so, we find subpixel value setting the partial dervative
00212                      of F to Zero ;
00213                      [d e][offset_y]+[b]=[0];
00214                      [e f][offset_x] [c] [0] */
00216                   float det = d*f - e*e;
00218                   if (det != 0) {
00219                     float off_x = (b*e - c*d)/det;
00220                     float off_y = (c*e - b*f)/det;
00221                     if ((fabs(off_x) < 1.0)&&(fabs(off_y) < 1.0))
00222                       {
00223                         InterestFeature* ip = useScale ? new InterestFeature(j+off_y, i+off_x) : new InterestFeature(j+off_y/2, i+off_x/2);
00224                         double lHigh, lLow;
00225                         if( p_data_center->im_high_curv > p_data_center->im_low_curv)
00226                           {
00227                             lHigh = p_data_center->im_high_curv ;
00228                             lLow = p_data_center->im_low_curv;
00229                           } else {
00230                           lHigh = p_data_center->im_low_curv;
00231                           lLow = p_data_center->im_high_curv ;
00232                         }
00233                         ip->setDescriptor( new HarrisDescriptor( ip, lHigh, lLow, image ) );
00234                         ip->setQuality(lLow);
00235                         if(autoThreshold)
00236                           {
00237                             if(lcorners.empty())
00238                               {
00239                                 lcorners.push_back( ip );
00240                               } else {
00241                               if(lcorners.size() >= d_number && lLow > ((HarrisDescriptor*)lcorners.back()->descriptor())->low())
00242                                 { // remove last element, the totalNumber stay equal to d_number
00243                                   delete lcorners.back();
00244                                   lcorners.pop_back();
00245                                 }
00246                               if(lcorners.size() < d_number )
00247                                 {
00248                                   std::list<InterestFeature*>::iterator it;
00249                                   if(lLow < ((HarrisDescriptor*)lcorners.back()->descriptor())->low())
00250                                     {
00251                                       lcorners.push_back(ip );
00252                                     } else {
00253                                     // insert the new corner at his right place
00254                                     for(it = lcorners.begin(); it != lcorners.end(); it++)
00255                                       {
00256                                         if( lLow >= ((HarrisDescriptor*)((*it)->descriptor()))->low())
00257                                           {
00258                                             lcorners.insert(it, ip);
00259                                             break;
00260                                           }
00261                                       }
00262                                   }
00263                                 } else {
00264                                 delete ip;
00265                               }
00266                             }
00267                           } else {
00268                           vcorners.addFeature(ip);
00269                         }
00270                       }
00271                   }
00272                 }
00273             }
00274           p_data_center++;
00275           pix_win++;
00276           p_data_top1++;
00277           p_data_top1_right1++;
00278           p_data_top1_left1++;
00280           p_data_down1++;
00281           p_data_down1_right1++;
00282           p_data_down1_left1++;
00284           p_data_right1++;
00285           p_data_left1++;
00286         }
00288       }
00289       if(autoThreshold) {
00290         for(std::list<InterestFeature*>::iterator it = lcorners.begin(); it != lcorners.end(); ++it)
00291           {
00292             InterestFeature* ip = *it;
00293             vcorners.addFeature(ip);
00294           }
00295       }
00296       return vcorners;
00297     }
00298   }
00300   // namespace fdetect_v2 {
00302   //   /**
00303   //    * This class is the implements a detector of Harris points as described in : "A Combined
00304   //    * Corner and Edge Detector" par C. Harris et M. Stephens en 1988.
00305   //    * \ingroup fdetect
00306   //    */
00307   //   class HarrisDetector : public fdetect_v2::Detector<fdetect_v2::HarrisDescriptor> 
00308   //  {
00309   //  public:
00310   //    enum Cornerness {HS_HARRIS, HS_EIGEN} ;
00311   //  public:
00312   //    /**
00313   //     * @param scale_factor the scale used to search the interest point, it usually set to 1.0,
00314   //     *        but it might prove usefull to have it set to a different value if you know that
00315   //     *        there is a scale difference between the two images you are trying to match.
00316   //     * @param derivationSigma the sigma used by the derivation kernel
00317   //     * @param convolutionSigma the sigma used by the convolution kernel
00318   //     * @param cornerness the type of cornerness (either using eigen values or the "harris" cornerness)
00319   //     * @param threshold use to select point that are correctly different from their neighbourhood
00320   //     * @param fixnumber set it to true if you want a given number of point which have the maximum
00321   //     *        cornerness (note that the threshold is still used to avoid selecting points which won't
00322   //     *        be good enought)
00323   //     * @param desirednum the number of points (if set to -1 and fixnumber is true, an automatic number
00324   //     *        of points is used)
00325   //     */
00326   //    HarrisDetector(float scale_factor = 1.0, float derivationSigma = 1.0, float convolutionSigma = 2.0, jafar::fdetect_v2::HarrisDetector::Cornerness cornerness = HS_EIGEN, float threshold = 0.0, bool fixnumber = true, int desirednum = 1000);
00327   //  public:
00328   //    virtual fdetect_v2::DetectionResult<fdetect_v2::HarrisDescriptor> detectIn(image::Image const& image);
00329   //    virtual bool detectBestPntInRoi(jafar::image::Image const& image,
00330   //                                    InterestFeature<fdetect_v2::HarrisDescriptor> * featPtr, 
00331   //                                    const jafar::image::ROI * roiPtr = 0 );
00332   //  public:
00333   //    //         inline double scaleFactor() { return m_scale_factor; }
00334   //     float scaleFactor() const;
00335   //     float derivationSigma() const;
00336   //     float convolutionSigma() const;
00337   //     float threshold() const;
00338   //     Cornerness cornerness() const;
00339   //     int desiredNumber() const;
00340   //     int derivationSize() const;
00341   //     int convolutionSize() const;
00342   //     bool isFixNumber() const;
00344   //  private:
00345   //    void gaussianDerivativesSA(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00346   //    void gaussianDerivatives(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00347   //    void gaussianDerivatives(jafar::image::Image const& image, const jafar::image::ROI & roi);
00348   //    void gaussianConvolutionSA(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00349   //    void gaussianConvolution(jafar::image::Image const& image);
00350   //    void gaussianConvolution(jafar::image::Image const& image, const jafar::image::ROI & roi);
00351   //    void computeHarrisCurvature (jafar::image::Image const& image);
00352   //    void computeEigenCurvature (jafar::image::Image const& image);
00353   //    void computeEigenCurvatureWithMax (jafar::image::Image const& image, int pixMax[2], float * scoreMax);
00354   //    void cornerCharacteristics(DetectionResult<HarrisDescriptor>& points, jafar::image::Image const& image);
00355   //    //         void cornerCharacteristicsSA(vInterestFeatures& points, jafar::image::Image const& image);
00356   //    template<bool autoThreshold, bool useScale>
00357   //    DetectionResult<fdetect_v2::HarrisDescriptor> extractCorners (jafar::image::Image const& image);
00358   //  private:
00359   //    float m_scale_factor, m_derivationSigma, m_convolutionSigma, m_threshold;
00360   //    Cornerness m_cornerness;
00361   //    int m_desirednum, m_derivationSize, m_convolutionSize;
00362   //    bool m_fixnumber;
00363   //    struct HData {
00364   //      float im_x, im_y, im_xx, im_xy, im_yy, im_conv_xx, im_conv_xy, im_conv_yy, im_high_curv, im_low_curv;
00365   //    };
00366   //    HData* m_data;
00367   //   };
00369   //   template<bool autoThreshold, bool useScale>
00370   //   DetectionResult<fdetect_v2::HarrisDescriptor> HarrisDetector::extractCorners (jafar::image::Image const& image)
00371   //   {
00372   //    using namespace jafar::fdetect_v2;
00373   //     struct Corner 
00374   //    {
00375   //       Corner(float* ihc, float pc) : im_high_corner(ihc), pix_center(pc) { }
00376   //       float* im_high_corner;
00377   //       float pix_center;
00378   //     };
00380   //     int nblig = image.height();
00381   //     int nbcol = image.width();
00383   //    // Variables used when autoThreshold = true
00384   //     unsigned int d_number; // nimber of points
00385   //     std::list< InterestFeature<HarrisDescriptor>* > lcorners; // corners list
00386   //     DetectionResult<HarrisDescriptor> vcorners;
00388   //     /* Cornerness Type */
00389   //    //       switch (params->cornernessType) {
00390   //    //         case HS_HARRIS:
00391   //    //           pix_center_org = data->im_high_curv;
00392   //    //           pix_center_org1 = data->im_low_curv;
00393   //    //           break;
00394   //    //         case HS_EIGEN:
00395   //    //           pix_center_org = data->im_low_curv;
00396   //    //           pix_center_org1 = data->im_high_curv;
00397   //    //           break;
00398   //    //         default:
00399   //    //           JFR_PRECOND(false,"ERR_HS_BAD_PARAM");
00400   //    //       }
00402   //     if(autoThreshold)
00403   //    {
00404   //      if( m_desirednum == -1) 
00405   //      {
00406   //        d_number = (int) ((nbcol * nbcol)/400);
00407   //      } 
00408   //      else 
00409   //      {
00410   //        d_number = m_desirednum;
00411   //      }
00412   //      if (d_number > 5000) 
00413   //        d_number = 5000;
00414   //    }
00416   //     int w_size;         /* local window size */
00417   //     int half_w_size;    /* local window half size */
00419   //     /* Initialisation of some variable use when useScale == true */
00420   //     if(useScale)
00421   //    {
00422   //      w_size = m_derivationSize;
00423   //      half_w_size = (int)(0.5*(w_size - 1));
00424   //    } 
00425   //    else 
00426   //    {
00427   //       w_size = 5;
00428   //       half_w_size = 2;
00429   //     }
00431   //     /* Computation of reduced first address */
00432   //     int redu = ( (m_convolutionSize - 1) / 2 + (m_derivationSize  -1) );
00434   //     /********************************************************************/
00435   //     /*  Corner Detection Routin */
00436   //     /********************************************************************/
00438   //     for (int i = redu; i < nblig - redu; i++) 
00439   //    {
00440   //       HData* p_data_center = m_data + (i * nbcol) + redu;
00442   //       HData* pix_win = p_data_center - half_w_size*nbcol - half_w_size;
00444   //       HData* p_data_top1 = p_data_center - nbcol;
00445   //       HData* p_data_top1_right1 = p_data_top1+1;
00446   //       HData* p_data_top1_left1 = p_data_top1-1;
00448   //       HData* p_data_down1 = p_data_center + nbcol;
00449   //       HData* p_data_down1_right1 = p_data_down1+1;
00450   //       HData* p_data_down1_left1 = p_data_down1-1;
00452   //       HData* p_data_right1 = p_data_center + 1;
00453   //       HData* p_data_left1 = p_data_center - 1;
00456   //       for (int j = redu; j < nbcol - redu; j++) 
00457   //      {
00458   //         if ( (std::min(p_data_center->im_low_curv,p_data_center->im_high_curv) > m_threshold) )
00459   //        {
00460   //          bool OK_flag = true;
00461   //          for (int ii = 0; ii < w_size && OK_flag; ii++) 
00462   //          {
00463   //            HData* pix_tmp = pix_win + ii * nbcol;
00464   //            for (int jj = 0; jj < w_size; jj++) 
00465   //            {
00466   //              if (std::min(pix_tmp->im_low_curv,pix_tmp->im_high_curv) >
00467   //                  std::min(p_data_center->im_low_curv,p_data_center->im_high_curv)) 
00468   //              { 
00469   //                OK_flag = false; 
00470   //                break; 
00471   //              };
00472   //              pix_tmp++;
00473   //            }
00474   //          }
00475   //          if( OK_flag && ( !autoThreshold || 
00476   //                           lcorners.size() < d_number || 
00477   //                           (lcorners.back()->descriptor()).low() < std::min(p_data_center->im_high_curv,p_data_center->im_low_curv) ) )
00478   //          {
00479   //            float b = 0.125*((p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) +
00480   //                             2.0*(p_data_right1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_left1->im_high_curv) +
00481   //                             (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv) );
00482   //            /* [-1 0 1]
00483   //               [-2 0 2]
00484   //               [-1 0 1] */
00486   //            float c = 0.125*((p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) +
00487   //                             2.0*(p_data_down1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_top1->im_high_curv) +
00488   //                             (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv) - (p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv));
00489   //            /* [-1 -2 -1]
00490   //               [ 0  0  0]
00491   //               [ 1  2  1] */
00493   //            float d = 0.25*((p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) + 2.0*(p_data_left1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv) -
00494   //                            2.0*(p_data_top1->im_high_curv) - 4.0*(p_data_center->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_down1->im_high_curv) +
00495   //                            (p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv) + 2.0*(p_data_right1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv));
00496   //            /* [1 -2 1]
00497   //               [2 -4 2]
00498   //               [1 -2 1] */
00500   //            float e = 0.25*(p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv - p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv -
00501   //                            p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv + p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv);
00502   //            /* [ 1 0 -1]
00503   //               [ 0 0  0]
00504   //               [-1 0  1] */
00506   //            float f = 0.25*((p_data_top1_left1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_left1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_left1->im_high_curv)+
00507   //                            2.0*(p_data_top1->im_high_curv) - 4.0*(p_data_center->im_high_curv) + 2.0*(p_data_down1->im_high_curv)+
00508   //                            (p_data_top1_right1->im_high_curv) - 2.0*(p_data_right1->im_high_curv) + (p_data_down1_right1->im_high_curv));
00509   //            /* [ 1  2  1]
00510   //               [-2 -4 -2]
00511   //               [ 1  2  1] */
00513   //            /* Quadratic fit function is
00514   //               F(x,y)=a + b x + c y + d/2 x^2 + e xy + f/2 y^2
00515   //               so, we find subpixel value setting the partial dervative
00516   //               of F to Zero ;
00517   //               [d e][offset_y]+[b]=[0];
00518   //               [e f][offset_x] [c] [0] */
00520   //            float det = d*f - e*e;
00522   //            if (det != 0) 
00523   //            {
00524   //              float off_x = (b*e - c*d)/det;
00525   //              float off_y = (c*e - b*f)/det;
00526   //              if ((fabs(off_x) < 1.0)&&(fabs(off_y) < 1.0))
00527   //              {
00528   //                InterestFeature<HarrisDescriptor>* ip = useScale ? new InterestFeature<HarrisDescriptor>(j+off_y, i+off_x) : new InterestFeature<HarrisDescriptor>(j+off_y/2, i+off_x/2);
00529   //                double lHigh, lLow;
00530   //                if( p_data_center->im_high_curv > p_data_center->im_low_curv)
00531   //                {
00532   //                  lHigh = p_data_center->im_high_curv ;
00533   //                  lLow = p_data_center->im_low_curv;
00534   //                } 
00535   //                else 
00536   //                {
00537   //                  lHigh = p_data_center->im_low_curv;
00538   //                  lLow = p_data_center->im_high_curv ;
00539   //                }
00540   //                HarrisDescriptor hd( lHigh, lLow, ip->u(), ip->v(), image );
00541   //                ip->setDescriptor( hd );
00542   //                ip->setQuality(lLow);
00543   //                if(autoThreshold)
00544   //                {
00545   //                  if(lcorners.empty())
00546   //                  {
00547   //                    lcorners.push_back( ip );
00548   //                  } 
00549   //                  else 
00550   //                  {
00551   //                    if(lcorners.size() >= d_number && lLow > (lcorners.back()->descriptor()).low())
00552   //                    { // remove last element, the totalNumber stay equal to d_number
00553   //                      delete lcorners.back();
00554   //                      lcorners.pop_back();
00555   //                    }
00556   //                    if(lcorners.size() < d_number )
00557   //                    {
00558   //                      std::list< InterestFeature<HarrisDescriptor>* >::iterator it;
00559   //                      if(lLow < (lcorners.back()->descriptor()).low())
00560   //                      {
00561   //                        lcorners.push_back(ip );
00562   //                      } 
00563   //                      else 
00564   //                      {
00565   //                        // insert the new corner at his right place
00566   //                        for(it = lcorners.begin(); it != lcorners.end(); it++)
00567   //                        {
00568   //                          if( lLow >= ((*it)->descriptor()).low() )
00569   //                          {
00570   //                            lcorners.insert(it, ip);
00571   //                            break;
00572   //                          }
00573   //                        }
00574   //                      }
00575   //                    } 
00576   //                    else 
00577   //                    {
00578   //                      delete ip;
00579   //                    }
00580   //                  }
00581   //                } 
00582   //                else 
00583   //                {
00584   //                  vcorners.push_back(ip);
00585   //                }
00586   //              }
00587   //            }
00588   //          }
00589   //        }
00590   //         p_data_center++;
00591   //         pix_win++;
00592   //         p_data_top1++;
00593   //         p_data_top1_right1++;
00594   //         p_data_top1_left1++;
00596   //         p_data_down1++;
00597   //         p_data_down1_right1++;
00598   //         p_data_down1_left1++;
00600   //         p_data_right1++;
00601   //         p_data_left1++;
00602   //       }
00604   //     }
00605   //     if(autoThreshold) 
00606   //    {
00607   //       for(std::list< InterestFeature<HarrisDescriptor>* >::const_iterator it = lcorners.begin(); 
00608   //          it != lcorners.end(); 
00609   //          ++it)
00610   //      {
00611   //        vcorners.push_back(*it);
00612   //      }
00613   //     }
00614   //     return vcorners;
00615   //   }
00616   // }
00617 }
00619 #endif
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